Which weapon would you most like to see next?

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we need a weapon that kills hedgehogs killed that second

TitaneerYonathanYeager's picture
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Yes some of these are old, but the thread seems dead and I added and rewrote a bunch of stuff. Lemme know what ya think?

Medpack:Restores the same amount of health as whatever the health crate is set to in the scheme. Can chose to heal self or one ally hedgehog inside a radius like the raise, just you don't lose your health, you lose the medpack. And as an extra, the health crates give you a medpack instead of instant health.

Tesla hand:BECOME THE EMPEROR & SHOOT LIGHTNING BOLTS OUT OF YOUR HANDS! Massive heat seeking damage, however it homes in on allies and enemies.

Forcefield:Similar to the invulnerable bubble. Your hedgehog has 4 sides: Front, back, top, & bottom. This would protect 3 of the hedgehogs sides from damage on the enemies turn, your next turn, and the enemies turn immediately after that, then disappears.

Plasma baller:Destroys a large area of terrain, but doesn't hurt hedgehogs. However it does throw hedgehogs, so it could do fall damage. The ball of plasma would fly straight, & no charge up.

Grenade launcher:Like the mortar or cluster bomb, except instead of firing the missile or grenade, you can shoot the individual tiny balls that have the same physics as the cluster bomb and mortar's minibombs, fires at full power(no charge up), is semi auto, and has six shots.

Suicide vest:Like the kamikaze, except you don't go flying, you blow up like dynamite. The more health you have on the hedgehog the more damage it does, but the base damage is a normal dynamite blast. Instantly kills your hedgehog.

Sabre:Like a bat except, does not knock the enemy away, and instead of using up your turn it takes away 5 seconds of your time to do around 3 damage, thus making it not overpowered but yet useful. Once you hit with the sabre you cannot choose another weapon, but you can keep using the sabre. However it is not used up like normal weapons; it doesn't matter if you hit 20 times or 1 time in a turn it only uses up 1 sabre.

Sword:Like the bat except it does not knock the enemy away. Because of this trade off it could be argued that it should do more damage than the bat, because it will not hit them into the water instantly killing them.

Broadsword:Like the bat except with less knock away, and it only pushes the target back. Does massive damage except it sacrifices health(probably preferred) or the next turn you lose half of your action time, or you must have at least half of your time left to use the broadsword instead of losing something like health or half of your next turn.

Tesla coil:Place the way you place girders, it uses the electro hand attack except in a sentry/turret/turrent, uses a tesla hand from your inventory every time it attacks. Does not break when out of tesla hands, that way if you get more tesla hands the tesla coil can keep running. Has about 5-20 HP, medium targeting range. The turret will fall if the land below it is destroyed.

HEDGESTAR:(The theme from starwars playing)INTRODUCING THE HEDGESTAR!!!:Like a air strike except it blasts a 3 hedgehog wide laser destroying all the laser blast touches.

Tommy gun:Shoots exactly like the desert eagle except at a slow-ish full auto. 50 shots, 1 damage per shot. Can aim while firing, okay accuracy.

V-22 osprey:Okay, so like the ufo except it looks like a v-22 osprey, & it wont go down mid-flight unless you hit the down arrow. if you hit space once, it will shoot a grapple hook straight down, capable of transporting mines, hedgehogs, & barrels. hit space while holding something & it will drop. Only able to transport one thing with one osprey. Not that you only have one chance to grapple something, its just once you grapple something, the grapple hook is used.

Revolvers:This one is a bit epic but yet balanced. Basically your hedgehog pulls out two nerfed deagles that can shoot both ways at the same time or one way at the same time.
The revolvers have six shots each gun (twelve shots total) each doing two damage per shot.
When you have selected the revolvers weapon, both revolvers face the way you are facing, like a normal weapon. However if you hit the opposite direction arrow, your hedgehog will not move, it will just point one revolver that direction, mirrored. So if one is pointing up, at a forty degree angle, they both will point up at forty degree angle. Then if you hit the opposite arrow again, both will go to that side.
You can aim while shooting. If both revolvers are facing one way, you can walk in that direction, by holding down that direction arrow.

Shotgun upgrade:Upgrade the shotgun to fire a bunch of little bullets like the minigun, but all at once with pretty bad accuracy.

TitaneerYonathanYeager's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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A quick idea:
Sandbags:Place like the girders. It is destroyable land like the girders. Basically it is a block of land that looks like sand bags. The sand bags (instead of long and thin like the girders) are short and fat to protect against bullets.

