EarthRace map (based on TrophyRace)

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Fragect's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2011-04-22
Posts: 7

Hi everyone,

Here is my map EarthRace, wich is based on TrophyRace.
I made the whole map with GIMP and Paint.

Download and unzip the link, then put the folder in your maps folder.


I hope you have fun :P

EDIT: Don't use the image to download, because I scaled it much. If you Download the map, there is a very better graphic.

User offline. Last seen 7 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Thanks for your efforts on this, haven't tried it yet but doesn't look bad.

Is that the Stage theme landtex? Don't *ever* use paint for *anything* btw, it screws up a few things, like transparency. You might want to consider using and possibly Inkscape (for vector drawings) instead.

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2011-04-22
Posts: 7

Yes that's the stage theme, the stones next to the space ship and near the start are from a theme pack too.
Mostly I used gimp for the map, the image is very scaled and if you download the map, there is a very better graphic and no problems with transparency Smile

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