[PATCH] Rooms list Layout

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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I'm Frunktz aka Ktz.
I wrote a little patch for Hedgewars. I find with some friends of mine that Roomslist page is a bit messy.

Here is the new layout that I suggest.

Feature Smile
- More bigger table for list rooms...I think the a big chat widget in the lobby is useless...who use "all space" for chatting in lobby?
- Sortable list (click on the headers of each columns and the list will be sorted [ascendenting])
- matches that are open are in the first position of list (alphabetically order)
- chat widget is order in case INSENSITIVE
- I add 2 buttons on the middle for filter scheme and weapon rules..it's just an idea..can it be useful?

Time to diff the files from official version (0.9.13) and my mod and I upload the patch.

Ps:- sorry for my worst English.

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Here the patch:


Hope is a valid file (first time with diff) Big Grin

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Don't use diff
Go in the trunk dir and run
Svn diff
You obviously need subversion and a local repository from our server to do that
Also please comment out the parts that need to be implemented
Apart that i like this and willing to commit


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...very very good!

Online parts need a restyle Smile

P.S: will be ok also a "CLICK HERE WHEN YOU ARE READY ->" near the lamp button in the room Wink Smiley

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@Koda: ok, when I have a minute I post the svn diff.
@MadMax: ok, I try to add a little info near lamp for n00b :P

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Ok, I've do the svn diff, next I removed the chat order temporany (there's a little problem with lamp) I hope to restore just in time.


Tell me if it's all right

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Any news regard if the patch is ok for inclusion??

nemo's picture
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$ patch -p0 < ../download.php\?i\=QVVtN1uC
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file QTfrontend/pages.h
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file QTfrontend/pages.cpp
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
Hunk #6 succeeded at 1249 with fuzz 1.

(ugh, pastebins are annoying)

Oh well. I'll take a look at it tonight.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Inu's picture
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I really like all the new suggestions\features to make that screen more functional.

It just bugs me that we still cant create password protected rooms, but that's just my own fault. lol


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I applied your patch, and didn't see some of the things you described (player list was still case sensitive, didn't notice any new buttons).
Going to assume issue w/ patch, haven't looked at code further to see what's up.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 4 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Mmm, I did the patch with some revision ago..
The patch for order chatlist has a little bug (if a user click the lamp and another user join the room, the lamp of the user is lost, I try to do a workaround for this).

The new button is removed, because I try to tell a survey about the usefull/useless of that, but nothing response to that.

In the patch that I post a month ago, I did the order roomlist by clicking on the headers of the table, nexct, the default order is room avaiable first, last is make bigger list..

Now I try to make a patch using last revision with mercurial (ah, what command I must use for new "SVN" (mercurial) repository? I think "svn diff" isn't correct.

-jay-'s picture
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Frunktz allegedly wrote:

Mmm, I did the patch with some revision ago..
The patch for order chatlist has a little bug (if a user click the lamp and another user join the room, the lamp of the user is lost, I try to do a workaround for this).

The new button is removed, because I try to tell a survey about the usefull/useless of that, but nothing response to that.

In the patch that I post a month ago, I did the order roomlist by clicking on the headers of the table, nexct, the default order is room avaiable first, last is make bigger list..

Now I try to make a patch using last revision with mercurial (ah, what command I must use for new "SVN" (mercurial) repository? I think "svn diff" isn't correct.

the what "hg" is for mercurial what "svn" is for subversion, so "hg diff" should do the trick :P (if uncommited, otherwise you'll have to use the -r argument and give the revision you want to compare to)

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Since this thread is about the Room list I'd like to suggest a few more changes.
Just tried to distribute stuff around a little better, this way even users with 1024x600, a REALLY, REALLY common resolution nowadays (and 1366x768, i know) can enjoy hedgewars a little more.

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How do you apply a patch?

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See nemos post above. However this patch is partially buggy and/or incomplete (sorting doesn't always as expected) so it wasn't included yet. To apply a patch you'll have to compile the source code version yourself. More information can be found on the FAQ page.

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