Hand-Drawn Maps Submission Thread

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mikade's picture
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Hi! Big Grin

While MOST of the hand-drawn maps I've seen are just funny squiggles, occasionally players come up with some pretty nice ideas / maps. It would be great if the community as a whole could see/share some of these better maps in a centralized location.

Towards that end, I have created this thread.

Post your hand-drawn maps, here. Where possible, please provide a screenshot and/or short description of your map. This will increase the likelihood of player's trying it out.

I don't need to say any and all "mature-content" will be deleted, but I just did.
None of this:

Anyway, that's enough from me.
Get posting!
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Thomas's picture
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hmmm... the idea of the handdrawn maps feature is that uploading them isnt nessesary anymore.
so if someone wants to share his maps he just has to open a room.

please add your xfire accountname here:

Star and Moon
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please provide a screenshot

please add your xfire accountname here:

Randy's picture
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Hello mikade I've some cool Hand-drawn map, I have save it but i don't know if is good that file, Can you help me. Here is the map:

Left part:

Right part:

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you can found a page with some hand-drawn maps (zipped png files, painted by gunman and me) on my homepage. We are playing these maps since earlier Hedgewars-Versions for fun ...

Look here:


Star and Moon
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By hand drawn maps we mean maps drawn in the map editor built into hedgewars. Annoyed
Look at the screenshots of mine.

bowja's picture
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Here's Mine:

Dragon Keep
Note: This Map Is best played with one team on either side


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nemo's picture
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Maps generated using http://hedgewars.org/kb/SVGImport

I'm up for requests if someone has an SVG they particularly like ☺

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