Permission to create a Hedgewars-Website ?

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Pablo's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi everybody and Hi to the Hedgewars-Team,

I'v wanted to ask, if Im allowed to make a homepage for Hedgewars ?

I want to offer some made maps, for example things like Super Mario etc. I offer the maps, to download.

I dont make the maps bymyself, I render some stuff and put it on the map, so I think, this maps will never get into the game. (because Copyright, Non Hedgewarsstyle ...)

Thats why, I'v wanted to ask, if that project is ok for the hedgewars team ?

The url whould be:
I will delete this account, if the domain is not ok, right for you (copyright, registerd trademark ?).

Best Greetings,

Smaxx's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Don't think anyone on the team has any issues with that, just ensure, that ...

- ... you ask the original author of the content for his/her permission (for maps you didn't make yourself).
- ... you make sure its easy to spot that its inofficial content.
- ... you (if possible) include your own "HowTo" on how to add the maps.

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