Which weapon would you most like to see next?

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Anyone remember the "bow"?
it would give a big "acceleration" to hedgewars when centered

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Rubber bomb

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What about a rope bomb?
-You shoot a rope, but instead of your Hedge, a bomb comes closer to the end of the rope and explodes, when it reaches the end.

Or Alienattack?
A spaceship appears from above, shoots a laserbeam downwards, which causes about 100 damage.

Or EMP as a special item, which deactivates all mines for one round?

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EMP Sounds pretty awesome IMHO.

Also, To fix the 'floating' bug with the rope when you've grabbed a crate of some form, The rope should drag things toward the player, not drag the player toward the crate. and for when the land the rope is on gets blown up, destroy the rope, so the player goes flying. :P

Scimitar! Slice n' Dice those hogs Wink Smiley

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when you've grabbed a crate of some form, The rope should drag things toward the player

It seems you overplayed the Orangebox, lol. I don't think it's a bug. It's a feature!

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The orangebox? :S
No, Worms 4: Mayhem inspired Idea, lol.

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Mac10 (Uzi replacement, the boxy design of the gun seems to be a bit cartoonish in nature IMO and suits the HW theme quite well) would be nice, but I'd rather see a Sawed-Off shotgun. Unlike the shotgun (which I personally think should be switched to a bolt-action rifle due to how it's used and the range on the damn thing), the Sawed-off would have 1 shot with about 80 max damage. It'd have a low range (the projectiles would greatly decrease in damage potential depending on range), but it'd have a cone area of effect and would harm all hogs in its range with moderate knockback. Obviously you'd only get real usefulness out of it at point-blank range, but if you have a few hogs clustered together you could easily toast their asses or at least severely injure them.

Recommended as a drop, not a standard item. :P

Also, Riot Shield. Basically halves all damage the hog takes until its next turn. Doesn't protect from knockback and uses up the hog's turn, so it's best used as a purely defensive tactic.

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Mac10: Yes.
S-O SG: No.
Riot: Yes. :P

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-Low Gravity: Turns down the gravity for one round. eg. jumps, or flying hedges from explosions, reducing damge of landings. The round doesn't end after activating it. Each team has it once. I extremly liked it to use it together with the firepunch Smile

- Mole: BUT DIFFERENT to the mole of worms. I'd prefer to control him with the Arrow keys. First let him walk on the surface. For example to the left, then press the Left-Arrow-Key, he begins to dig. And under the surface you can control him like a supersheep. Explosion after a time or pressing Space. Small explosion. Maybe up to a nade explosion. Enough to kick other Hedges which are standing on a slant down to the sea.

(By the way: I would like to have a display that shows the timer during the last 3 seconds for: this Mole, the Cake and the later upcoming animals that explode after a while)

- Jetpack: of course Wink Smiley

affect's picture
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Well, I almost finished working on the Drill Rocket, and the Molotov Cocktail is kinda ready, the fire needs some tweaking tho. I'm also developing Uzi and Minigun. I also like the idea of the Low Gravity stuff

Now when we have drunk some beer let's go drive a car.

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Really dramatic Atomic Bomb

First of all I have to say, that this is meant as a sort of Ultra-Kamikaze weapon for occasions when your team will most probably be dead by the next turn or so and you want to take as many hogs as possible to hell with you. This Atomic bomb is really as well dramatic as quite a bit of work to implement, I think. But as I always understood Worms (and now Hedgewars) as some sort of Anti-war game I think we should have the most ridiculous weapon that mankind has to offer in our Hedgewars arsenal, too. And, of course, illustrate the drastic effects it has.
Ok, I have also been very disappointed by the lame effects of the Atomic bomb in Worms: Directors Cut, where everything that happens is that the worm puts on goggles, there is a flash and the water rises temporarily.

This bomb should, of course, only be available in reinforcement crates as the default setting.

It will have serious disadvantages for the user himself, so it's not meant to be a real smart bomb. Beginning with the fact, that it cant fly very far, because its such a big beast. It can only be ignited be a timer for which the maximum setting is some (maybe 3) seconds. For the user this will mean almost certain death. But it will be a real pain in the ass for all others, too.

