[Training Map/Script] Rope Practice

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mikade's picture
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I made a "collect the crates-esque" training map for Ropes. Up until now this was thought (and technically is) impossible in 0.9.13. Give it a try and let me know how you like it / your personal record. It's good for shoppa practice. Smile

To play, simply download the one file:

And paste it into your
Data\Missions\Training directory (the one that has shotgun, sniperRifle etc.) training in it.

After that it should show up in the training section.

The current record for RopeChallenge is Blue's amazing 14 targets!! :O

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Blue's picture
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Hey mikade,
Im an avid shoppa player and downloaded your mission
I really enjoyed it and got 9 on first attempt
I know i could do a lot better, I just had a a problem
with finding the targets each time, more time seemed to be wasted
just searching the map than actually getting the targets themselves.
Anyway to improve this?


Blue's picture
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Updated record: 12
Twice I could've gotten 13 but the targets spawned inside the walls?
Also anyway so get rid of the blow up effect of target
it puts my hog out of synergy.

mikade's picture
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Twelve targets, wow! Big Grin

You're 100% right about time wasted searching the map. I think I've developed a solution, though.

Let me know what you think, I wasn't sure if half a second was too much or too little. After a little testing it seemed about right. 1/4 second was too jerky, maybe 1/3 might work tho...

The boom effects are unfortunately unavoidable until we all get 0.9.14. You're just going to have to use you mad shoppa skills to cope.

The biggest problem with the map at this point is the target placements. They don't seem to appear at the top slide or to the far left. Other times they're odd. It's easy enough to fix with really nice placements, just rather time consuming. I'll try get to it next week tho.

For now, first post updated with your record and dl link for version 0.2. Smile

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Blue's picture
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Awesome when you have the new version ready
to be downloaded let me know ^^
I'll continure trying to beat 12.

I love holding records xD
I dont know if you have ever heard of "Roperace"
maps, pretty much going from one side to other
as fast as you can. I hold the record for faestest time
on both roperace and roperace2 =D

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I got 12 three times, what do I win? Smile

Nice mission btw.

mikade's picture
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claymore allegedly wrote:

I got 12 three times, what do I win? Smile

You're tied with Blue. Impressive! You win a new version, out early and complete with fancy target placement all over the map. Go make some new records. Record reset to 0 with the new placements.

Link on first post should reflect Rope Challenge 0.4.
Also, replays should now work so that can validate your claims.

Go for it! Big Grin

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Blue's picture
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Argh its so much harder now XD
Targets spawn everywere ^^
The 0.5 seconds were it shows you new target can be
annoying but is very helpful.

I'll work on some records and post viedo
of first good go.


Blue's picture
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Hey got 12 not too bad,
one more problem
the black box at beginning with
rope challenege and your name in it
lasts a little too long, any chance
you can shorten it?



Sir TToby
Sir TToby's picture
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hi! I have a small problem - after downloading there was only one LUA- data file, not a folder like "cowrace" or sth like this... :P

mikade's picture
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mikade allegedly wrote:

To play, simply download the one file:

And paste it into your
Data\Missions\Training directory (the one that has shotgun, sniperRifle etc.) training in it.

After that it should show up in the training section.

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Blue's picture
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Hey Blue again with an
updated record of 14 =)



Sir TToby
Sir TToby's picture
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poor how could i be so stupid? lol and thx xx]


hmm i only got 11 :P

mikade's picture
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Daaaamn. My record is only 10. :P

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Star and Moon
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mikade allegedly wrote:

Daaaamn. My record is only 10. :P

Hi, Nice training thing! And if you think 10 is bad, i only got 3!

mikade's picture
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I think there is a way to override the default display times for the black box. I'll try make it last a bit shorter than that short space where you can't control the hog.

Hm. At the moment target points are fixed in order to promote fairness. I tried taking the camera switch down to 1/4 second and it wasn't too bad. But I'm thinking of just removing it altogether. Camera switch is only really needed if targets are constantly random. If you are going for a record, you learn the order of the targets pretty quickly, so you probably don't really need the reminder.


edit: Also, if some master of rhythm management wants to propose different spawning places / a different order for the targets to appear that would make it more fun, feel free to suggest so.

edit edit: Also, what are your thoughts / opinions on making the time longer, like say 120 secs? I think this would allow for people to make more mistakes over the long run and give a better aggregation of shoppa "skill" overall. Up to yo guys, tho.

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the more time you have - more targets you can reach. i don't see the point of making time longer
what about random: if possible, divide map into 4-6 areas, and make random spawn in them one-by-one - 1st target spawns in random place in area 1, second in area 2, and so on. it will give us dynamic respawn points with decreased random influence (cause in other case biggest record will beat the luckiest who has close respawn points)

mikade's picture
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kr3ved allegedly wrote:

if possible, divide map into 4-6 areas, and make random spawn in them one-by-one - 1st target spawns in random place in area 1, second in area 2, and so on. it will give us dynamic respawn points with decreased random influence (cause in other case biggest record will beat the luckiest who has close respawn points)

Hmm. Sounds like a lot of work, lol. If you give me x-y coordinates I can make a randomish version. Something like this

Area A:
Respawn position 1: x;y
Respawn position 2: x;y
Respawn position 3: x;y

Area B:
Respawn position 1: x;y
Respawn position 2: x;y
Respawn position 3: x;y

Area C:
Respawn position 1: x;y
Respawn position 2: x;y
Respawn position 3: x;y

Area D:
Respawn position 1: x;y
Respawn position 2: x;y
Respawn position 3: x;y

Then the crates will spawn in order A,B,C,D and in each case spawn in one of the three respawn positions for each area.

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how can i get them?

mikade's picture
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Open up ropes.png in a graphics editor like photoshop or similar. In this editor, you will be able to see the dimensions of the image in pixels. You can probably also see the x;y coordinates of your cursor on the image. It's the same.

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Sir TToby
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i almost got 14, too! FUCK! lol... i didn't know where the 14th hit would appear, otherwise i would have got it.

if you want: http://www.mediafire.com/?xt0qh0wq2t78xnv


mikade's picture
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Well done!
14 is the current record as held by Blue Smile

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Mrock's picture
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Nice training mission man.
Random positions will result on a big lucky factor. And thats not the point of getting a record Smile

Btw you guys can fix the problem of the camera by downloading n00b's patch of hogfocus, and the camera focus every time on the hog.

User offline. Last seen 9 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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hi i use ubuntu linux. Where should I put the file? in the directory. / Hedgewars / data there is nothing. is empty.

Sorry, i find the directory. is:



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