Weapon Select Menu Missing

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Hedgewars works, kindof. The main window if fine, but if I open a game it is "stuck" up in the top left corner of my monitor (the titlebar is off the screen, so I can't move it). I can fullscreen the window, but regardless, I can't see the weapons menu when I right click. It's "there" since I can see the weapon descriptions, but it's like off the screen or something :/

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User offline. Last seen 1 year 6 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 240

jessanova allegedly wrote:

Hedgewars works, kindof. The main window if fine, but if I open a game it is "stuck" up in the top left corner of my monitor (the titlebar is off the screen, so I can't move it). I can fullscreen the window, but regardless, I can't see the weapons menu when I right click. It's "there" since I can see the weapon descriptions, but it's like off the screen or something :/

This is kind of a "known problem" but there is no universal way of adjusting the window starting position in all systems.
If you're using a Windows system just press the little windows-key on your keyboard so the game releases the mouse for a sec, then drag the window to where you want.

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