[Bug] Sudden Death comes one turn too late

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 37 weeks 15 hours ago. Offline
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It seems that in 0.9.22 the Sudden Death timeout setting from the game scheme acts a bit weird.

If you set it to 0, then Sudden Death will not come instantly, but on the second turn.
If you set it to 1, the Sudden Death will come after 1 complete round plus one turn.
And so on.

This seems to be a bit weird to me and is probably not intended. Or is there any rationale behind that additional turn to wait?

I'd say a timeout of 0 should mean instant Sudden Death. The extra turn should be removed. I consider this setting to be a number of rounds, not to be a number of rounds plus one turn. This is really confusing.

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nemo's picture
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I have no idea why, but my guess would be for fairness, to allow all teams a chance to deal with start positions before triggering water rise.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 37 weeks 15 hours ago. Offline
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This would make sense if it would at least delay Sudden Death for one round.
But Sudden Death starts at the second turn (at a Sudden Death timeout of 0).
So the first team has a slight advantage over the later teams.

But I think there is clearly an use case for instant Sudden Death, and this should be up to the scheme creator to decide IMO. For instance, Sudden Death at the first turn can still be fair if you have manual starting positions enabled.

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