Suggestion: What Not To Suggest (WNTS)

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For the suggestions that are either posted all the time or never going to be made.

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What not to suggest: Weapons or features primarily based on the Worms franchise (see noob.com123-321's posts).

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Weapons or features primarily based on the Worms franchise

Don’t be silly!
The whole GAME is based on the Worms concept. Hedgewars wouldn’t even EXIST if there were no Worms game before.

And many weapons are DIRECT copies from the Worms games, some share even the exact amount of DAMAGE: grenade, bazooka, shotgun, cluster bomb, mine, dynamite, shoryuken, baseball bat, missile strike, napalm strike, mine strike, mortar, kamikaze, molotov cocktail, flamethrower.
And what’s up with HELLISH handgranade, MELON bomb and the homing BEE? Don’t these weapons sound familar to you?
Sure, Hedgewars has a lot of unique weapons never seen in any of the Worms games. But you can’t deny Hedgewars already copied a lot of the weapons from Worms.

To reject anything on the sole reason “It is in Worms.” is stupid. Because then you would logically have to remove all of the weapons above. I doubt anyone wants that. On the other hand, to include something only because it is in Worms is of course stupid, too.

Conclusion: It does not fucking matter to Hedgewars if anything is in Worms or not. Just ignore Worms and the “Worms arguments” altogether and use better arguments instead.

PS: And I do not say this to defend Worms. No, I don’t! I just want you bring back to reality.
Wink Smiley

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Star and Moon
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Conclusion: It does not ing matter to Hedgewars if anything is in Worms or not. Just ignore Worms and the “Worms arguments” altogether and use better arguments instead.

Well, certain weapons such as the grenade are basic weapons and are real too, it's pretty hard to have a game like this and not have those weapons and it's pretty hard to change them in any drastic ways either.

However, we have no need for any more weapons in Worms. Instead, we should come up with new ones. If hedgewars becomes too much like Worms, then there's no reason to play it because it'd be a direct copy of worms and not have anything new.

And if you like a weapon from worms, instead of saying "ADD THIS WEAPON!" Try to see if there's anyway to change it to make it new and interesting.

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Example of something non-gereneric

Slime Gun
Shoots slime that makes the surface non jumpable and if a hog stays on the slime or is coated in it it becomes poisoned with 3hp removed per turn

P.S : I don't care whether this is added or not

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@oranebeast: You are aware that you’re in the “What Not To Suggest (WNTS)” thread, right? Right? RIGHT??
Wink Smiley

Star and Moon allegedly wrote:
If hedgewars becomes too much like Worms, then there's no reason to play it because it'd be a direct copy of worms and not have anything new.

Even if Hedgewars were a complete Worms clone, there would be a very good reason to play Hedgewars instead of Worms: Hedgewars is free software, Worms isn’t!
And just face it: Hedgewars is—aside from weapons and in terms of gameplay—already extremely close to those Worms games. But it’s still not close enough for you to say “Oh not, this is too much! Too close to Worms! Therefore, you have to reject this weapon and that feature and (…)”.

There are in fact quite some free software projects whose only purpose it is to be a direct free clone (if not replacement) of a proprietary counterpart. This is a good thing, not a bad one! Free software advances way too slo

I also have to strongly disagree with you on a personal level. I am a former Worms: Armageddon player. W:A maintained an active playing community for over ten years and it’s still active to my knowledge. But I ultimately gave up on W:A because I went to Linux. W:A is only for Windows and Wine support was terrible. Later, I discovered Hedgewars. One of the reasons I stuck with Hedgewars was precisely because it is so closely modeled to the Worms games. Now even if W:A would get ported to Linux, I would not install it again. Hedgewars has a far more open community and software than W:A but has a comparable, if not better quality even in its unfinished state.

Star and Moon allegedly wrote:
Well, certain weapons such as the grenade are basic weapons and are real too, it's pretty hard to have a game like this and not have those weapons and it's pretty hard to change them in any drastic ways either.

And this is just bullshit.
Yeah sure, grenades and bazookas are also real-world weapons.
But that’s not the reason why they are in Hedgewars. The fact that those weapons are also seen in real life is hardly relevant to a cartoonish game. Real weapons are actually just idea givers. They are in Hedgewars because Worms used them, too. Because Hedgewars is basically—Gasp!—a Worms clone. And they are basic weapons. True. True.

