Rope Big Slowdown
Thu, 2009-05-14 13:13
Hi, i've found this game some days ago, and it's really nice.
But i've found that while using the rope, when I stretch it, the fps drops to less than 15. Because of that I can't control the rope and the game isn't playable without it.
Can anyone confirm this too
Thanks in advance
There was a discussion in the Russian forum. Would be nice to post if there's any fix for that, since I can't find the thread. You're with Intel card I guess.
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Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. 
Oh, sorry me for forgetting that, my graphics card is an Asus ATI Radeon 9250 (128 MB DDR2) and I have the latest drivers for it (8.252), so that can't be the problem since I've played more "heavier" games.
Hedgewars plays perfect, except the rope, the more I stretch it, the more the game slows down. I think the problem is in the stretching algorithm, maybe it's creating too many RopeNode objects (RopeNode.png).
Thanks for your help
I don't think it is specific to the algorithm, since rope works smoothly for me on both my machines, both the one with a decent processor and a "meh" processor.
Both are linux machines, but that shouldn't matter. Rope barely raises cpu a little, and frame rate remains smooth.
nvidia and intel cards.
Anyway. Does "reduced quality" help at all?
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I have the same issue on my computer.
Framerate drops below 8 fps, so it's not playable
The specs are:
- Intel Celeron2.0@2.2 GHz
- Nvidia GeForce 5200 FX 128 MB
- 512 MB RAM
- Ubuntu 9.04 x86
Reduce quality isn't work at all (or maybe a little, it ends up on 9 fps
I was a
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question for magik - since you are on Ubuntu 9.04
Do you use multiple monitors?
Because when I upgraded to Jaunty, the new Intel graphics card had dog-slow performance and various crashiness, that I eventually tracked down to the large virtual size in xorg.conf that was needed for plugging laptop into external monitor.
Commenting this out sped things up a lot. Also using:
worked too
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I'm not using mutiple monitors nor very high virtual desktops resolution
Deafult xorg.conf generated by nvidia-xsettings
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I've installed version 0.9.6 and it has no rope-stretching slowdown.
In version 0.9.7, fps drops a little bit, not too much.
Version 0.9.8 and +, I can't even talk, it's unplayable, I get only 5-10 fps when rope is at max length.
[How to reproduce] Well, my pc isn't powerfull, but slowdown increases with streching of the rope, (+length=+slowdown), so try to patch rope length to unlimited, and keep stretching and stretching, eventually you will get bigger frame drops and see what I am talking about.
I hope you can find what's the source of the problem and fix it.
Since you're patching the code and whatnot, why not run through callgrind and get some hints?
Personally, on my system, rope doesn't noticeably alter my CPU useage, about 20% of one core at 30fps.
1.86ghz cores
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I'm not patching the code, (although I'm a programmer I am very rusty at pascal).
In exchange I will try to help with translation to Portuguese and spreading the word
btw I've never experienced such problems.
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Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it.
Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. 
heh, funny... On Windows XP SP3 i'm not experiencing that problems even on older hardware such as GeForce 3 Ti 200
So i wonder what the problem is???
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I've a problem like this one... It plays normally around 80 fps, slows down a lil' bit on hellbomb, but that doesn't affect the game much, but then with rope on max lenght i get 8 fps... so on an Intel Celeron 1.333 GHz with 690 MB RAM and a GeForce 3 Ti (64MB) the frames drop to 10% ;p