Hello to Devs :D Whats up to Release of Updates 0.9.23 =) ???

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Hello to Devs =D

I just randomly asking myself about some stuff
and this is one of it, however

So, can anyone tell me how the Next Update 0.9.23 Progress atm ???
It's moving forwards right ? isn't it ?

Ah, and one more biggie question (which is seem annoying)
How about 'New Weapon Rumors' a.k.a weapon that works like Minigun ?
Aborted right ? Or do I wrong ? I hope I've wrong about his one...
And see it in next update as a new new new weapon among the olds =] !!!

I really curious about this, tbh...
And waiting for it as well as other Hedgelovers do about this long wait for the release of our Hedgewars really big update.
Also hoping so there are no more delay for it, nor problem to be it's obstacle, and everything seem blocking this update progress will be cleansed as fast as possible
Really hope so ^_^

And thanks for letting me know about these ^w^ !!!!


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KoBeWi's picture
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You can track progress on the game here: http://hg.hedgewars.org/hedgewars/graph

Sadly, seems like there were no updates in 2 weeks and alpha release is still pretty unplayable Sad Smiley

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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According the FAQ:


Hedgewars development follows a strict development/testing/release circle.
Please have a look at our Release Schedule

UltiMaxKom's picture
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Once more
I got this for the second time xD
Release Schedule
But anyway, it's funny to see some of Sheepluva's ( <- if I recall correctly ) troll trap around the forum x)

And well
uh oh, so sad the update need more to go and Alpha Version didn't work atm. Unfortunately however
I hope this would be better in few weeks =|


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Wuzzy's picture
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The next update is going to be absolutely huge.

We have already written a preliminary changelog which reflects the current stage of development pretty well:


There has been significant work on almost all missions, scripts and campaigns. Especially WxW has seen massive improvements, but also other scripts have seen lots of improvements as well. The worst campaign bugs have been fixed.

There's a rubber duck weapon, a few new missions, the Battalion script has been added. There are also various frontend and interface tweaks. There's also the Beach theme.

Sadly, the progress in the past few months has been extremely slow. We don't really plan to add more features before release. There are a few release-blocking bugs left which we absolutely must fix before release. Now that I have returned to Hedgewars, I hope I can help again with development in the next weeks.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

UltiMaxKom's picture
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I bet it will be so huge! *cringeface

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
We have already written a preliminary changelog which reflects the current stage of development pretty well:


There has been significant work on almost all missions, scripts and campaigns. Especially WxW has seen massive improvements, but also other scripts have seen lots of improvements as well. The worst campaign bugs have been fixed.

There's a rubber duck weapon, a few new missions, the Battalion script has been added. There are also various frontend and interface tweaks. There's also the Beach theme.

Well damn me
I've read those weeks ago but never get back online to our humble forum
I want to ask it earlier before you tell it
I just curious when reading those changelog, there something makes me interested: Rubber Ducky?
When I read it, I just want to post about it (spoiling! xD)
But well its been too late to spoils Big Grin

WELCOME BACK WUZZY! (say Welcome back to me as well! xD)
Our precious! golum!

Hope with your comeback, the progress will be faster than ever! (I bet)


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