Window “hedgewars video recording (glut hidden window)” appears after recording

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Wuzzy's picture
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I use Arch Linux and Hedgewars 0.9.21 and FreeGLUT 3.0.0, and everytime after I have recorded something I can see a new empty window appearing and its title is “hedgewars video recording (glut hidden window)”. The window seems to disappear whenever the recording is finished (or aborted).

The window itself seems to be very buggy, it is “transparent” (except for the window decorations), I can move it around and scale it, even close it, but when I move it, the window just takes the contents from its background (it is not properly redrawn).

I think this window is not supposed to appear or be visible at all, right? Wink Smiley

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sheepluva's picture
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I think it had to be a visible window because otherwise SDL 1.2 wouldn't allow rendering anything (even if rendering to framebuffer, not screen).

But sure, could look at it again. Especially when upgrading to SDL2.

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