- bomb explodes -> white flash, big crater, much hp loss in immediate vicinity, but low hp loss far away (normally 4/3*pi*r^3, but as this is a 2d world, i would suggest 2*r*pi, but thats maybe much too hard)
- emp (electromagnetic pulse)-> mines get deactivated for 2 turns
- heat and particle radiation -> in a certain range of the explosion everything gets covered with flames (for a short time), hurting the hogs
- earthquake -> shakes everything around for 1-2 seconds
- shock wave -> a bright shock wave travels outside from the center of the explosion. Everything (all sprites) touched by the wave gets thrown significantly far away and hurt for 20 hp
- mushroom cloud -> forms from the ground, dissipates almost completely and leaves a small, relatively low flying glowing cloud
- fallout -> the radioactive cloud is blown around a little (obeying the current wind conditions) for some (maybe 3) turns
- fallout pools -> when hedgehogs touch the pools, they loose 5 hp for each turn (round) of staying on the pool
- pools & radiation disappear after one round (or sth. like that)

Some sound effects would be nice for this too.
- huge boom when the bomb explodes
- long rumbling thunder for the shock wave/ earthquake
- crackling geiger counter noise from when the fallout comes down till the point the fallout pools disappear

If you're still with me, you will probably agree that this would be a real bastard of a bomb. I can almost hear the yelling of the other players when you throw one of these ("oh no, don't do that" - "shit, he did it" - "Jackass!").
It could be made a little less dramatic, the concept is what counts for me.

Who wants to see something like this, too?

I made this (crude) illustration of what I thought of:

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Hmm, the fallout 'pools' sound annoying but I don't mind the idea of a cloud that would rain acid and any hogs below get damaged by it.
But this weapon seems somewhat way too 'epic' IMHO.

szczur's picture
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I LOVE the idea of big muthafuc***'n kickass bomb like this!!!! It should destroy your CRT monitor (if anyone have that [i do] wiv a big BANG :P)!

And I have another idea for something to get Hedges up to the sky. The Magic Carpet Ride (TMCR in short Big Grin). Hedgehog takes a picnic carpet, and covers it with some kind of magic powder from Hedgegod and he can fly for approx 30 sec. in any direction. He can drop almost everything from it starting with dynamite and ends up with ATOMIC BOMB... or simply Watermelon.

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I think people are going to crazy with making big overpowered weapons now.
The magic carpets cool though. Smile

rbaleksandar's picture
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I do believe it would be a better strategy first to implement most of the original weapons from Worms (with little modifications maybe if you have the time and resources) and than create new one. There is a lot of work to do with them for now. Later it will be cooler if you add new possibilities for single or mass hedge-destruction Smile Love the idea of new weapons (like the cake - so cool). But later Wink Smiley The more weapons, the better. Even cooler it would be (Yoda-style speech, he Smile ), if the variety of weapons is bigger that the one in Worms Smile

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Palewolf's picture
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I miss venomous weapons from Worms... what about a gas grenade? Or a stinky skunk.

Weapons that f*ck other players controls would be fun, too. Like switching arrow keys and jump keys, or maybe a vodka bomb! Any hedgehog hi by it gets drunk.

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We need originality, so gas grenade etc are direct copies of what was in worms. Maybe a sleeping weapon, like a sedation needle that you have to be meleé ranged to do..

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Ok, I see that my A-Bomb idea is maybe a little too much.

But what about these:

Josh allegedly wrote:

We need originality, so gas grenade etc are direct copies of what was in worms.

As we deal with hedgehogs in Hedgewars and not worms, we maybe should have something that is dangerous for hedgehogs in real life.

*Bottle of milk
As every child should know: dont give milk to the little hedgehogs, they cant digest it or something like that and they will probably die from it!

*Rolling car wheel (this is not neat)
Many times I see hedgehogs, the are flat as a pizza, because they have been run over by a car. Obviously cars are really dangerous to hedgehogs.
What I think of is something working similar to the cake, sliding around the surface (but rolling) and looking like a car wheel.

If this is not spectacular enough for you, make a lawn mower of it. It could be remotely controlled for variety.

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I lol'ed and loved the idea of a tyre that you can run other people over with.
Make it get smaller and smaller, so the further it rolls it gets weaker, until it's vanished. Wink Smiley

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I like the idea of the car. It could be used like the cake for a humourous moment of killing. Wink Smiley

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I would like very much some kind of a weapon similar to the BFG 9000 from Doom Wink Smiley I do think it will be a nice replacement of the Worms' machinegun (we want to be original after all Wink Smiley ).

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--Sorry, due to slow internet connection at the moment I double posted my comment.--

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[DoomNerd] Get it right, it's BFG 9000, with the daddy, formed on Quake 3 Arena, called the BFG 10000. [/DoomNerd]

And a DEagle styled weapon: 1 shot only. "Railgun" - Make it do 50 health points of damage per shot and dig very far into ground. Wink Smiley

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Oh, and some earthquake like thing, fissure maybe?

