Legacy cross-version support?

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badwolfpuppy's picture
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My friend and I want to play Hedgewars over LAN. The problem is that his computer is a Windows laptop using version 0.9.18 and my computer is a desktop using Linux Mint 12 using version 0.9.17 ~ therefore the servers wont talk to each other. I have tried updating the Linux version of Hedgewars unsuccessfully. In the meantime, is there anything my friend can do to persuade the 0.9.17 server to allow legacy connections?

Also, about the failed update, I followed the various ways of updating it, but only the version served by the native Package/Software Manager works in particular. Other options are erroneous. Any ideas please?

- Pup.

nemo's picture
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Use the Ubuntu packages linked on our download page. The .deb should work in Mint.

More generally, Ubuntu/Debian/Mint have been annoyingly fail this update compared to prior releases and other linux distributions.
Every other distro updated within a week or two. Filed a bug w/ launchpad, but despite much pleading, never got an update.

Ubuntu 13.04 has 0.9.18 - although I don't know what'll happen when we do .19 - probably same issue.

0.9.17 we lucked out and found someone who understood the online play issue, and it was updated fairly promptly.

Perhaps it was the wording. Might try that for 0.9.19.

Anyway, architecturally it is not possible for two versions to play each other. Moves are relayed. Simulation is run locally. So. Engines must match. This keeps network traffic light, server load minimal and greatly complicates many forms of cheating, but does require same version. Spring engine does the same thing.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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