[Bug] 0.9.23 - The game engine died unexpectedly! (exit code 217)

50 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-05-23
Posts: 45

I am the current package maintainer for Fedora Linux and I just built 0.9.23. You can actually finish the game but there's always a pop-up window saying:

The game engine died unexpectedly! (exit code 217)
We are very sorry for the inconvenience Sad Smiley
If this keeps happening, please click the ‘Feedback’ button in the main menu!

I tried playing a demo to see if I could reproduce the problem directly with hwengine but none of the demos are new enough but I did get this:

$ hwengine Download/mission_3_trzecie_podejscie.51.hwd
Attempting to play demo file "Download/mission_3_trzecie_podejscie.51.hwd"
Hedgewars engine 0.9.23-r12836 (8610462e3d33) with protocol #53
Init SDL... ok
Init SDL_ttf... ok
Init SDL_image... ok
Loading /Graphics/hwengine.png [flags: 8] ok (32x32)
Number of game controllers: 0
Not using any game controller
Getting game config...
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (10pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)... ok
Loading progress sprite: Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6] ok (324x972)
Lua: Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/journey.lua loaded
Lua: /Scripts/Locale.lua loaded
Lua: /Scripts/Animate.lua loaded
Protocol version mismatch: engine is too new (got 51, expecting 53)
Freeing resources...
FIXME FIXME FIXME. App shutdown without full cleanup of texture list; read game0.log and please report this problemAn unhandled exception occurred at $00007F063C3B516C:

Not sure if it helps any...


nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 1861

Could you please run hwengine against a more reason test game? One that ends in .53.hwd I can send you one if you need one.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-05-23
Posts: 45

nemo allegedly wrote:

Could you please run hwengine against a more reason test game? One that ends in .53.hwd I can send you one if you need one.

Yes please, I looked through the demo section but did not see one for engine 53...


User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-05-23
Posts: 45

Well I tried using gdb to get some additional info but I'm assuming hwengine is in haskell? I installed the appropriate debuginfo package but didn't get any symbols:

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7fa7300 (LWP 23534)):
#0 0x00007ffff635416c in _dl_catch_error () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1 0x00007ffff65d56a5 in _dlerror_run () from /lib64/libdl.so.2
No symbol table info available.
#2 0x00007ffff65d501f in dlclose () from /lib64/libdl.so.2
No symbol table info available.
#3 0x00007ffff4027bee in CleanupVendorNameEntry.constprop.4 ()
from /lib64/libGLX.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#4 0x00007ffff402a161 in __glXMappingTeardown () from /lib64/libGLX.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#5 0x00007ffff4022dd7 in __glXFini () from /lib64/libGLX.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#6 0x00007ffff7de74b3 in _dl_fini () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
No symbol table info available.
#7 0x00007ffff6239fc8 in __run_exit_handlers () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#8 0x00007ffff623a01a in exit () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#9 0x00007ffff621f891 in __libc_start_main () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#10 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.

User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-05-23
Posts: 45

Ok, I got the proper debuginfo files installed and got the following

FIXME FIXME FIXME. App shutdown without full cleanup of texture list; read game0.log and please report this problem
Thread 1 "hwengine" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
__GI__dl_catch_error (objname=0x28d2c30, errstring=0x28d2c38, mallocedp=0x28d2c28, operate=0x7ffff65d4ff0 , args=0x2942aa0) at dl-error-skeleton.c:187
187 c.objname = objname;

