Can u combine ur project with wormux or import some of thier stuff

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User offline. Last seen 16 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Wormux has liek all the weapons from worms (or can easily do so), but the interface is very different from worms (banana bomb from worms is football in wormux, holy hand grenade is disco grenade, etc...) and ur project is a worms clone, so why not sumhow convert the weapons from wormux and add worms-like grahpics
also wormux has bad AI so comine would be killer

unC0Rr's picture
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It's technically impossible to combine hedgewars and wormux, and I personally see no reason for that.

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unC0Rr allegedly wrote:
It's technically impossible to combine hedgewars and wormux, and I personally see no reason for that.

I don't mean like combine the projects, i mean import all the weapons and give them worms-style graphix since the requested weapons like banana bomb, skunk, holy hand grenade, etc... are pretty much im wormux e.g. football is like banana bomb, disco grenade is like holy hand grenade, they and change grenade into petrol bomb by modifying some code etc...
and the "raters" say all that is missing are some weapons since there are only basic ones and wormux weapons modded and added to hedgewars would make it the best worms-clone eva

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Weapons cannot be just imported, it is the same thing as implement them from scratch. Absolutely no difference.

User offline. Last seen 16 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey there

I don't see any reason neither, hedgewars is going to become good as it is on its way... Anyway I think he meant to just import the idea, not the implementation.
Think, he means just to take the same ideas and implement it from scratch into hedgewars. Which wouldn't be too great because hedgewars is and need to be on its proper way of play...

Go ahead as it is ;o)

User offline. Last seen 16 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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or even better do a complete graphical overhaul of wormux to mak it look like worms

User offline. Last seen 16 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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caa4444 allegedly wrote:
or even better do a complete graphical overhaul of wormux to mak it look like worms

Why does everyone think that it needs to look like worms? If I got it right, the target of the game is just a free worms-based game. This goal is already achieved right now...

So however Worms may have been good as it was, hedgewars does in my opinion not need to get an exact copy of Worms.
There are bugs and details are missing, sure
As it is for now, it's developing in a good direction I think, it has already its own touch which makes the game good enough that it doesn't need to be Worms.


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Nooo don't neeed nothing from wormux. Good job and continiue as it is Wink Smiley

User offline. Last seen 16 years 5 days ago. Offline
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I think it would be good to exchange graphics. I don't know anything about the programming part but I think it would be easy to exchange the graphics. For example:
Here are all Hedgewars-Weapons:
Here are all Wormux-Weapons:

Another important part is translation. I'd like to help and I just translated a part of Wormux. It was quite simple in Wormus:

1. Download po-file
2. Install poedit
3. translate
4. send email

I don't know how I could translate something in Hedgewars ...

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Wormux has ugly graphics

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Stop saying "this is ugly, mine is better". I saw wormux graphics - it sux, but you always need something more than just an opinion. I know ur a great artist, but reasonable comments are always the best option to put an opponent down.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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You tell me my comment is not reasonable,
then you agree with it.

Also, considering I'm in charge of the graphics, my opinion is pretty much everything.

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I'm just asking you not to play god, you're not. You're skilled and smart, but that doesn't mean you are everything of anything. The master of graphics is a serious title, so be a man. As for me, I just said i don't like wormux G, but i'm none of an artist, thats just an opinion, and i don't need no reasons to like or not. I'm just a consumer. But you are more than that. You can teach. If you want of course. That's just mah imho. So no offence.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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I am actually a god,

I'm worshipped by an ancient tribe of people who can't be bothered with this thread.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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I made suggestions for wormux on the fourm (about the ninja rope, the physics engine, the graphical style...) and the admins "accidentally removed my post".

I hate these guys...

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