Online Room Control

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Mopquill's picture
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This is a thought I had today after some online play. While the "Restrict Joins" feature is a godsend, some sort of "Friends Only" or password function would be much appreciated, as well as the ability to block specific users or IPs from entering your room.

As I'm sure many of you know, there are quite a few users who want to play random online games, and it's actually rather often that I quickly unrestrict joins to have a stranger enter the room. I'll say something like "Sorry, we're just playing with a couple of friends", and they generally seem to get bent out of shape.

I had one today repeatedly enter our room whenever he saw it open to flame/spam us. It's not a huge deal, but it'd be nice to not have to deal with it at all. :P

Again, I realize this may not be on the top of your priorities; it's just a humble suggestion. =]

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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I totally agree on the friends only/ ban!!

Most people are kind, and understand if you say that its a private match, but just yesterday, there was this one guy who kept rejoining and being an idiot.

Maybe then, those games which are friends only, could only be visible to friends? (but there could maybe be an option to toggle that on/off)

I think that would great, although it is not immediately necessary. Smile

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In .16, "ignored" players will be kicked from your room automatically.

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Oh, it's not by any means immediately necessary, I didn't mean to imply that if I did, but, it would certainly be a nice feature. =]

@claymore: Thanks, I didn't know that. They really should call that "block" or something. However, by the time I'd *want* to block such a player, they are usually entering and exiting rather quickly, and my only option is to restrict joins. The right-click menu seems to operate off of an array ID or something, so if I right-click someone and get ready to click "kick" and they leave, it'll click the person that now has their position since they left. I have not had anything happen when they were last yet, so, I'm not quite sure what would happen there.

Further, if such a block option were to be such that you could do so via IP or by *typing* a name, rather than only being able to right-click, that would also be useful. You can't go back to the lobby without destroying your room, and sometimes I'm still waiting on friends to get in. A "friends only" option would take all of the hassle out.

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Mopquill's picture
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I thought of something else that warrants a "friends only" feature. Sometimes, I leave the room open so a friend can join in part-way through and watch our game, usually at their request. Next, some asshat will join and spam us, and I have no way to kick him until I quit back to the room lobby. I'm not sure if alt-tabbing will work, but there's not generally much time to do so.

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Well, about the in-game kicking, its very possible if your the host.
All you have to do, is alt-tab into the normal hedgewars window and right-click the person and kick.

For the host, even in game, the room lobby is still visible and accessible.

Mopquill's picture
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Is that new to .15? Because I have never been able to do that before- though it could easily be my video card or something. I know that I was unable to do such a thing on .13, and was desperately attempting kick commands. XD

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By the way, I can indeed alt-tab to the lobby to change that sort of thing, though it's not always feasible depending on the number of players, and how fast the game is going, due to it taking around 20 - 30 seconds to pull the game back up.

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Well, personally i have no problem with it. I always play on windowed mode anyway, because that way you can do something else, which is especially useful in games with around 5-6 people in them Smile

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I prefer fullscreen mode, otherwise my start bar covers the very bottom of the screen. It's a minor thing, but it bugs me otherwise. Anyhow, I have an old Pentium 4 M/ATI Radeon HD 4350. I'm sure the slowdown is me, rather than Hedgewars, but that isn't to say that I should be expected to have a stellar computer for this game. :P

Anyhow, for me, these sorts of controls would be useful. We're sort of beating a dead horse though unless someone else provides some new information or something. =]

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nemo's picture
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Either use a slightly smaller resolution or autohide your panel.

Personally I use 1280x960 on a 1680x1050 screen so I can tab over to game controls if room admin, or a browser or IRC if the turns are running long.

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Do you mean Hedgewars resolution, or my PC's resolution? Working off the assumption that you mean the former, I will try that- it sounds like a good idea. Though I have an old CRT monitor on 1280x1024.

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Koolacc's picture
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well this blocklist thing sounds much more complicated than a simple "password protected" game option Smile

friends will join, cos they know the password .. other wont Smile

or as someone above mentioned .. "friends only" game which wouldn't let anyone who is not in friendslist .. but again that is imo more complicated to implement than the passworded game

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Well, sometimes it's nice to have an open, public game. But, you'll likely want to do it with intelligent, polite people. If you get some guy coming in and spamming you, and making conjectures about your mother, your only defense shouldn't be canceling the game and making a new one with a password.

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