Hey :D

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Dat_Boi's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 74

You know what? Let's make this post sentimental a little bit
Answer these questions:
---How are ya all? I sorry it's been a while since I posted. Still been playin Hedgewars doh Big Grin
---I also sorry for being a noob, but what exactly is Vamp? A game mode, perhaps?
---What should I talk about? It's been a while, so I don't know where to start. Maybe some suggestions?
Which is better: Dolphins or Squirrels?
Not Hedgewars related, but I'm working out of that slump LOL
Big Grin

Oh man waddup

UltiMaxKom's picture
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Oh man waddup Big Grin!

Hi Dat_Boi Smile How are you? Still playing Hedgewars? Nice Wink Smiley
Me? Well, I can say I'm good, even (still) without proper private Internet Connection =_=
No internet, but I'm still alive ;D
Huh? Who's call you noob ;[ I think "Vamp" here mean "Vampire" or stuff like that
Which also mean that Vampiric modifier is active. Therefore dealing damage give some proportion as health to caster (Vampiric)

Um, I think you should talk about Hedgewars 0.9.23 which currently still WIP (time didn't matter, if in the end its completed IMO)
Like by giving us spirit, or give feedback, random suggestion, ideas, bug report, review, critics, suggestion, request, create Youtube for Hedgewars, telling jokes around (lol?), or even just give us any milestone for upcoming Hedgewars update :]]
I believe any, yes, I mean ANY size can be so useful, *not mentioning spamming
Because SIZE doesn't matter, and NEVER underestimate The Power of Idea, even for the smallest one
Some conversation might help us put night of work here (I refering to everyone help Hedgewars, especially our awesome Devs =))
Like make some little talk so silence can't dominate us

BUT, those^ all are just my opinion ^^
After all... Welcome Back Dat_Boi =]!

EDIT: Which is better: Dolphins or Squirrels =/ ?
Uhm! I prefer more to pick or Big Grin


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⠀HP: ██████████ 1E9/1E91E9/1E9 ██████████ :MP
╙──────────────────╜ ╙──────────────────╜

Wuzzy's picture
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“Vamp” is short for “Vampirism”.

You can either use it as ammo (found in utility crates):

Or activate it as game modifier, which activates vampirism for all hogs:
Game modifiers

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Dat_Boi's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2016-07-11
Posts: 74

Ah! Vamp, vampire. Yup, that makes sense Smile
Man, this forum and community is what sets us apart from other games. The forum is friendly and willing to help. Thanks guys Big Grin
(Don't get me wrong. This game is what sets us apart from other games, but this community is a big part too). Big Grin
Well, thanks for the inspiration, and I will be posting more often (hopefully)

Oh man waddup

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