A few little things to do with options...

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Ryan's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
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Just a few little suggestions regarding the menus that occurred to me while playing over the weekend:

1) It would be nice to have the game remember the last-used selections for game and weapons schemes, so that when entering the game, it automatically presents you with the same settings as last time. An even smaller detail: I'd also really like to have the game remember my setting for in-game name display from last time (the option set in-game using the Delete key)! Smile

2) A "Save" button on the scheme setup menu would seem to make sense, for consistency with the other setup menus.

3) I'm not sure whether it's a bug or not, but currently, the only team to appear in the list of teams given in the settings menu is "DefaultTeam". Shouldn't this drop-down list contain all the teams registered in the game?

4) Not a hugely necessary request, but something that would seem to make sense, would be the ability to delete the default team. Once you have plenty of your own teams registered, it looks a little out of place on the list! :P Equally, I'd prefer to see at least the option of deleting the default game/weapon schemes, if so desired.

Anyway, still enjoying the game a great deal - and sure I'll have some more feedback soon. Smile


Uriah's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 359

1. Agreed, will happen eventually
2. Agreed, will happen eventually
3. The team list in settings displays all teams unless you currently have those teams added to a game, maybe that's why you couldn't see them?
4. Team deletion in general needs to be an option, so agreed Smile

Thanks for feedback, I'll respond to your other thread when I get another spare moment.

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