Background issue (Nature theme)

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Grr's picture
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I am not sure if this is a known problem that has long since been taken care of; please, accept my apologies if it is. The matter is that I am having major problems with the background image when I use the 'Nature' theme for game maps.

In fact, there is no background at all, it is completely replaced by what looks like greyish stripes; all other scenery, however, looks fine: foreground, water, sky, hedgehogs, some mid-ground decorations, falling leaves - these are what I suppose they should be. Here are the screenshots:

I am running WinXP SP3 on a Core2Duo laptop, with Radeon Mobility HD 3470.

I experience no problems whatsoever with any other theme. Is there anything I could try or something else I should disclose? Shall readily help... and shall gladly be helped. )


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Inu's picture
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I have exactly the same CPU and GPU and OS and no problems at all. (ASUS M51Vr)
Try reinstalling the game, the image file for the background must be corrupted\"broken".

Grr's picture
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That was an elegant suggestion, thank you. )

I mean it, it hasn't even occurred to me that the background file may be corrupted. I did take a look into \share\hedgewars\Data\Themes\nature after I noticed the issue though - and everything just seemed in order there, and a big 'Sky.png' file was there too, safe and sound. Wish I could see it in the game as well.

Still, I have re-installed 'Hedgewars' just now - the problem persists. (

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Are your video drivers up to date? Previously a lot of people with ATI video cards complained about having such a problem. Some even had their whole screen striped like this. It's not the Sky-image. See these things?

Just try installing latest drivers or if you have them - reinstalling. I'm 99% sure that it's from that.

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Grr's picture
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Yep, I did notice those trees. I sort of supposed they could be the same as the hills that obstruct them (the ones that are displayed clearly), the 'Sky' image being partially transparent. There is a justification to anything. )

Nevertheless, as a laptop user (VAIO SR19VRN, if it is any relevant) I am somewhat limited in means of obtaining drivers (the ATI site does not offer any for the HD 3400 series). The graphics driver I am currently using is taken from here: (GRAPHICS_DRIVER_ATI_XP_-_8.581.0.0.ZIP, available as of the 12th of August). I admit there may be some newer ones I am not aware of, please advise if so.

Shall try reinstalling the 8.5 drivers for now. Thank you.

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Smaxx's picture
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I'd guess your graphics card (and/or driver) isn't able to handle such huge images.

Try the following: make a backup of the file "sky.png" you've found. Then open the file in your favorite image manipulation program (for windows, I'd suggest - don't use MSPaint) and resize the Image to 2048x1024 pixels.

0.9.12 will include some extra code to avoid such glitches.

Inu's picture
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Well, since we have the same model of GPU why don't you try the drivers available on the ASUS website? They're probably a different version if you're lucky, and might help.

Grr's picture
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Reinstalling the drivers did not help. I have taken a look at the ASUS site (thankee, Inu) - the driver they offer is actually a little older than mine (8.4-something). Should our devices really turn out the same (VEN_1002&DEV_95C4) - feel free to use the one from Sony's ftp I mentioned. I hope it's not what is bringing about these issues in the first place, though. )

To the point. Smaxx, your solution worked (2091, hm, what a strange choice for a texture width), thank you ever so.
I'll consider myself hinted at remembering the phrase 'non-conditional NPOT' hereafter. )

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Ah, yes, the problem with the size. Forgot about that. Smile
Grr, since there are still people who use older graphic cards or the Intel thingie, wouldn't it be better to make an archive with all the resized map (I think you'll have to do that in order to be able to play all of them) and offer it here in the forum? So that people with the same problem won't have to do the same thing again and again. Hope you understand what I mean. Smile

PS: If you decide to do that, please inform me, so that I can put a link in the unofficial manual. I'll also edit it right now and add this to the troubleshooting section. Thanks again!

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Grr's picture
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No problem. The other 'Sky.png' images do not exceed 2048 pixels; so when they are rounded up to the nearest power of 2, their dimensions usually become the same as the resized Nature's ones. I'm only uploading the latter for that reason.

I hope FileFront is okay:

Just discovered:

P.S. If I resize the picture to 4096 or even 8192 pixels (my graphics card's maximum texture size is 8192x8192), the background still looks okay in the game. Uneven numbers spoil everything.

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rbaleksandar's picture
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So it's like Smaxx said. Glad you've got it up and running like a hedgehog-monk chasing a hot hedgehog-chick. Big Grin

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