Black Team Color (bug)

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Mystery_2nd Account
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Recently, i use black color as the first color replaced from the red one. Everytime i use a team with black team color, this error occured :

Last two engine messages:
Establishing IPC connection to tcp ok
Error: black team color

nemo's picture
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Mystery_2nd Account allegedly wrote:

Recently, i use black color as the first color replaced from the red one. Everytime i use a team with black team color, this error occured :

Last two engine messages:
Establishing IPC connection to tcp ok
Error: black team color

Well. Yes. That's a pretty silly colour to pick, isn't it.

Why would you do that? Smile

You like having an unreadable interface?
It is an explicit check in the engine for people doing silly things.
Well, more specifically, it was probably an explicit check for a bug (colour of 0).
If you really want your interface unreadable, you can still set a colour that is almost completely black.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Mystery_2nd Account
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nemo allegedly wrote:
Well. Yes. That's a pretty silly colour to pick, isn't it.

silly? it's a man color you know :P
thanks anyway

shadowzero78's picture
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Hey! Black is a nice "colour"! I kinda wish you could override the color you are given (for games where you are not the host) to black (if you don't like the color you are given), and the background color of the tags set to white; that'd make your own team stand out from the rest, making spotting of your own hogs easier (maybe), less teamfraging, etc. I'd do it myself and submit a patch... if i knew how :-(; maybe in the long, long, looooong future.


Koda's picture
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We could add as enhancement that when black color for team is selected the colors for the background label and borders are inverted.

Any opinions on this?
If there is enough consensus please add this idea to our issue tracker.

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