[Theme] Inside the Computer (WIP)

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Sooo I got the random idea to make my own map. I wanted a theme that had to do with computers, and I haven't found one underway that was quite what I was looking for. The idea is "Inside of the Computer" battle. It's not done, but I'm wondering if it's worth pursuing and what more I should add to it.

I also have .svg versions of the graphics. Big Grin

I might make a few more chips and things, but other than that what does it need? If I make it would it be worthy of inclusion?


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Reminds me a bit of Stirpar's Virtualised theme. Less green tho. Smile

I'm not a graphics expert, but at the very least I can tell you that shaders as used in your land objects and clouds are considered a no-no according to the Hedgewars style guideline.

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Hmm, yes now that you mention it the shading is something that needs to be fixed. I had noticed some shading on other maps but it's not as much of it.

The virtualize theme is also interesting, except theirs is more or less computer data, and mine internal computer hardware.

So to clarify any future problems, here's the objects. I've made the shading much more simplified.

Thoughts and critiques?

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Nice! I like it! When are you going to release?

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