KIRA's picture
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A bazooka kind of weapon that doesn t need to be charged, it shots like mortar at full charge, but you can set with 1-5 the number of bounces that the projectile will have before exploding on impact.
You cant set 0 bounces. An interaction with rubber could be that the impacts with it doesnt count as bounces of the weapon so the projectile could actually bounce more than 5 times.

nemo's picture
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With regards to sandbags. It's possible to customise girder appearance in a theme. So if you made a WWII theme it could have "girders" that had a sandbag appearance.

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nemo allegedly wrote:

With regards to sandbags. It's possible to customise girder appearance in a theme. So if you made a WWII theme it could have "girders" that had a sandbag appearance.

The only problem with that would be the girders aren't very good at stopping bullets when the terrain is destructible. The girders are just too thin.
I could be wrong, but I don't think customizing a theme is going to make the girders thicker.

User offline. Last seen 23 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Within the bounds of the girder tiles all non-transparent pixels will get placed on the land, so they can be make pretty thick. Just fill amGirder.png for a theme with a solid color if you want to try it. Girder

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xiongmao allegedly wrote:

Within the bounds of the girder tiles all non-transparent pixels will get placed on the land, so they can be make pretty thick. Just fill amGirder.png for a theme with a solid color if you want to try it. Girder

So, if I understand correctly, doing that would disable the thin girders though, right?

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It will replace the common girder tool, yes.

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BTW, translucent also counts as solid, even down to ⅟₂₅₅th opacity

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

TitaneerYonathanYeager's picture
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Alright, I'll keep it in mind. I don't think I am going to do it yet, simply because I am using the girders the way the are for ladders, etc.

Hedgewars Tricks
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Dunno if any of these have been mentioned (I didn't look through all thirteen pages Wink Smiley ), but here we go:

Oil launcher - works like land spray but dispenses liquid oil instead (duh). Its slippery, and when fire from flame throwers, barrel explosions, etc. hit it, all of that oil becomes fire

"Hostile girders" - girders with harmful spikes (or something dangerous) on them

Pogo stick - use to hit the ground taking no damage (though this may be obsolete given you can do the same thing with a timed pickhammer)

Stealth device - mildly irritate your opponent by turning one of your hogs invisible, then teleporting to a random location, all in one move.The effect wears off when you damage another hog or another hog damages you. Hard to implement sure, but might as well put it out there

Any form of turrets or self firing weapons that can be placed


Musket - use for more expert players, a rifle that isnt nearly as accurate

Adreneline shot - heal over several turns

Pocket Mole - Seeing as the moles are another living species in the Hedgewars universe, imagine stuffing one into the ground, and should your opponent come near it, it pops up and drags the hog under the ground, never to be seen again (bwah ha ha haaaa!)


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I'll throw something into the discussion. Not a weapon per se, but an object. Combine the mobility of the cake with the characteristics of the common barrel.

I can see it being something like this... at a random time, a barrel will sprout legs like a cake and walk a random distance. It can either walk on walls like a cake adding a much different play mechanism to the game or simply drop off a ledge and causing itself damage until it blows up.

I also see them being styled exactly like a normal barrel. so you will not know which are walkers and which are static when they are at rest.

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WRT walking explosion, I'd wanted a creeper that hatched from a creeper egg, and then hunted players, and exploded with a blocky explosion Would not be quite same concept as the barrel, but thought it would be fun with mikade's hedgecraft lua. Never did get around to finish hooking it up. But alfadur has added a sentry in latest source.

I guess a lua script could mess with sentry appearance and add suicide explosions if you wanted that Smile

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Something along the line of expanding foam, a grenade or something that grows landscape so you can block openings and tunnels as well as encasing your opponent.

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maybe kind of totem. healing any hog in short radius after turn are end. 5 hp\round (max 50hp), can be destroyed and hit the hogs.

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There was a start at "structure building" some time ago. Tiyuri had suggested it. Idea was to allow building something to augment your team in a certain area. Healing, shielding, arming, damaging/poisoning intruders, that kind of thing. I remember putting in a stub, then Henek working on it a bit. I think it stalled out at the time due to Henek running into handling interaction with firepunch. Probably could be done more cleanly nowdays, since I think alfadur added handling for similar issues with machinegun.

mikade added a construction mode script around that time, probably based at least in part on that.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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well, good to hear

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It's used like any air attack. When used the hog that used it vanish. The plane Will drop the hedgehog with Infinite ammo of Parachutes until he lands.

If the turn ends while the plane is coming the hog will be launched without parachute.

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