Suggestions about online profiles and Awards
My suggestions.
- An Avatar (with a hog) can be displayed on the profile
- Each Rank would have a specific emblem (Like in most MMOFPS)
- These stats mentioned might be tracked on profile page.
Rank, Matches won, Matches lost, Enemy Team kills, team
kills, Favorite game type.
- A player can add friends on his profile.
- Awards have images, and if they have images they would have
a specific type of trophy.
For example a bronze medal for a simple award; A trophy will
be awarded for a tournament won.
- Awards achieved from in game.
Example:- Award Name - Doctor
Description - Collected a total of 100 health
from crates in 1 match
(These are just suggestions and I understand if you do not like them or found them useless. In that case I apologize. Thanks)
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your dedication and support.
Each player already has a profile page on, and a lot of the things you mentioned will be added. Your forum avatar is used for your profile page avatar. Ranks will not only have specific emblems/icons that will be displayed next to your name in game and on your profile page, but they will unlock special commands that allow you to show off your rank in game.
Stats will indeed appear on the profile page.
A friends system would be a big undertaking.. we might look into it in the future
and awards/achievements are something we're also interested in
Thanks also for the kind words, hopefully you'll begin to see these things soon. And you'll keep enjoying and supporting the game.
If it'll be realised I ask you about one more thing - some organizations (guilds, brotherhoods or smth else) of players. Each guild would make room and open it only for members. It could be more comfortable than usual private room. Also each guild could have own rank.
^ Why don't you go and play WoW instead? (puke)
Tiyuri, some notification will be good...Like little stars/medals/cups. This'll be good when you're choosing who you want to play with. A player with - let's say - 200XP won't choose a player with 9000XP, since obviously it's another level of HW-mastery.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.