Controls-related suggestions

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User offline. Last seen 28 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2012-06-20
Posts: 1304
  • The “center hog” binding has two functions in one: Toggling auto camera and centering the hedgehog. I suggest to split these in two seperate key bindings. (I find it slightly annoying to press the button twice only to center the hog.)
  • [Precise] + [Slot X] should select the previous weapon in the same slot (i.e. cluster bomb → grenade). If no weapon is selected, the last weapon of the selected slot should be selecteed.
  • Add a key binding to select the last weapon you collected in a crate (if no crate has been collected before, this has no effect)
  • Add a key binding to select the weapon you have previously selected (if there was no previous selection, this has no effect). Example: You select bazooka, then melon bomb, then you press this key and thus select bazooka again. The special case of having no weapon selected does not count as “previous selection”, so this is possible: “No weapon selected” → “Bazooka” → “Grenade” → “Baooka” → etc.
  • Add a key to unselect any weapon you may have selected (Switch to “No weapon selected”).

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