Suggestions for game scheme modifies and variables

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Wuzzy's picture
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I have a couple of suggestions for new modifiers and variables for game schemes.

(Feel free to add your suggestions for new modifiers in this thread.)

First some suggestions for game modifiers (things you can turn on or off, represented by the big buttons in the game scheme editor):

  • Activate hog selection for free once at start of each turn
  • Explosions don't push projectiles (1)
  • Enable snow: Snow piles up (like in "Snow" theme). If this is disabled, snow is only decorative. Enabled by default.
  • Long-lived flames: “Hot” flames (those that don't go immediately out at the end of the turn) only interact and shrink smaller between turns, and not based on real time (see also here:
  • No jumping (2)
  • Fall damage: Hedgehogs take fall damage if enabled. If disabled, hedgehogs don't take fall damage. (enabled by default)
  • No pain, no gain: Taking damage doesn't end turn (but death still does)
  • Heavy hedgehogs: Hedgehogs are pushed much less by forces (explosions, brute force like shoryuken, wind if “more wind” setting is active). (3)
  • Strategic tools: Girders, rubber bands, dirt balls, land sprays and resurrections end your turn (using them counts as an “attack”) (see also:
  • Crate spy: The contents of weapon and utility crates are written above all crates and can be seen by everyone

1: The fact that explosions push other projectiles was introduced in one of the past Hedgewars versions. This made the melon bomb extremely unpredictable. This flag should disable this behavior so that all projectiles are unaffected by any explosions, and thus also reverting the melon bomb to the old (and more predictable) behaviour.

2: In fact, "No jumping" already has a script. However, scripts cannot be easily be combined, so it is simpler to have direct engine support for all of these options.

3: This makes it more difficult to push hedgehogs into the water.

Secondly, I suggest these new game variables to be changeable for game schemes (those where you can set numbers):

  • Initial barrel health
  • Sticky mine timer
  • Time you get with Extra Time
  • Extra damage you get with Extra Damage (in percent, relative to normal damage with respect to the main damage percentage, so default would be 150%, I guess. Note this modifier goes ON TOP of the overall damage)
  • Percentage of health gained with Vampirism (% from damage dealt)
  • Flying saucer fuel (also allow infinite fuel)
  • RC plane rockets
  • RC plane fuel (also allow infinite fuel)
  • Number of eggs per Birdy

Of course, all within reasonable bounds.

Lastly, I suggest to weaken some of the restrictions imposed by the game scheme editor:

  • Initial health should allow to enter 1 as minimum and 1000 as maxium
  • Sudden Death damage should go up to 1000 either
  • So should health crate contents

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KoBeWi's picture
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My general idea is to remove limitations for game schemes. They can be edited manually to exceed limits anyway.

Oh, and I don't know if it's possible, but it would be nice to be able to start a game with instant Sudden Death.

New Modifier: Cumulative Damage - Bonus Damage can be used many times for cumulative bonus.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Activate hog selection for free once at start of each turn
1: The fact that explosions push other projectiles was introduced in one of the past Hedgewars versions. This made the melon bomb extremely unpredictable. This flag should disable this behavior so that all projectiles are unaffected by any explosions, and thus also reverting the melon bomb to the old (and more predictable) behaviour.

This is #1 reason why AI misses with Melon Bomb.

nemo's picture
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The limitations were mostly to have a sane range for the spinners, in mind of what seemed normal reasonable play... And, yeah, people do extreme things anyway.
Once upon a time, the damage limit was more important since the engine could be more easily screwed with by cranking up damage.
Can still get wtf behaviour if it is set too high though (damage wrapping). That doesn't seem too sensible. So, having *some* limit seems good, although if you guys want it higher, fine..

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

KoBeWi's picture
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Actually I forgot to say that there could be just an option somewhere to turn off limits.

And why there's limit for mine/barrels and not for air mines? You can literally litter whole sky with them. Maybe an option to allow stockpiling barrels/land mines?...

About the no limits thing... I noticed something very fun.
1) Make scheme with insanely high damage (10000000% may suffice)
2) Step on a mine while using line.
3) Your hedgehog should be now out of map. Use kamikaze.
4) Watch the world burn.

For some reason it makes the whole map implode. I did it with world border set on.

Wuzzy's picture
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Yeah, that's probably the reason why limit are in place at all.

I think limits are okay if they are in place to avoid Hedgewars going nuts.

The limits should be low enough so that Hedgewars still works but high enough to not be too restricting.

Completely removing all limits is clearly not the correct way to go.

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Wuzzy's picture
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I have crated a script which implements most of my suggestions using the script parameter: Game Hacks!

As the name suggests, it is quite hackish.

Of course, it would be better if this stuff is directly implemented in the engine, but as long this is not the case, using a script is more convenient, plus it can be updated between Hedgewars releases.

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