[MAP] London *almost finished*

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mikade's picture
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Jedza - well done. Good work so far. This looks pretty good in keeping with the hedgewars style. If it's all right with you, I might like to use your map in a series of hedgewars missions I'm working on. Some questions / comments:

The addition of the glass looks very nice, but by adding it you have removed most of the strategy potential from the map. Where once there was ample place to hide and make bunkers, now there is none. Whip or baseball can probably kill hogs from just about anywhere. It looks good, but I can't see it being much fun to play, at this point.

What you really need (and I suspect you know you need) is a mask. I see that certain areas of your map seem to be missing glass, but without a mask this doesn't help much. Herein enters another problem: I'm not 100% sure what areas of the map you intend to make walkable. For the telephone booth, those three missing panes seem to be straightforward. But when it gets to the bus, I'm very confused.

There doesn't seem to be a uniform standard of tint to the glass on the bus. On the top windows, it looks as if you intend to make the 2nd, 4th, and 7th windows walkable. Okay. But on the lower windows I'm lost. 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th windows are very light (non walkable?). 1st and 3rd window are intermediate tint (walkable or not???, yet this is the same tint used on the top level windows) and the 5th and 8th are dark (walkable?).

In order to make this work you need to darken or lighten the tint of all the windows (top and bottom) so that there are only 2 (not 3) shades. Once you decide exactly what you want walkable or not, add a mask. After that, this map will be looking gooooooood. Smile

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mikade allegedly wrote:

Jedza - well done. Good work so far. This looks pretty good in keeping with the hedgewars style. If it's all right with you, I might like to use your map in a series of hedgewars missions I'm working on. Some questions / comments:

The addition of the glass looks very nice, but by adding it you have removed most of the strategy potential from the map. Where once there was ample place to hide and make bunkers, now there is none. Whip or baseball can probably kill hogs from just about anywhere. It looks good, but I can't see it being much fun to play, at this point.

What you really need (and I suspect you know you need) is a mask. I see that certain areas of your map seem to be missing glass, but without a mask this doesn't help much. Herein enters another problem: I'm not 100% sure what areas of the map you intend to make walkable. For the telephone booth, those three missing panes seem to be straightforward. But when it gets to the bus, I'm very confused.

There doesn't seem to be a uniform standard of tint to the glass on the bus. On the top windows, it looks as if you intend to make the 2nd, 4th, and 7th windows walkable. Okay. But on the lower windows I'm lost. 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th windows are very light (non walkable?). 1st and 3rd window are intermediate tint (walkable or not???, yet this is the same tint used on the top level windows) and the 5th and 8th are dark (walkable?).

In order to make this work you need to darken or lighten the tint of all the windows (top and bottom) so that there are only 2 (not 3) shades. Once you decide exactly what you want walkable or not, add a mask. After that, this map will be looking gooooooood. Smile

Woops, I added map.svg instead of mask.png to the archieve.
http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/1540/maskl.png - here's the mask. Once you know what areas are walkable you can tell me what to change to make it better ;]

mikade's picture
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Ah, with the mask it's better. I can test where you can walk and not. The old problem still remains tho, I can't SEE it easily. There should only be two shades of brown on your car: That which is walkable, and that which has a window. At the moment you have three, and they conflict with each other.

As for WHICH windows should be walkable or not, hmm, I'll need to think about that a bit...
What you have atm is probably good tho :P

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mikade allegedly wrote:

Ah, with the mask it's better. I can test where you can walk and not. The old problem still remains tho, I can't SEE it easily. There should only be two shades of brown on your car: That which is walkable, and that which has a window. At the moment you have three, and they conflict with each other.

As for WHICH windows should be walkable or not, hmm, I'll need to think about that a bit...
What you have atm is probably good tho :P

You have .svg file in the package so you can also experiment on your own Smile

mikade's picture
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Do you have the dev version of hw, by any chance?

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mikade allegedly wrote:

Do you have the dev version of hw, by any chance?

I have the one that installs automatically from repo. Should I have dev? ;]

mikade's picture
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Well, due to the functions I'd use, if I make a mission with your map you probably won't be able to play it unless you have dev. Or when 0.9.15 comes out. :P

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mikade allegedly wrote:

Well, due to the functions I'd use, if I make a mission with your map you probably won't be able to play it unless you have dev. Or when 0.9.15 comes out. :P

Ok, when it comes out tell me, and then I'll download the dev version to try it Wink Smiley

unC0Rr's picture
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Hmm... what about some scared passengers?

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Three quick comments (and a bump, this is still on the first page so it's not much of one, right? D: ) One, to the author, keeping the first post updated with most recent picture and download would be helpful, not many people always read all the way through comments to find most recent version. Two, again to you, Jedza, the sign with destination looks off, perspective wise. It may just be me, but does anyone else notice it? And three, to I guess the devs? In a mask, the white means it's there but can be destroyed right? what's the case in the basketball map? the net is recognized as white in the mask but?

