[Map] CrazedSquiggles
Tue, 2010-04-13 13:49
Hi all, second attempt at a map. As I've mentioned before, my drawing skills are horrible, so this map is an attempt to play to my strengths and I tried to make it fit in with the colourful world of Hedgewars, although I know its still not perfect.
i dont think thats a map at all...
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...What about the constraints of the hedgewars graphic style?
Well having created and played it, I can say you're wrong
Whether you like it is another issue, but no need to undermine the process! Thanks
Edit: And just to expand, I mean, you've got a handful of people here making standard maps, and they all look awesome and fantastic, so what's the harm in someone trying something a little bit different? I've never been one to conform, but that doesn't mean I don't want to try!
I bet the gameplay is fun here, have you played it online?
implement this map in game pls. best map ever.
oops, i have to say sorry and to say that i only looked at the preview...
played it now and it looks fine, how did you do the 3d effect on that paint things?
What proggy did u use?
please add your xfire accountname here:
I have played it online with a few friends on several occasions
It has its problems, such as usually one hedgehog will spawn in a very tight spot which could be considered a disadvantage, but I do love how you can get grenades between the gaps to throw out of or into that space.
It's also very fun watching someone more skilled than myself fly all the way around the map with crazy ninja rope skills.
So, I don't want to say it's not without its small faults, but I certainly enjoy playing it.
As for how I made it - I knew before I started I wanted to make a crazy liquidy effect that would work for a map, and I acheived that using Realflow 4.0 and 3DS Max. What effectively was done, is the word Hedgewars! was created out of water particles, then given certain properties (such as a very low internal and external pressure to replicate a gas like behavior), and then simulated for 50 frames at quite a high frames per second. The word Hedgewars sort of slowly rose and blew out in all directions, and then I meshed it together, cut it up a little bit and brought a couple of chunks back into Photoshop and made a level with a few graphical touches in an attempt to bring it closer to hedgewars style.
I like the overall layout of this map.
It should be redone in a way that it meets the style requirement of hedgewars so that it can be taken into the offical game release
No offense but... this is awful.
No offense but... your comment is awful.
Constructive feedback or go elsewhere please. Whether you like it or not, it took time.
I'm quite sure it took time. Maybe even all of five minutes. Just because it took you a long time to make doesn't automatically make it worth posting.
Pointless, ugly map, and unplayable to boot. Happy now?
Five minutes? Are you being purposely ignorant or does it come naturally? As for pointless ugly and unplayable, I'm able to play it and as for ugly/pointless I respect your opinion.
I will say this: if people got put off everytime some prick came and posted trash talk on the internet we wouldn't get very far
Edit: And just incase you genuinly are clueless about the timescale, I'll tell you - it took seven hours including simulation times - there we go, no more excuse for that ignorance
It looks like just a bunch of paint splodges so I thought 5 minutes was a reasonable guess.
I couldn't draw a map if my life depended on it, so I respect you for trying. But I honestly would be *very* surprised if this were to be included.
I'd be suprised if it was to be included too, because it's too off from the style (although I tried to connect it) - but if people like playing something a bit different there's no harm in downloading it, playing it and enjoying it with friends? It doesn't have to be all or nothing?
And if you look at it, it's not just plaint splodges. If you look closely you'll see it was made in 3D (so it wasn't drawn (I can't draw to save my life either), but rather it was created).
Okay, that did sound rude and I apologize.
Just thought you were expecting to see the map included is all, because it doesn't really meet the criteria. If you and your friends (and anyone else here on the forum) enjoy playing it that's all that really matters.
Though the rendered nature of the image keeps me from putting it in Hedgewars (if you can solve that, my feelings would change). I do like the map and will definitely spend some time playing it online.
The only reason we won't include it is because we do require all maps to match a specific style (but I think you knew that already). To have Hedgewars come across as a complete project when finished.
No problem I understand
I'm glad some people enjoy it, even if it's a bit loopy.
I have an idea for my next attempt, which will hopefully combine something like this much closer with the hedgewars style. There's no doubt a long term goal would be to create a map that both represents my style and fits in perfectly with the hedgewars game - it might take a while but I have fun along the way, and if each attempt provides an extra map for a few people who like it, then that's a bonus
Thanks for the great feedback everyone!
the download link is not working can you fix it??? Thanks
Ever been to the tate modern in London? you could sell this to them for millions of dollers
Pit has finaly returned. FINALY.
^ hehe. please fix link i really wanna try this
Please fix the link!

I really want to play this.
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Hey guys sorry I haven't been here for a while, in fact it's just by chance I figured I'd come and check up here. I'm glad to see that some people would like to play it, although I recall it having some mixed feedback at the time ^^
Truth is, the map is long gone. Got erased when I reformatted my hardrive a few weeks ago. But, if theres an interest in it, I can always make another similar one
I don't have the time to learn how to make maps in hedgewars style (unfortunately), but if it just so happens that some people like a little bit of crazy and this sort of style, I think that's great and I'll certainly have a go at making some more.
someone here probably still has the map and if they were a kind person they could upload it and we could all have fun playing it.
Pit has finaly returned. FINALY.
And on that note I just spoke to an old friend who kept a copy on his computer
Il post a link when he sends it to me later.
Thanks so much very happy
Could you make another one please?
Every map is different so it wouldn't be the same so more fun!
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
just a thought:
A random squigle map generator to have along side wacky, cavern etc.
Pit has finaly returned. FINALY.
That would be GREAT!!
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
squiggly maps are totally awesome!
Do you have to keep bumping this?
Did you make any more?
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!