"R" doesnt work when i try video recording

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bufon's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 159

hi, i guess this is a stupid question with easy solution, but i cant record videos anymore. suddenly the R key doesnt work and i cant record videos from demos, could you please help me?


Rope Brothers Founder

sphrix's picture
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hey bufon ! making some videos ? Smile

i don't know why it don't work anymore, but did you try to change the key for recording in the settings ?

(i think it is on the advanced team setting... not sure)

try with an other shortkey Wink Smiley

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bufon's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 159

sphrix allegedly wrote:

hey bufon ! making some videos ? Smile

i don't know why it don't work anymore, but did you try to change the key for recording in the settings ?

(i think it is on the advanced team setting... not sure)

try with an other shortkey Wink Smiley

yeah clem! i already tried to change the keys and im unable to record any video -.- but thanks anyway Big Grin

Rope Brothers Founder

Koda's picture
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please always report the version of hedgewars you were running when you find bugs/encounter problems

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