Additional game setup options

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While playing over the weekend, I've found that there are several game setup options which I'd really like to have access to, and also one or two features in Worms which I'd really like to see implemented in the game... Smile

1) Multiple-round matches! Smile Playing big Worms matches with several players, it's great fun to play an epic first-to-X-victories tournament, but the option doesn't seem to exist yet in Hedgewars.

2) Assuming the implementation of 1), I'd also like to see the option to allow weapons-stock to be carried over from round to round. One of my favourite game setups for hotseat matches has always been to give a fairly limited stock of weapons for the first round, but allow teams to build up all manner of basic and special weapons during each round... Which also brings in the strategic option of stockpiling weapons deliberately in one round in order to ensure an advantage in the next, as well as negating the annoying "finally getting the powerful weapon you needed but only just before your team is wiped out so you don't get to use it" scenario. :P

3) Another cool option in Worms which I occasionally liked to play with as an alternative to the above (when playing single-round matches especially) was the "Donor Card" mode, whereby a team's last worm would drop a card upon its death which could be collected to give the defeated team's weapon stockpile to the finder.

4) It would be really useful to have the option to edit the amount of turns before time-limited weapons (air-strikes, for instance) are available.

5) Another setup option which would be very handy would be the ability to choose the "style" of the sudden death mode. That is to say: whether the water rises (and if so, how much!), whether hogs lose life turn-by-turn (and if so, how much!), etc. It should allow either one or the other to be turned on or off (giving the ability, if desired for some reason, to turn off sudden death entirely), and also allow each to have its own turn-counter - so for example you might want to have the hogs start to lose life after 20 turns, but only have the map start to sink after 40.

Epic multiple-round hotseat tourneys between four or five players with stockpiled weapons and carefully balanced settings were always one of my favourite things about WA/WWP, and I'd love to see Hedgewars get to the point where it's really on par with that experience. Smile

Anyway, great work so far, and I'm already looking forward to all the cool things already confirmed for the next version - hope the suggestions help! Smile


User offline. Last seen 14 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-06-25
Posts: 28

Yes I do hope some more options pop up in 12. Big Grin

Games playing wwp and hedgewars.

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