More Complaints (unfortuantly) and Suggestions (even more unfortunatly)

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harmless911's picture
User offline. Last seen 3 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
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I. Complaints

1. Bazooka graphic is ugly (3 reasons why). Reason 1: it is very small and hard to see, making it look messed up. Reason 2: the black shading line at the bottom of it just doesn't look right. Reason 3: the colors are to bright and have too much contrast.
2. The mine has gradients.
3.The cheese map needs to be removed (doesn't fit hedgewars style).
4. The in-game hedgehogs don't look like the ones in the main menu/hedgelove map (and they are definitely not as cute!).

II. Suggestions

1. Emote window- typing emotes such as /ilovelotsoflemonade and /newgrave take a long time to type. Why not make a menu, similar to the weapon menu, that has all the emotes (all you have to do is click on the emote you want).
2. Utility- wind control. Activate using space, the use arrow keys to adjust the wind to your liking.
3.Rubber Bomb- A MUST
4. 3D missile- a sort of explode at mouse weapon. First you select your target like in the UFO. Your hedgehog faces you, and fires a missile. The missile flies into the 3rd dimension and goes around all the terrain and explodes at the target.
5. Game modifier- Friendly Fire (FF). Make your allies immune to your fire, or suffer triple the amount that it should do. (0-300)
6. Random emotes. Hedgehogs should do random emotes at random times (like in worms).

rbaleksandar's picture
User offline. Last seen 9 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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About the complaints:
I don't mind the Bazooka's graphics. Smile And I usually don't stare at the mine...It's one of those drop-it-and-leave-it-alone things. Big Grin
I find the in-game hedgehogs very nice. ^^ Can't understand what you don't like about them. Annoyed
Definitely against removing the cheese map - it HAS the HW-style and looks great. Wink Smiley

About the suggestions:
Emoteicon-window is useless. The only problematic command I see so far is - as you've mentioned it - /ilovelotsoflemonade. /pee would be much faster to write. But I fear that by changing it to that almost every game will be turned into a public loo with piss all over the walls. Big Grin
The idea of the Wind-control-utility is awesome. ^^
Think there was a discussion about the rubber bomb. Dunno what happened. Smile

3D missile- a sort of explode at mouse weapon. First you select your target like in the UFO. Your hedgehog faces you, and fires a missile. The missile flies into the 3rd dimension and goes around all the terrain and explodes at the target.

Whut? Big Grin
Friendly fire would be nice addition (with an enable/disable option of course). But even with it, you still can push a friendly hedgehog into the water. Like with the Invulnerability utility. Smile
Think Tiyuri mentioned something about adding random animations to the hedgehogs. I hope this'll come with 0.9.12. Smile

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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