The similarities between certain weapons in HW and Worms are astonishing:

Bazooka: 46 damage. In Worms it varies between 45 and 46 AFAIK. It is the basic projectile weapon in Hedgewars, like in Worms. It also makes me wonder why from all possible rocket launchers they picked the bazooka. You also could have named it “rocket launcher” or “RPG launcher” or some fancy fantasy name. But it was “Bazooka”. Not to say the very similar blast radius and stuff. Hedgewars could theoretically also have a bazooka with a very small, or a very large blast radius, a different damage, etc. etc. Hedgewars could theoretically have multiple kinds of rocket launchers. But there’s only one and it’s the bazooka which is just like in Hedgewars.
Grenade: You can set the bouncyness level and a timer from 1 to 5. The bouncyness setting differs from the games but both Hedgewars and Worms DO use bouncyness levels. I never heard of real world grenades where you can set the bouncyness of it, so your “real world” argument already falls appart here. Setting bouncyness is also possible for other grenade-based weapons, like in Worms.
Shotgun: You have two shots that deal 25 damage each. This is the EXACT SAME behaviour as in Worms. There was plenty of room for changes here. Why does it deal 25 damage? It could have clearly been more or less. And why does is have 2 shots, like in Worms. Why not just one shot? Why not 3 or 4? Why does is leave a hole in the terrain where hedgehogs can nicely walk into? Do real shotguns do that? Nope. Hedgewars’ shotgun is not modeled after real shotgun, but after Worms’ shotgun. It could also have been called “Pumpgun”. But the name “Shotgun” was preferred.
Shoryuken: Yeah, totally plain random origin. 30 damage. Hedgehog destroys terrain it collides with. It punches hedgehogs upwards, rather then sidewars. Oh, and the Shoryuken was called “Firepunch” (like in Worms) in earlier versions. The names of the sound files for the Shoryuken still have “Firepunch” in it.
Baseball bat: 30 damage exactly like in Worms. Intended use is to knock hedgehogs far away like in Worms. They even compied the idea of the fanfare you hear when you knock a hedgehog into the Sea!
Your explanation does not justify the existence of the melon bomb at all. This is a very obvious variant of the banana bomb. According to your logic, this weapon would have to prevented in the first place, because Worms.
The list goes on (see my previous posting) and I hope you get the idea. And I didn’t even start with the utilities yet. Wink Smiley

And I also do not understand all your fuzz about weapons: You forget that Hedgewars is extremely configurable. You are not forced to use weapon XYZ in the game, if you don’t like it. If you wish, you can create a weapon scheme where weapon XYZ does not appear. So in case an oh-my-god-it’s-another-weapon-from-Worms weapon gets into Hedgewars, all you would have to do it to create a weapons scheme in which that weapon does not appear. You do not have to force your antipathy against this weapon onto the rest of the Hedgewars community.

I agree with you on the point that is a poor argument to include a weapon solely because it is in Worms. But I also think to stand out no-matter-what is equally foolish.

Star and Moon allegedly wrote:
And if you like a weapon from worms, instead of saying "ADD THIS WEAPON!" Try to see if there's anyway to change it to make it new and interesting.

Yeah, like the melon bomb which is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the—Gasp!—banana bomb. Wink Smiley Sorry, but I don’t see why it would be neccessary to do this. It sounds like change for the change’s sake. On the other hand, you could apply the same reasoing to bazooka, grenade, etc. Those weapons are not different from Worms, but you could perfectly apply your reasoning to those weapons as well.

I am not against new ideas at all. And I never suggested a new weapon to Hedgewars. So I am not arguing to add some particular new weapon. In fact, I feel quite comfortable with the current weapons set. But I won’t reject new weapons either, no matter, if they are “shamelessly” “stolen” from the Worms games or an own idea. What actually matters is gameplay. If a suggested or actually developed weapon is good in gameplay, would fully support that idea. Gameplay is what matters to me.

I am just against your poor reasoning.

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Sorry, but i also like hedgewars because its a worms clone but aswell as the fact it does have some differences, sine gun? land gun? portal gun? etc. but on your point you forgot one compied weapon

Holy hand grenade - Hellish hand grenade

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Star and Moon
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Well, another thing I forgot to mention, is that people are frequently suggesting this stuff over and over again, which is pretty annoying, because we can easily go to a worms wiki and look at the weapon ourselves if we wanted to add a Worms weapon, we don't need 10 threads suggesting we add some Worms weapons just because they thought of it.

And it's not that I'm against adding worms weapons too (I wouldn't argue if they tried to add an uzi or anything like that), it's just that I really don't want to see direct copies of worms weapons, given the development is pretty slow nowadays, and nemo himself stated that he wasn't interested in adding any weapon that doesn't provide for any interesting new strategy and gameplay methods.

And by "change" I don't mean having the weapon re skinned or re named, I mean actually tweaking how the weapon works.


oranebeast allegedly wrote:

Holy hand grenade - Hellish hand grenade

Hmm? I don't remember the Holy Hand Grenade releasing a ton of fire on explosion...

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but it is still the HHG, it is still extremly powerful and it does have a reference for a may or may not existing after-life location

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oranebeast allegedly wrote:

but it is still the HHG, it is still extremly powerful and it does have a reference for a may or may not existing after-life location

I didn't say it wasn't a reference, but they do work pretty differently.

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True True.

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