Suggestions for next update

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Illegal Worms
User offline. Last seen 10 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2012-08-30
Posts: 3

You do not have to hold the spacebar to reach land.

Fixes: Sine Gun will not push you back.

Network games
Option to restrict players leaving mid-game

Fuse: 5 seconds
Press spacebar to deploy the Skunk. The Skunk will release poison gas. Press again to detonate.
Damage: 15 and poison

Bowling Ball
Knocks hogs back far (not too far)
Damage: 30

15 meteors
Damage: 65 per meteor.

Bullet spread: Yes
50 bullets
Damage: 50, 1 per bullet

50 bullets
Wider spread than the Uzi
Damage: 100, 2 per bullet

6 bullets
Damage: 30, 5 per bullet

Critical Mass
Destroys all land above your hog, unleashes 8 thunders
Damage: 600 (explosion), 65 (thunder)

Prevents you from falling.
Press spacebar to use. Also activates automatically.

Attracts and repels metallic weapons e.g. Bazooka
Set to attract or repel

You can steal anyone's or team's weapon or utility that is not infinite amount

Online only
Makes your hogs invisible to the other player

Crate Spy
You can see what is inside crates

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 week 3 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 720

Illegal Worms allegedly wrote:

You do not have to hold the spacebar to reach land.

Er... what?

Illegal Worms allegedly wrote:

Fixes: Sine Gun will not push you back.

This is not a bug, it is meant to be that way. Ever heard of recoil? The Sine Gun is still being worked on though, so it may be changed.

Illegal Worms allegedly wrote:

These utilities will be instant effect
Extra Damage
Extra Time
Laser Sight
Low Gravity

The upside to these not being instant effect is that you can save them and use them whenever you want!

Illegal Worms allegedly wrote:

Able to tackle hogs when using the rope

This actually is possible, I believe the professionals call it "Rope Knocking". Wink Smiley

Illegal Worms allegedly wrote:

Fuse: 5 seconds
Press spacebar to deploy the Skunk. The Skunk will release poison gas. Press again to detonate.
Damage: 15 and poison

Meteor Shower
10 meteors
Damage: 75 per meteor.

Bullet spread: Yes
50 bullets
Damage: 50, 1 per bullet

50 bullets
Wider spread than the Uzi
Damage: 100, 2 per bullet

6 bullets
Damage: 30, 5 per bullet

Prevents you from falling.
Press spacebar to use. Also activates automatically.

Attracts and repels metallic weapons e.g. Bazooka
Set to attract or repel

You can steal anyone's or team's weapon or utility that is not infinite amount

Instant effect utilities
Crate Spy
You can see what is inside crates

I notice these weapons are all from Worms, though we have some weapons that Worms has, (I.E. Bazooka) we don't want too many. Don't worry though, we may come out with similar weapons!

Noob.com_123-321's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2013-01-02
Posts: 115

Illegal Worms allegedly wrote:

Fuse: 5 seconds
Press spacebar to deploy the Skunk. The Skunk will release poison gas. Press again to detonate.
Damage: 15 and poison

Bowling Ball
Knocks hogs back far (not too far)
Damage: 30

15 meteors
Damage: 65 per meteor.

Bullet spread: Yes
50 bullets
Damage: 50, 1 per bullet

50 bullets
Wider spread than the Uzi
Damage: 100, 2 per bullet

6 bullets
Damage: 30, 5 per bullet

Critical Mass
Destroys all land above your hog, unleashes 8 thunders
Damage: 600 (explosion), 65 (thunder)

Prevents you from falling.
Press spacebar to use. Also activates automatically.

Attracts and repels metallic weapons e.g. Bazooka
Set to attract or repel

You can steal anyone's or team's weapon or utility that is not infinite amount

Online only
Makes your hogs invisible to the other player

Crate Spy
You can see what is inside crates

The Utilities Are Nice, But The Weapons? Edit Them.
Uzi: Add It You Lazy Jerks!!!
Falling Asteroids: Similar Effect To Armageddon, Except Hedgehogs Get Stuck
Throwing Poo: Poisonous Like Skunk, But Thrown And Self-Destructs On Impact Like Ground-Impact Grenade.
Critical Mass: The Water Goes Up And Up Until It Reaches Your Hog, But Not Drowning It.
Bungee Cable: Only Difference Between Bungee And This Is That this looks like a cable.
Bowling: Like Bowling Ball, But Hogs Turn To Pins When The Attack Starts And Turn Back When The Turn Ends.
Rusty Magnet: The Only Difference Between This And Magnet Is That It Looks Rusty And Can Only Last 1 Weak Hit.
Robber: Steal, Except The Closest Hedgehog Loses A Weapon. If There Are Two That Are The Same Length Away, One Is Chosen By Random. Take A Random Weapon.
Camofladge: Makes Your Hedgehog Invisible, But, If Offline, Only To The CPU.
Mauser C96: See The Pistol.
MG 81: See The Minigun, Except Much More Accurate.
Crate X-ray: See Crate Spy.

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