A Question about creating mission maps

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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I've been trying to create a mission map to play with my friends but i dont really know how to do it.
I want to create a "Race to the top" mission map but when i try to edit one of the LUA files in the original mission maps ( Knockball \ Basketball ) it just reset the weapon set and the game mods like low gravity, laser sight, etc...

Could anyone help me here?

BTW Im sorry for my poor English!


Smaxx's picture
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Hm ... wrote a longer response but it was lost somehow ... Sad Smiley

Short version:
- If you add a script and it seems to be ignored (default weapons and game modes, no messages etc.) it's very likely some script error kept it from running. Right now there's no message appearing ingame but you should look inside your "debug0.txt" for lines with "Lua:" inside. That way you should be able to notice if there has been some problem running the script.

User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Ah I see... So is there a way to make a code myself without editing an existing code?
I mean like a compiler or something so i could check what is wrong..?


Thomas's picture
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if its just a race from startpoint to finish take the script from one of these maps as basic:

please add your xfire accountname here:

-jay-'s picture
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FadeONE allegedly wrote:

Ah I see... So is there a way to make a code myself without editing an existing code?
I mean like a compiler or something so i could check what is wrong..?

If you mean coding lua maps then you don't need to compile anything.
You can add maps and lua scripts to your hedgewars installation, just look at the folder/file structure of Hedgewars' Data->Maps and add what you want to add in a similar manner.

User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks Thomas ill check this now...
and jay thats what im trying but its not working well :S


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