Show health in Lobby to help with room choice

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-02-10
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I think that one of the biggest problems with online multiplayer of Hedgewars is that you can't just join up a game and start playing, like you would do in first person shooters. Often you see people joining a room, seeing that the game just has begun and leaving again because they don't want to wait that long. In certain times of the day there are so many rooms that it can be frustrating to thumb through to find a game.

So why not make the choice easier and show the health of all players like: imagine there are 2 players each has 4 hogs each of them with max health of 100, so it'd sum up to 800 health points for the room. The lobby could now show something like "Health 53/800" so that people know that there might be a new game starting soon. Or it could even show that sudden death has started to indicate that the game is finally heading towards its end.

One could write an even more sophisticated algorithm which scans through the players and scans how much health his opponents have left. For each player you sum up the health of his opponents and send the percentage to the lobby.


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User offline. Last seen 13 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-12-19
Posts: 31

I like the idea very much, the multiplayer side of hedgewars is nowhere near as sophisticated as other multiplayer games nowadays yet, but that simple addition would greatly enhance room choosing. However midday in Australia there aren't many games going anyway.

I also thought that it would be cool if somehow we had a ranking system so you could differentiate between a pro game and a noob game.

Like the idea, Love hedgewars


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