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Dat_Boi's picture
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I am back Big Grin
So I have a question: What is the difference between a brown box and a grey box???
Answer down below
Napalm won Smile
Also comment down below a new V.S battle idea Smile

Oh man waddup

Wuzzy's picture
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Brown boxes are weapon crates, they only contain weapons like shotguns, bazookas, grenades and other things which can be used to attack other hogs.

Gray boxes are utility crates, they only contain utilities like ropes, flying sauers, extra time, laser sight, vampirism, time box, etc.

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Now my turn to ask something :

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

"... other things which can be used to attack other hogs."

I got a Conclusion here

Seduction is an Utility or a Weapon ? Brown or Grey crates ? Damaging or just force purpose ?
Too many question xD
Too long, gonna shorten it a bit ;/

Seduction is an Utility or a Weapon ? Brown or Grey Crates ? Dam... uhm, sorry -_O

No, I mean this:
Seduction is an Utility or a Weapon ? Brown or Grey Crates ? Mudball is an Utility or a Weapon ? Brown or Grey crates ? Dama... lol x)

I'm sorry... Last chance D:
Seduction is an Utility or a Weapon ? Brown or Grey Crates ? Mudball is an Utility or a Weapon ? Brown or Grey crates ? Icegun is an Utility or a Weapon ? Brown or Grey Crates ? Mudball or Seduction or Icegun or Piano notes number 10 with some mustard each side, or just mayo ? Uh oh Shocking
<( ' =_=)_> Better...

I got some though here:

  • Seduction -> Have potential to deal damage, fall damage...
  • Mudball -> Almost Non-Damaging stuff, but still have a possibility/potential to make one
  • Icegun -> Nothing, just give Buff inside narrow AOE. No damage, just effect
  • etc -> Some other stuff, such as Pickhammer that DO DAMAGE (even a low DPS)... I know it's utility even it can attack hogs, of course
BUT !!!
Unfortunately I don't understand the mechanism here ;|

My real question is:
How we classify an "Arsenal" (How I call it) to be a "Weapon" or an "Utility" ???

Is there any standard we use to classify them ???
Hope it's going to be clear ^^


New VS Battle Suggestion :
Do "Shoppa Style or Highlander Style ?"

Btw, nice post Big Grin


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Dat_Boi's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Thx Big Grin

I guess crates are supposed to be a mystery of the universe, and we can't quite fully comprehend them, and if we DID, then we would be wondering "How on EARTH did we get here?!?!?"

LOL what am I doing???

Consider that the Dat Boi Theory!

Ok, I think I'm done rambling Big Grin

Oh man waddup

UltiMaxKom's picture
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WOW !!!
Dat_Boi -> Very really extremely thanks XD !!!
What a Great Invention ! This will hange how human live, from now Shocking

Very thanks for you !
Albert Hogstein will Freakingly Surprised to see someone has FINALLY found The Hyper-Quanthom Realm Special(or regular?) Relativity !!!
What A BIG Contribution to our Nope(TM) Entertainment Big Grin

Oh man waddup ?


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Wuzzy's picture
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Seduction: Weapon
Mudball: Weapon
Freezer: Weapon
Pick Hammer: Utility

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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What the Rules/Mechanism/Classification of Weapons and Utilities ?
By perspective of
Producing direct damage, potential damage, not end turn, doing only effect, doesn't inflict damage, or it's about projectile (or ray) ? (etc)

Or... No standard of classification Big Grin ? But anyway, every weapon and utility are the best ^^ !!!


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