When is 0.9.10 arriving?

Hello guys,

First I want to take a couple of seconds to rant about something that irritates me. I follow a lot of projects to see how they're coming along, and I'm constantly seeing posts on blogs, in FAQs, in forums and pretty much everywhere else, concerning people asking when version X is going to be released.

These posts are usually something along the lines of "Don't ask when it will be released" or "It will be released when it's done" or "Asking for a release date will result in a ban".

Well what a lovely way to treat people who are eager to use your product. I see a whole collection of percieved justifications for it, they usually go something like this..

It's rude to ask when something is done
It's irritating to hear it all the time
If we give you a release date and miss it you will be mad!
We don't know when it will be finished
So on

If you have the emotional hardiness of a 12 year old, these might be valid reasons, frankly if I say that I'm going to release someting on a specific date and miss that date I really couldn't care less if a small number of idiots get their knickers in a bunch, the intelligent users will be the ones to benefit and they'll also be the ones who cut you some slack if you miss a date.

So in summary, grow up, stop being so damn pretentious, and unless you have money riding on something (then its understandable) just tell people when you hope things are going to be done.

When will 0.9.10 be released?

Ok so here's the status of 0.9.10

So far all the technical stuff is pretty much done. There are a couple of bugs with animations on the rope that need to be fixed. The last large task is the schemes menu, the menu itself is technically finished, but it needs restyling. I also want to restyle the network game page to make it more obvious that there's an official server to join. (the whole server list thing is confusing in that regard).

Once these two small tasks are complete, we want to do some testing. Uncorr wants to do a week of testing at least, I want to do less, maybe a few days. I'm hoping that the styling will be finished this weekend along side the rope bug fixing. Leaving us with a "release candidate". Once we have that, we'll test the release candidate until mid week at least, so maybe Wednesday. If we find bugs, we have to fix them and test again.. depending on the severity of the bug, this might take 5 minutes or we might want to test for another day. If no bugs are found we may be able to release on thursday, if they are the release will come after they are confirmed fixed.

Either way, it's very close. I'm hoping for a release next week some time before friday. But we'll see.

There are some new features in there that no one really knows about yet, I can't wait for you guys to discover them. :)

You won't get it Mkk Big Grin

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