New password doesn't work

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
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I did register because some funny face was using my nick, and i was getting kicked everytime, and the game being close.

I changed my pass, it works here, but not on the game, in which i still have to use the default password that i received by e-mail...

Do i need to wait to the server accept it or it's a bug?
Any tips?

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I would love to help... hmm can you please specify what your problem is CLEARLY :p

Well in my interpretation of this is, I think the solution would to be to reset your password. Go to and log in with your default password. Then click the "change my password". Instructions are sent to you on how to reset... bla bla bla.... then go to hedgewars server and try logging back into with your new password. Smile That should work. O and if you reset your password recently, wait a little while then log back into hedgewars app.
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Quinho allegedly wrote:

I did register because some funny face was using my nick, and i was getting kicked everytime, and the game being close.

I changed my pass, it works here, but not on the game, in which i still have to use the default password that i received by e-mail...

Do i need to wait to the server accept it or it's a bug?
Any tips?

the server caches passwords so it can take time till password changes are applied there.
Usually you can just ask an admin to refresh the server cache manually tho. Then your new password should work right away

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