Oh right, Jed, your mask.png is just all white, kind of pointless to include a mask that does nothing but say "do as you always do" :P

nemo's picture
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Er. The mask can't be *all* white or the map would be one solid block.
So, presumably he has empty areas.
Maybe he's using the mask to define empty areas for windows on the bus or something.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

mikade's picture
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If Tiyuri and Palewolf are fine with this being included in 0.9.16, I'd still like to make a User Mission out of it.

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nemo allegedly wrote:

Er. The mask can't be *all* white or the map would be one solid block.
So, presumably he has empty areas.
Maybe he's using the mask to define empty areas for windows on the bus or something.

Yeah, I realized at home white is breakable, red is solid, and "blank space" (transparent) is intangible... but weird thing. When I make a random path (it's transparent) through the course on battlefield (in an editor application) the white doesn't break at all, and in order to get underground I have to already be there, or throw something at the place where it breaks above ground...

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ssbmbeliever allegedly wrote:

Three quick comments (and a bump, this is still on the first page so it's not much of one, right? D: ) One, to the author, keeping the first post updated with most recent picture and download would be helpful, not many people always read all the way through comments to find most recent version. Two, again to you, Jedza, the sign with destination looks off, perspective wise. It may just be me, but does anyone else notice it? And three, to I guess the devs? In a mask, the white means it's there but can be destroyed right? what's the case in the basketball map? the net is recognized as white in the mask but?

Oh right, Jed, your mask.png is just all white, kind of pointless to include a mask that does nothing but say "do as you always do" :P

First post updated, mask is not white - it have transparent places in some of the windows. If anyone else would also think that I should improve the destination sign I'll do it.

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when I had downloaded it the mask image was completely white (no transparency)... maybe it was just my mistake, sorry xD

nemo's picture
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What ever happened to this. Is it finished in his opinion?
What's the link to the most recent version.

Wondering if it can make it into an upcoming release.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Randy's picture
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So, there is any chance to have this map on .19? Does anyone have the last version of it?

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Now Tiy is gone, I see no reason not to put it in. I think I still have a version of it somewhere... but whether it's the latest, I'm not sure.

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That's the latest version I have on my drive, so if noone modyfied it the latest on the world Wink Smiley
I could still work on it, but probably won't have time until 8.04.


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Hi again. The devs have discussed your map, and they will add it if you make it a little more playable. Add some funny street under the bus and the phone-box (like in the CrazyMission map) and some lampposts like in the city theme. After that it'll be 10 points from being in .19! BTW, if you don't want to work on it, or don't have enough time, you could send me the .svg and I'll do the work for you.

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nemo's picture
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WRT Dev etc. Is just we have a couple of maps already that consist of smooth stuff w/ no places to hide. Lunar one for example.
W/ map in current form, could probably drown 5 hogs in first turn, for a 16 hog game.

Adding warped road under/behind bus, lamp posts, that kinda thing, would offer ground instead of water below hogs, and make it harder to knock hogs off the sides too.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Here's SVG, make it beautiful Wink Smiley

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Okay, in the few time I had I did the street. Now it's more playable.

jedza, tell me if it's alright. Smile

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nemo's picture
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If ends of road buckled back into the water, they wouldn't end so abruptly.
Also. Something is odd about it. Maybe proportion of yellow lines to width of road, or thickness of edging...
Possibly phone booth could disappear behind road instead of both booth and bus being on road? (change z index)

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

sphrix's picture
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Something is odd about it. Maybe proportion of yellow lines to width of road, or thickness of edging...

yeah i find something wierd with it too
maybe too bright, i don't know, the color doesnt mix very well (its only mine opinion Wink Smiley )
and something about the road, but i can't say what it is... maybe at tight is goes too fast to the top...

did you notice a hog under the bus ? not sure its good :p

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

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Yeah, I'll remake it. And about the hog under the bus, I'll add a new mask! Smile

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Wuzzy's picture
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Does anyone still have the map lying around? Download has disappeared.

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Found it on my external drive laying around Smile
Feel free to upload it wherever it won't disappear, or do whatever. Consider it a WTFPL release Smile

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Thank you!

The map looks quite nice.

The zip file you gave me has no street. Without a street or any other kind of “base land” there is way too much water. I think this is important.

The tires have a small transparent area inside. This looks odd; I think it should be opaque.

Is there anybody who wants to revive and finish this map?

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I'm not sure if the transparent area on the tires wasn't meant to be a hiding spot, like windows. Or is there too little space anyway?

And the road was added to the map by someone else, and I only have the last version I worked on.

If noone else will want to finish it, I could, but I don't know when I'll have time to do it properly

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