A Mac OS X build?

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Bojan's picture
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Do you have any way to provide an official Mac OS X build? I have a friend who is interested in playing Hedgewars, but she is not so keen on compiling from source.

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DrDickens's picture
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Use wine to run windows build. Or CygWin to run linux, lol.

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unC0Rr's picture
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We've got no volunteers to build a package for Mac OS, sorry

Bojan's picture
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I already prommised to help her build it on her computer. If I build it and send it to you, would you have any ways to test it?

Added after 1 minuts 11 seconds:
@DrDickens: I consider emulation as a last resort. Wink Smiley

"Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, dont you wanna come with me?" -- Z.Z. Top

Uriah's picture
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If you can get it built I'll find some people to test it Smile

But I know a couple of people have tried and failed to get it to run on OSX

Good luck!

Also, welcome to the forums, i always notice when a new intelligent poster pops up.

Bojan's picture
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Thanx for the warm welcome. Wink Smiley

I'll try building it when I get a chance (not before next week). If I make it, I'll send you the binaries so we can test it on the other peoples Macs.

"Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, dont you wanna come with me?" -- Z.Z. Top

User offline. Last seen 16 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Bojan allegedly wrote:

Thanx for the warm welcome. Wink Smiley

I'll try building it when I get a chance (not before next week). If I make it, I'll send you the binaries so we can test it on the other peoples Macs.

Hi, I'm on a Mac and like to try this game out. Can you send me the Mac build? please?

mofle89 @ gmail.com

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Josh's picture
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There is no Mac OS build at the moment, this thread is about making a build for one. Sorry.

Koda's picture
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(deleted a spam comment, but it's nice to see an old classic thread like this)

User offline. Last seen 7 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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Mac should really be listed in http://hedgewars.org/about.html . Even if you can't use the logo (though I've seen it used in other OSS), you should say that it's supported. People might be looking at that page and being turned away because they think it isn't.

User offline. Last seen 5 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure people are allowed to use the Mac logos, as described in http://developer.apple.com/softwarelicensing/agreements/maclogo.html

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