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Hammer: a giant hammer is used to crush other hedgehogs a few "meters" into ground. Moderate damage but useful if land is thin enough to make the other hedgehog fall down into water or just get rid of him for a few turns.

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don't know if we need a jetpack, i can get around just fine with the rope (we need cave maps!) but i love the idea of a rolling tire. i would love to be able to drop weapons while i'm using rope (unless we already can and i haven't figured it out yet Geek ) i also like the idea of a freeze gun that would last one turn.

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imnotsonic Press enter when on the rope. And I agree we need cave maps.

palewolf I definitely agree with this weapon idea.

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Palewolf allegedly wrote:

Hammer: a giant hammer is used to crush other hedgehogs a few "meters" into ground. Moderate damage but useful if land is thin enough to make the other hedgehog fall down into water or just get rid of him for a few turns.

That's a good idea <3

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ttsmj allegedly wrote:

Palewolf allegedly wrote:

Hammer: a giant hammer is used to crush other hedgehogs a few "meters" into ground. Moderate damage but useful if land is thin enough to make the other hedgehog fall down into water or just get rid of him for a few turns.

That's a good idea <3

I love this, it's going to happen

harmless911's picture
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Make sure you can't jump out of the hole you were smashed into...

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Epic win for the hammer <3 (nice quick animation btw, ttsmj! Wink Smiley)

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I love the idea of Hammer. It's going to be very useful weapon.
And I have another weapon idea. In WWP was weapon such as Salvation Army. It was a group of men with tambourines which throw them like a clusters in worms it have such damage:

Damage : Impact 50 HP max
Medium damage to land
Cluster 75 HP max
Big damage to land

We can have a Monthy Python's Spanish Inquisition Big Grin
A group of inquisitors that say "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Each of them would wear red skirt(?), throw cross shaped grenade, and walk like a cake and ends with a explosion.

More info about sketch: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spanish_Inquisition_(Monty_Python)

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magik! That's a great idea! ^^

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I love Monty Python! Maybe another weapon like an ex-parrot Big Grin

PS. Only as a joke. Don't think about it.

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Submarine! [Idea inspired by "fxforce" while we were having a game online.]
Call it the same way as you would an air attack (clicking on the target area), but with a little submarine from underneath the terrain that shoots 3-4 torpedoes upwards instead of a plane dropping 6 bombs downward. These torpedoes should be able to do a max damage value of approx. 40 health. Smile

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Josh allegedly wrote:
Submarine! [Idea inspired by "fxforce" while we were having a game online.]
Call it the same way as you would an air attack (clicking on the target area), but with a little submarine from underneath the terrain that shoots 3-4 torpedoes upwards instead of a plane dropping 6 bombs downward. These torpedoes should be able to do a max damage value of approx. 40 health. Smile

Thinking of the same, Josh, but then - we already have airstrike. And what's the point if the submarine shoots from under the water surface and there's only land above? If you want to kill someone who's on a tiny land a little above the water surface, you can use the UFO - shoot it downwards and it'll go under the water and hit your target from underneath.

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rbaleksandar allegedly wrote:
Thinking of the same, Josh, but then - we already have airstrike. And what's the point if the submarine shoots from under the water surface and there's only land above? If you want to kill someone who's on a tiny land a little above the water surface, you can use the UFO - shoot it downwards and it'll go under the water and hit your target from underneath.

Submarine would be more accurate. i just can't deal with this UFO.

@Josh: Does these torpodoes explode next to each other (like airstrike) or are they fired one after another to dig a hole in the ground? Maybe with a certain angle

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1 after the other, just with a wider spread delay than the air attack maybe. Smile
Or all in one direct line, say the submarine pauses travel, fires them all up digging a hole and then 'swimming' off after.

e.g: 1st missile: weak. 2nd missile: weak 3rd Missile: powerful.

This could be used for a place to teleport/dig to as well as a killing mechanism then.

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Okay, if there is any submarine (which I doubt), it's better if it shoots with drill rockets. Normal rockets will just make some hole. If you play on a map with high and massive ground massives, this weapon will be totally useless. But if it shoots with drill rockets, it'll have 2 abilities:
1)If ground particle is little above the surface, drill rockets will explode and make a hole so that hedgehogs can fall in it.
2)If hedgehogs are on a medium high ground massif, drill rockets have still a chance to reach the target by drilling underneath it and when reaching it - hit it with full power Smile

To make this weapon of war even more effective, it'll be cool, if the player can control the course of the submarine under the water (here we have only left and right) and shoot the rockets like with the RC plane - vie Spacebar. After a period of time, the submarine will only go straight to the bottom of the ocean - no explosions like by the RC plane, since there's nothing underneath the submarine (and above it :P) except water.

