Translation into German

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Could you add a container called German to the Language specific discussions?

And can someone explain how to edit these .qm files (Windows) in \Hedgewars\share\hedgewars\Data\Locale\ ?
Would be fine

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Read daimadoshi85's post.

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rbaleksandar allegedly wrote:
Read daimadoshi85's post.

Umm... rbaleksandar are you sure you gave me the right link? daimadoshi85 only writes about the "Little guide" the wiki for hedgewars..?! Not about translation.
Now i downloaded the hedgewars_de.ts from

I got two Questions about the TAGs used in this file:

  • does < translation type="unfinished"> mean that the English phrase will be used instead of the German tranlation?
  • and what does < translation type="obsolete"> mean?

and third Question: was the German translation recently updated? Because there are several expressions already translated. But mostly there is the < translation type="unfinished">-TAG


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Sorry, this is the topic he meant

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Ok thank you daimadoshi! i have updated the de.txt

But can someone explain to me how these translation-type-tags work?

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Sorry, Marvin...My mistake. Didn't copy the link right :P

Qt Linguist is the program for the other translation files.

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With qt4 linguist you should not see that tags, it's completely graphical. The obsolete tags are sentences that are not use anymore in game, unfinished I think you'll see in qt4 linguist, are the sentences you haven't translated and confirmed. Anyway, I suggest you to install linguist to understand better.

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