suggestions - (mostly for in-game feel)

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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I'm pretty sure these have been brought up, but since i couldn't find topics with names like "already fixed in upcoming version" or "this won't be in, sorry", i risk mentioning them anyway, just for having them said.

1. The aforementioned topics would be nice - to avoid reinventing the wheel. I know there is an "approved list", but it's short, and as far as i've seen it misses the two topics (or less detaily). It would help us common folk in keeping track of the development, without having to download and recompile it from source until the next "official" version comes out. I also know that this would require a +1 forum mod (better said: mod-type activity) that has insight to the development too, but i've seen much activity on this forum, and i'm positive there are people able to do this. I know we can follow some of it on, but it's not really the same, since this would be about suggestions.

Now for the possibly resolved issues:

2. Let the dynamite have a small fusion timer above it. The animation is nice already, but it lacks something, something small and intangible, i think a display of time would solve it, or maybe not.

3. If a team is out of the game, let it's Healthbar disappear or at least become stroke-out.

4. Let the rope deploy faster(, at least on a win7 platform it looks painfully slow).

5. Have more of those sweet comment boxes at the top at other actions too, not only at death and attack. Like when an AI picks up a crate, a message would come up saying "Now you wonder what did he get...", and so on.

6. Maybe implementing more "thinking bubbles" when an AI takes action? In worms they did seem kind of random and unrelated to their actions, if you were to add more than just the general question mark, you might avoid that. (If not implementing anything new, then, well this point is obsolete Smile )

I think putting 5 and 6 in would not take much effort, and coming up with funny texts/thinking bubble pictures can be outsourced to the forum members/fans...

7. Maybe some custom crosshairs when aiming? Just a random thought. Oh and maybe when selecting weapon the crosshair "running out" instead of just appearing? I know these are useless and unneccessary fancy things, but may lead to more useful ideas, too. Big Grin

-> Like, what about a utility called "crosshair jammer"? The Hog that jammed will have to aim with a wiggling crosshair (good bye, Accuracy, welcome, Luck! Big Grin)

8. Will sound be added when a level loads? (while the parts of the hedgy pop into view?)

9. When hit by fire, could the hogs jump a bit higher? They can slide already, maybe spice it up with some hops?

10. Could the clock become red or flash when reaching 5 secs?
This is just a random thought too. Also

11. Could the time until sudden death be shown at the clock?

Sorry again for the wall of text, bad habit of mine.

Smaxx's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Are you playing an outdated version of the game (due to the dynamite note)? The latest one released is 0.9.13.

1. If you take your time you could look through the change log on google code - but it's not that easy to read. Real updated notes during development would require a lot more attention and work ... might do it or not.

2. There should be a timer shown (as with grenades and other explosives) in 0.9.13.

3. Just not done yet.

4. Maybe the graphics card is just slow and/or missing OpenGL hardware acceleration? Try updating graphic card drivers.

5. Maybe...

6. Maybe...

7. Maybe, but no jammer.

8. Unlikely - the game tries to load as fast as possible and won't even update the screen while loading (other than drawing different steps of the loading animation).

9. Not sure... maybe.

10. Planned, but not done yet.

11. Sudden Death isn't timed (there's a fixed number of rounds) - but there s a display once sudden death is near.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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I downloaded the precompiled 0.9.13. version of the game for windows. Playing on a 32-bit Win7.

2. I checked and there's no timer, i looked intensively. Trying to find the source of the problem. Grenades and stuff do have timer, though.

4. Well it's not "slow" per se, it's slow, because it deploys as fast/far as i'm pushing space. I was thinking that maybe pressing space shortly would shoot the rope out as fast/far as it could.

11. Oh i thought there was an overall game-time and sudden death occoured after it'd passed. Must have misread it in the menu, sorry.

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User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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That's correct. There's no timer on dynamite even in HEAD

Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Oh, was probably changed again or I forgot to add it. Well, dynamite's fuse is pretty fixed anyway so might be the reason for it missing. Also it should always explode once your turn ends (time left = fuse time) so no real issue here I guess.

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