Hm, while writing this, I think more and more that it'll be cool to have such thing. It's like the Aqua-Super sheep in Worms but somehow different and innovative. Geek

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There will be no submarine,

Keeping track of when airstrikes come into play, and moving lower/into cover is a key part of strategy in Hedgewwars, airstrikes from the bottom of the map just dismantles this strategy.

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Sad Smiley

Fair point though.

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maybe a flamethrower
similar as the ballgun, but it shoots fire!
(i hope my english isn't too bad...Wink Smiley)


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It's cool, but it's also unoriginal. Besides, we have enough fire causing weapons IMO. Smile

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I'd like to see an equivilent to the worms concrete donkey. The animal replacement I thought might be good would be the GNU Smile (Could be a goat I suppose since Hogs should only drink goats milk or water Smile ).

Also someone suggested in a game recently that it would be nice to have the RC plane have a machine gun on it, perhaps it could be that up/down arrows control whether your plane will EITHER fire guns or bombs (but you only get 2 seconds to choose on launch, otherwise it defaults to the standard bombs).

I'd also like a Super Whip, its like the whip and the rope combined, you have the same length to it as one rope (so you can whip hogs that are a fair bit away from you with a little damage given to them) or if they're close, they get caught from the tip of the whip to its extent before being hurled accross the landscape. I think it'd be a weapon that by default you wouldn't get many of due to its power when you're close to hogs.

Maybe even allow you to pull hogs towards you with it, in a similar way to Seduction.

On the subject of Seduction I'd like an opposite, Repulsion, that causes the hit hog to turn white, scream and leap away fast Smile

A friend of mine also was saying he'd like the worms prod included in game Smile

Maybe a Worm (since hogs eat 'em) that is like a combo of the drill rocket and the cake, in that it can dig through land, but then crawls along till it finds an enemy and then BOOM !

Also maybe a leaf bomb, similar to worms' letter bomb, but it lands floating leaves (privet hedge naturally) all over the place.

Chief Smile

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chiefwhosm allegedly wrote:

I'd like to see an equivilent to the worms concrete donkey. The animal replacement I thought might be good would be the GNU Smile (Could be a goat I suppose since Hogs should only drink goats milk or water Smile ).

Also someone suggested in a game recently that it would be nice to have the RC plane have a machine gun on it, perhaps it could be that up/down arrows control whether your plane will EITHER fire guns or bombs (but you only get 2 seconds to choose on launch, otherwise it defaults to the standard bombs).

I'd also like a Super Whip, its like the whip and the rope combined, you have the same length to it as one rope (so you can whip hogs that are a fair bit away from you with a little damage given to them) or if they're close, they get caught from the tip of the whip to its extent before being hurled accross the landscape. I think it'd be a weapon that by default you wouldn't get many of due to its power when you're close to hogs.

Maybe even allow you to pull hogs towards you with it, in a similar way to Seduction.

On the subject of Seduction I'd like an opposite, Repulsion, that causes the hit hog to turn white, scream and leap away fast Smile

A friend of mine also was saying he'd like the worms prod included in game Smile

Maybe a Worm (since hogs eat 'em) that is like a combo of the drill rocket and the cake, in that it can dig through land, but then crawls along till it finds an enemy and then BOOM !

Also maybe a leaf bomb, similar to worms' letter bomb, but it lands floating leaves (privet hedge naturally) all over the place.

Chief Smile


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Remote/stickmine: A mine that can be thrown like a normal grenade, and will stick to a hog. Does nothing at first. If the hog jumps, falls, gets damaged / whatever, the mine detonates. Remains on the ground if no hog is hit at all, and sticks to a hog should it walk on one.

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A pic say more than Text

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I like.

Make these needles weak though, or it'll be very overpowering.

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o ähm many needles but every 1 make 2 hit points ok here are 50 of them but only 3-8 hit a hedgeshog.

the trick is
you have 1 of the bombs / macht
and you musst hit many hedgeshogs for a good effect
numbers are variable

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I don't believe this will happen until they resolve the performance problems with fire, napalm and other guns with lots of animation. One more weapon that will deliver bad performance is a bad idea. But it's cool though Smile

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