Hedgewars Comics Thread

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zargul's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

zargul allegedly wrote:

Yeah! New comics!

I am reverting everything I originally said in this post. I need work on my online manners! :P SaM, it's your comic, do what you like with it. I'm sorry for acting persecuted. I've been kind of wanting to do a rewrite of the first issues I drew for a while since they're so cheesy anyway.

I was joking, anyway. Have fun with your comics.

zargul allegedly wrote:

This is stupid, but I'm posting this to see if my new account picture works.

Edit: It didn't.

Edit: I'd forgotten to press "submit" in account settings. NOW the image is there. (Thankyou, God! Smile)

You can check by clicking on 'My Account' on the main page of the site, since it will show your avatar on that page. Sometimes a refresh is needed for a new avatar to show up.

I wish I'd known that and that older posts would update their images. Well, it thankfully works now.

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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By the way, which half of you is Star and which half is Moon?

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Hello everyone! Today marks the beginning of the final chapter of PAotH!




Um, how did Toast end up in Worms? I thought she was on the rocket. I can see Wheatley's demise coming (the one that would avoid Star's execution).

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Out of curiosity, what does the monitor say? Also, does it happen to be related to the "test" monitor Wheatley "just installed and cleaned" a few issues back in the early stages of the big time travel shenanigan?

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

zargul allegedly wrote:

Yeah! New comics!

I am reverting everything I originally said in this post. I need work on my online manners! :P SaM, it's your comic, do what you like with it. I'm sorry for acting persecuted. I've been kind of wanting to do a rewrite of the first issues I drew for a while since they're so cheesy anyway.

I was joking, anyway. Have fun with your comics.

zargul allegedly wrote:

This is stupid, but I'm posting this to see if my new account picture works.

Edit: It didn't.

Edit: I'd forgotten to press "submit" in account settings. NOW the image is there. (Thankyou, God! Smile)

You can check by clicking on 'My Account' on the main page of the site, since it will show your avatar on that page. Sometimes a refresh is needed for a new avatar to show up.

I have actually started a comic series independent from PAotH, and this time it's gimped instead of hand-drawn. Some of the jokes are very locally specific, but others are more general. I might post the latter if someone asks me nicely...

Translation: somebody please be interested!

May God be with you, Always.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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zargul allegedly wrote:
I have actually started a comic series independent from PAotH, and this time it's gimped instead of hand-drawn. Some of the jokes are very locally specific, but others are more general. I might post the latter if someone asks me nicely...

Translation: somebody please be interested!

Nice! Not a problem though if the jokes are locally (lol, I pretend can understand it x))
And hey! I ask you nicely NOW! AND YOU SHALL BRING IT TO US!
*evil voices fade*
Um... zargul? Can you do it >_<? Before my inner-self arise and DESTROY U! *fade again*
Ok, sorry, just bringin' some joke =/ don't judge me okay?
Now, just, bring it on...


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zargul's picture
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I would, but... How do I attach images to a comment in Googley-eyes Chrome-plated? When I tried the image button above the entry area I just get a URL entry box.

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to get out of bed and walk all the way to my office. Bother said Pooh.

PS: I am referencing Winnie the Pooh. Is that (Winnie) spelled right?

PPS: would UltiMaxCom explode if I said no?

PPPS: Kamikaze is pathetically weak.

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Edit: I don't think I'm supposed to post the comics. Sorry for raising hopes.

May God be with you, Always.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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@zargul hai :]
If you would, please don't post comment too much ;D
You may add your "Further comment" in the same comment without adding another one
By just Edit the existing one, that option close to reply and pm
Where it also require less effort while making even better style rather than put them into separate comment
Well yeah, I real sure you're already know this ;D
But anyway, I didn't bother too much about it, just an advice =]

Winnie? Dunno =/ but I feels it's spelled right ;
Me, explode? Nope, Earth will x) *evil throat clear in*
And I'll put you into the limit of pain possible, that even the Grim Reaper itself may not give you such an agony
Everything shall burn to ashes, and from ashes into ashes...
ty xD
And well, kamikaze is quite good IMO (cuz it's an easter egg as well!!!)

The jokes? I think it's not a bad joke if you ain't related to it, meaning it's all just relative
Yup, joke and humor stuff are practically relative from one person to another one
But I think you need to put jokes that are "Generalized", so ppl have better chance to be related to it
Also not makes one that only related to specific group (that's it, *better* not just a religion)
Which only an suggestion only. So, it's just my opinion for ya Wink Smiley

And for the images issue
I think you could do it by uploading your images to Dropbox or Imgur
Then get your image link after you upload it
And at last put that link into Imgaes URL entry box you're sayin' (I sure that's it)
Also, never forget to check it whether it's work or not, you can check it yourself, after all =D

zargul, may the god be with you, as always ^^


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zargul's picture
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I don't think I should have posted what was originally here, so I went back and removed it. Hopefully I haven't killed the thread. Also, my original avatar was overdone.

