
7 replies [Last post]
Tim da Man
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Another utlitly suggestion:

Can't think of a good name, but it allows you to control an enemy hog for a period (either a turn or the round). You still use your set of weapons, not the opponents though. Or maybe it is a form of seduction, but changes the color of the attacked hog to yours. What do you guys think?

Cairo's picture
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Tim da Man allegedly wrote:

Another utlitly suggestion:

Can't think of a good name, but it allows you to control an enemy hog for a period (either a turn or the round). You still use your set of weapons, not the opponents though. Or maybe it is a form of seduction, but changes the color of the attacked hog to yours. What do you guys think?

That was my idea!
but it's all right you can have the credit Smile
I was going to call it Sedition.
It would be awesome if it got put in!

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Smaxx's picture
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I think that might be too powerfull. Having others control YOUR characters is never nice in a multiplayer game. Also why would you even use a weapon? Just jump down into the water.

Tim da Man
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well, maybe it just switches colors for the game... so you basically have one extra hog and your opponent has one less... with the added humiliation of seeing your team destroyed by your own player XD

Ferk's picture
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Tim da Man allegedly wrote:

well, maybe it just switches colors for the game... so you basically have one extra hog and your opponent has one less... with the added humiliation of seeing your team destroyed by your own player XD

Looks funny but it would be way too powerful. It's the same as automatically killing his hog and getting +1 extra hog at the same time.

What about an utility for switching positions instead?
You select with your mouse an enemy hog and your places are switched in a similar way to teleportation. The number of hogs is the same but you can use it to have a big strategical advantage.

Imagine your enemy has used some powerful weapon that has put you in a very dangerous place just one step of the water. But then you switch the position with his hog and now he's the one who's screwed and about to fall. Or imagine at sudden death rounds when the water is going up, switching your about to die hog with the best positioned enemy hog.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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How about being able to Control a Hog for 5 Secs that way it's usually not enough time to dive into water.
Also you can ONLY use the bazooka.

XenixHero's picture
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Imagine your enemy has used some powerful weapon that has put you in a very dangerous place just one step of the water. But then you switch the position with his hog and now he's the one who's screwed and about to fall. Or imagine at sudden death rounds when the water is going up, switching your about to die hog with the best positioned enemy hog.

I like this right here by Ferk, it's a good idea.

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Doktor Jones
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How about a "magic scrambler", basically an egg beater with sparkles or something. When the hedgie activates it, it glows brightly and then the screen flashes, and all the hedgehogs' positions get mixed up.

Two options for the scrambling would be:
a) a hedgehog can be switched with another hedgehog of its own team, or another team, but something tracks who gets switched with who, so each team has at least (1? 2? 3?) hedgehogs that are switched with another team's.
- or, perhaps simpler to implement and more game-changing -
b) every hedgehog is switched out with a hedgehog from another team

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