Suggestions about the main menu

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beothorn's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Suggestion: Put all options on only on screen and drop the giant icons for smaller ones with labels.

Today, when you open hedgewars you get two giant buttons local game and network game. On the left theres a small icon to change game settings. If I click on local game I get another three giant buttons an two smaller ones.
If I want to play a quick game I have to click two times (Local>quick game)
If I want to change settings I have to go back to the main screen.
My poit is: if all these were on the same screen it would be easier to access each of these screens. And there's really n reason to quick game be a really big button and settings be a realy small one.
My second point: Labels are better than tooltips. When you use labels you see imediatelly what will happen if i click on that option. With tooltips I have to wait a milissecond to find out about each option Smile

Second suggestions: Use dropdown box instead of that "click left to increase an right to decrease" widget.
Today all ammo options and number of members on the team uses this click click widget. A dropdown box is a lot more practical.

Last one: Team management and ammo settings should not be under settings. This is just because I wanted to edit my teams and spent some time to find where to do it. In my opinion it's strange to edit yor teams on the same screen where you set if the game is fullscreen or not, but this one maybe it's just me.

The menu would look something like this

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
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First idea: You're so right! Maybe the startscreen should be splitted into two parts (two big boxes) which include all your little symbols. The two boxes have the titles "Local" and "Network".

2nd idea: I like this leftclick/rightclick thing very much!

3rd idea: You're right, the Team-Options are strange there. I don't have a better idea.

bananaoomarang's picture
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I have come to defend the hedgewars interface. I have always liked it ..

1. it's an easy drill down menu with nice icons.

2. it's SIMPLE to use, I like clicking through categories.

maybe a better alternative would be to have an option in the settings to change to an 'all in one' menu but keep the same by default. I think it would be overwhhelming to have EVERYTHING in the same place as soon as you fire up hedgewars.

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beothorn's picture
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I'm not saying the interface is not easy Smile just that it could be easier to access each option. I'm used to it and I used to play worms so I find it very easy.
But, for someone who have never played, the icons aren't so meaningfull (totally anecdotal evidence from showing it to my sister).
My main problem is that the game settings is a very small icon on the first screen, that I always forget it exists because I usually play local games and never return to the first screen.
Today all options, except network game and settings, are on the same screen, but with different sizes.
Another idea could be to bring the quick game to the first screen ( I really find odd have to click twice to start a quick game :P ) and put all other options on a advanced game screen. But again, the game settings still is in an odd place, since it does not appear on a screen from where I can launch the game.
I don't think 8 option are too overwhelming, but if the all in one menu was an option on settings my opnion is to left it like it is, because someone who knows how to enter settings and change sommething like this is already very familiar to the current interface.

"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Doctor Who

bananaoomarang's picture
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beothorn allegedly wrote:

I'm not saying the interface is not easy Smile just that it could be easier to access each option. I'm used to it and I used to play worms so I find it very easy.
But, for someone who have never played, the icons aren't so meaningfull (totally anecdotal evidence from showing it to my sister).
My main problem is that the game settings is a very small icon on the first screen, that I always forget it exists because I usually play local games and never return to the first screen.
Today all options, except network game and settings, are on the same screen, but with different sizes.
Another idea could be to bring the quick game to the first screen ( I really find odd have to click twice to start a quick game :P ) and put all other options on a advanced game screen. But again, the game settings still is in an odd place, since it does not appear on a screen from where I can launch the game.
I don't think 8 option are too overwhelming, but if the all in one menu was an option on settings my opnion is to left it like it is, because someone who knows how to enter settings and change sommething like this is already very familiar to the current interface.

OK I see, I agree that the settings button should be made more obvious.

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beothorn's picture
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So, if I implement this interface, would it be accepted?

"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Doctor Who

nemo's picture
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Talk to Tiy.
My hunch is no, but can't hurt to ask.

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