[Map] Nature
Wed, 2010-07-14 16:55
This is my second map, Nature! I've been using Inkscape more often and now I'm getting really good!
I'm open to suggestions or feedback.
Hah, doesn't look bad at all. You should try to lower the thickness of the flower's center circle. And check the outline settings. There's an option to make lines round instead of "cut off". Should improve the tree's look. But overall, nice improvement.
Yeah thanks, The center is a little thick, I should redraw the flower. Did you notice the carving on the tree? I put H W with a heart around it.

I redrew the flower, I rounded the lines on the tree, and put some more butterflys.
Hard to notice downscaled, but now that I knew it's there, yes.
Your images are good, but they don't have that cartoon style characteristic for vector images. You should try more bezier curves. I learned all the basics from really nice videotutorials, but they're in Polish. You can check if you need to understand it, or you can just look at them and learn:
First one is, we can say, intro to svg and vector graphics. So there's a lot of talking and you can skip it. Just check it out, if you don't understand there's probably something like that in English.
I can give you another useful links for tutorials that take one topic into consideration and teach how to do it. It's not complicated, and even the beginner should get it.