Suggestion: Projectile Point of Origin

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jaythedogg's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all, first post.

I really love the game, thanks so much for this!

I also know how to use search & am adding this line after I've typed this long post, so it is getting posted anyway, as I don't know exactly what to search for, Projectile Point of Origin turns up no results.

Brass tacks & getting down to them... The only gripe/suggestion I have, if it is even possible, or worth (to you) to work on is the point at which the projectile originates & leaves the Hedge Hog...

I noticed that the projectiles originate from the center of the hog, which in most cases is no big deal, but when shooting the ball gun, bazooka, shotgun, etc. At a downward diagonal angle while standing on the edge of a ledge (wow, tongue twister)... The projectile(s) hit the edge as they originate from the center of the hog, not at the end of the barrel of the weapon being held.

I have to assume that it would require quite a bit of work to make the point of origin on the outermost edge of the weapon & make it move based on the direction it is pointing, whereas having it always at the center of the hog is a much smaller headache for coding.

Anywho, not trying to ask a lot, you guys are already doing an awesome job. I have it on my Vista machine & my sister has it on her Ubuntu Netbook.


Henek's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 55

Actually this is already done, it was included in 0.9.14.
But... removed in due to complaints and broken AI.
It will probably be included in a not so distant future, maybe 0.9.15.
The main problem is the AI not the complaints.

One of those hedgewars developers. I am specially knowledgeable in lua scripting, and the father of gameplay scripts.

nemo's picture
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Well, as well as the AI, there is also the problem of consistency. The offsets are based off of the (mistaken) impression that the graphic of the barrel has anything to do with the shot.

But, if we are going to enforce that, the shot really needs to come from the barrel. That means handling the issue that the barrel is just an image.

So, the barrel stops being simply an image and also impacts things like how close a hog can get to walls, depending on barrel position.
Either that or an attack fails with a bleep sound if the mouth of the barrel is inside a wall...

Probably requires a bunch of tests on whether there is a clear path for the projectile + radius from the centre of the hog to the mouth of the barrel.

Users rightly complained about the 0.9.14 offsets because they just adjusted X, while still resulting in weird situations, where the barrel seemed clear of an obstacle, but they still blew up, or screwed up a deagle shot.

So, yeah, probably requires quite a bit more work.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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