AI-players with strange airstrike tactic

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rbaleksandar's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
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AI doesn't seem to love using air strike from both right and left side. Smile I haven't noticed such thing in 0.9.9 but since the AI-players use air strike rarely, it's probably there too. This isn't a bug or some major problem. Just needs to be improved a little bit if I'm not mistaken...Let me explain with an image:

The first image shows a correct air strike which anyone of use will apply in this situation. The second image shows what the AI does (at least by me and of course when I've noticed that Wink Smiley). It strikes from the wrong side. A side from which the effect of the attack is minimum and some times - none.

If anyone has noticed airstrike from the right side then I'm wrong. Smile Today this situation happened to me twice. Both times the air strike was from left and my hedgehog was on the right side of the hill. My hedgehog was of course not harmed by this. Smile

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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You can choose the side it's coming from with the left and right buttons...!?

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Sonic allegedly wrote:

You can choose the side it's coming from with the left and right buttons...!?

Big Grin I can. What I am talking about here is the AI. It seems it doesn't use air strike from the right side.

EDIT: Will add more explanation so there aren't such comments in the future Smile

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LoginError's picture
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On a slightly related note, the AI does not appear to know how to work the RC plane. I created a weapon set with only planes to test out a couple things and the AI just skips all of it's turns unless it finds a crate.

rbaleksandar's picture
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RC is an advanced weapon. AI uses only basic weapons - bazooka, shotgun, fire punch etc.

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nemo's picture
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Yeah. LoginError is more than welcome to add the AI code necessary to control an RC plane :-p

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