New Voices!

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Monster Destroyer
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We have created a new voice set (called "ninja"); we have all the audio files ready and in order. They work for our game just fine, but we need a way to post them here without simply uploading the audio one track at a time. Especially since we have more vocal sets on the way.

On another note, there are some voice set issues with the game; for instance, there are voice instances that are never even used in the game because their file locations are never called upon (not just our voices, even the ones that come with the game).

Because of this, many voice instances are reused over and over again. We've made several different vocal tracks (all vocally consistent with the sound of the in-game voices) for one event instance, but unless the "default" vocal track calls for more than one, these are not used. (for instance, we created a "Yessir" 1, 2, and 3, but the game will only use the unnumbered one, because that is all that is included in the "default" voice)

If you have any ideas for how we can get these to you, we would be happy to share our entertaining input.

nemo's picture
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Oh. Oops. We only use one yessir? Hm. I'll have to fix that.

Anyway, yeah, not everything is used yet, although new sounds get added from time to time.
That's 'cause Armagon didn't know what Hedgewars would use when he made the voice pack. He used to contribute to other games. Smile

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Koda's picture
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'allo, that's great news!
You could put all files in a zip and uplaod that file to many hosting services (just google for them)
alternatively you could download and install dropbox and put all your files inside the public folder (and forward us the link)


Monster Destroyer
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Alright, thanks! Here's the link to some "ninja" voices. Let us know what you think.

Koda's picture
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i heard them and i find them a little too low pitched
anyways you should wait for uriah or armagon opinions

Monster Destroyer
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Good point. We had actually thought about that afterwords. We can pretty quickly change that and/or any one of the audio tracks individually. But I guess we'll wait for uriah or armagons opinion like you said so we can make all changes at the same time.

Wind Owl
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Why is it called Ninja but obviously closest to Chinese...?

Wuzzy's picture
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I like this voice pack a lot, I use it for my Ninja team “Black Spider”. Smile

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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I made a voice pack for Iron Man with Cutted HISHE clips
You can download it here:

It's still unfinished, Maybe i'll update someday

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My voicepack says "TANK MISSILE" as the file "incoming.ogg" "laugh.ogg" and "melon.ogg"
It talks about shwarma in the files "victory.ogg" and "reinforcements.ogg"
It talks about the enemy's takeoff speed at "flawless.ogg" and "boring.ogg"
Everything cut out of HISHE's videos
Thank you, HISHE

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