May God be with you, Always.

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Hey guys, sorry I got super busy with school, and will try to get back to regular posting soon.

zargul's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Hey guys, sorry I got super busy with school, and will try to get back to regular posting soon.

Oh, no. Ya know those robots are gonna smash the new portal gun as soon as they get through the "unauthorized wormhole".

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Let's try this again...

Edit: Hallelujah! It worked!

Here are the other two. I hope they're actually funny (and not offensive).

The moral of our story: pay attention to the caution cone, and don't think you can avoid the consequences of loitering near wet paint.

Okay, I know its a street sweeper. Just imagine its a city worker truck.

Note: this guy is a business oriented hog and thus does not pay much attention to the fine print on his calendar.

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Since this is the paoth comic thread, should I post these somewhere else?

Edit: Those portals are the same color. Did I miss something?

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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I've been playing the drama queen. Notably around the same time I really cracked down on my sister for acting overdramatic X)

Apologies to all, and a hope and a prayer that these (SaM's) comics do great. We shall miss you, PAotH!

PS: Speed up the earthrise theme to 3x in audacity. First few seconds make great PAotH or news theme.

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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*A long time after SaM posted anything*

NOW the comic is dead!

Seriously, does anyone look at this forum besides me anymore? Been feeling rather distant from hedgewars. Hope there'll be something good on Christmas.

By the way, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good game!

May God be with you, Always.

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Apologies for the disappearance. I really do want to keep up with things but school has been kind of kicking my ass lately so I've barely even had time to think about this forum and my comics.

I am on break now for the next 2 weeks so I'm going to see what I can get done. I'm considering withholding from posting comics until I'm entirely finished with it, and then just posting it all in one lump.

zargul's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Apologies for the disappearance. I really do want to keep up with things but school has been kind of kicking my ass lately so I've barely even had time to think about this forum and my comics.

I am on break now for the next 2 weeks so I'm going to see what I can get done. I'm considering withholding from posting comics until I'm entirely finished with it, and then just posting it all in one lump.

If you don't plan on possibly revoking any comics, I think this is a bad idea. It could mean you finish sooner than you would've.

May God be with you, Always.

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Hey guys, I think it's time I pulled the plug on this project.

I wanted to bring this comic to an end before moving on to something else, but honestly I recently realized I don't have any problem with leaving things the way they are now. I was kind of worried about leaving it behind without a conclusion, but it doesn't really need a conclusion, as there is no over-arching plot that drives the story forward.

The biggest problem is that I've had absolutely no motivation to work on this comic since school started for me again. I was imagining this would just be something I could 'get out of the way' before the end of the year when I started in the summer but then school happened and also the fact that I'd have to draw new art assets (I haven't touched Inkscape in a loooong time, as I mostly work with pixel art these days) and the fact that the ending chapter I had thought up had become a little too convoluted and would've been far longer than I originally intended it to be.

Thanks for all the support over the years. I'm sorry that I ended declaring the comic is over a second time, but hey, life happens.

zargul's picture
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May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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:sad: need hedgehog putting flowers on grave emoji. Goodbye, PAoTH. We will all miss you.

May God be with you, Always.

Wuzzy's picture
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Archival of PAotH

As PAotH was a fan project worth >5 years of work, it is worth archiving.

I noticed the PAotH comics were hosted on imgur.com, an external image hoster. This is worring, because image hosters have a history of randomly delete images, so they cannot be relied for long-term storage. Luckily, none of the comics was deleted yet.

As a procaution, I have re-uploded all comics to hedgewars.org. On the comics page, I have updated all images to use the archived version.

Additionally, I have packaged all 129 comics plus the 2013 April Fools special in a nice handy Zip file.

Have fun!

Thanks to Star and Moon for 129 episodes of PAotH! Heart

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Hi, I know this is three years late but thanks for archiving this!

I wish I could say I've gone and made another comic series since this, but I actually haven't. Maybe someday. :P

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Actually, in the interest of archival, it seems I have all the original files for this still in my dropbox, including the original .psd files for all comics, as well as various assets used to make the comics. So I'm sharing that here, in case anyone wants to have a look:


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This hasn't been active in almost a year now. Sad Smiley

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AchsIdeas allegedly wrote:

This hasn't been active in almost a year now. Sad Smiley

Maybe I can work on something?

Wohlstand's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

a history of randomly delete images, so they cannot be relied for long-term storage.

There is already a pile of stuff that was published via "tinypic" thing, and that was gone forever as the hoster decided to completely close the thing in honour of the commercial "Photobucket". So, I found that a lot of hat related stuff got missing after that. And other stuff that was posted at other forums also got the same issue.

External hosting were fine for quick sends with an intension of short-term use. For long-term use, I prefer to use my own infrastructure that I control by myself.

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