In the GDB log:
Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7fa7300 (LWP 24531)):
#0 __GI__dl_catch_error (objname=0x28d2c30, errstring=0x28d2c38, mallocedp=0x28d2c28, operate=0x7ffff65d4ff0 , args=0x2942aa0) at dl-error-skeleton.c:187
errcode = 0
c = {objname = 0x7fffb9b86fb8, errstring = 0xb9b86fc0, malloced = 0x28d2c28, errcode = 0x7fffffffd6b4, env = {{__jmpbuf = {281479271743488, 1, 281479271743489, 65537,
281479271743489, 140733193388033, 281479271743489, -6068862207235213056}, __mask_was_saved = 65537, __saved_mask = {__val = {43264400, 0, 140737289327168, 43264408,
45355424, 0, 12377881866474338560, 0, 43263888, 43263888, 140737289327168, 0, 140737488345304, 140737289324280, 140737323254718, 0}}}}}
old = 0x7fffb9b80000
#1 0x00007ffff65d56a5 in _dlerror_run (operate=operate@entry=0x7ffff65d4ff0 , args=0x2942aa0) at dlerror.c:163
result = 0x28d2c20
#2 0x00007ffff65d501f in __dlclose (handle=) at dlclose.c:46
No locals.
#3 0x00007ffff4027bee in CleanupVendorNameEntry (pEntry=pEntry@entry=0x2942790, unused=0x0) at libglxmapping.c:321
vendor = 0x2942790
#4 0x00007ffff402a161 in __glXMappingTeardown (doReset=doReset@entry=0) at libglxmapping.c:1061
cur__GLXvendorNameHash = 0x2942790
tmp__GLXvendorNameHash = 0x0
pEntry =
tmp =
#5 0x00007ffff4022dd7 in __glXFini () at libglx.c:2099
glas =
#6 0x00007ffff7de74b3 in _dl_fini () at dl-fini.c:235
array = 0x7ffff42306f0
i =
l = 0x28d3160
maps = 0x7fffffffd838
i =
l =
nmaps =
nloaded =
ns = 0
do_audit =
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_dl_fini"
#7 0x00007ffff6239fc8 in __run_exit_handlers (status=0, listp=0x7ffff65ce5b8 <__exit_funcs>, run_list_atexit=run_list_atexit@entry=true, run_dtors=run_dtors@entry=true) at exit.c:83
atfct =
onfct =
cxafct =
f =
#8 0x00007ffff623a01a in __GI_exit (status=) at exit.c:105
No locals.
#9 0x00007ffff621f891 in __libc_start_main (main=0x0, argc=0, argv=0x0, init=, fini=, rtld_fini=, stack_end=0x0)
at ../csu/libc-start.c:329
result =
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {4309931, 0, 4217114, 140737488346240, 4210861, 140737322809482, 140737322809482, 140737488346280}, mask_was_saved = -9080}},
priv = {pad = {0x3f4c86b30, 0x404084, 0x0, 0x598d0d1c8f7b7226}, data = {prev = 0x3f4c86b30, cleanup = 0x404084, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call =
#10 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.

Bottom of game0.log:
106021: [Con] ok
106256: [Cmd] confirm
106256: [Con] Freeing resources...
106256: FreeActionsList called
106256: [Con] FIXME FIXME FIXME. App shutdown without full cleanup of texture list; read game0.log and please report this problem
106256: Texture not freed: width=15 height=17 priority=0
halt at 106256 ticks. TurnTimeLeft = 2762

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 1861

https://m8y.org/hw/test.53.hwd a quick demo against 0.9.23 - please run that

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-05-23
Posts: 45

Thanks for the demo, but I used a "lastgame" and was able to get all the output above... Do you need something else?

The console output from the demo you provided is:

$ hwengine test.53.hwd 2>&1 > test.log
Hedgewars engine 0.9.23-r12836 (8610462e3d33) with protocol #53
Init SDL... ok
Init SDL_ttf... ok
Init SDL_image... ok
Loading /Graphics/hwengine.png [flags: 8] ok (32x32)
Number of game controllers: 0
Not using any game controller
Getting game config...
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (10pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)... ok
Loading progress sprite: Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6] ok (324x972)
Init sound...ok
Open audio...ok
Init SDL_mixer... ok
Reading objects info...
Loading /Themes/Cheese/cheese.png [flags: 14] ok (140x130)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/cheese_mask.png [flags: 12] ok (140x130)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/mouseright.png [flags: 14] ok (209x184)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/mouseright_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/mouseleft.png [flags: 14] ok (209x184)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/mouseleft_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/knife.png [flags: 14] ok (300x170)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/knife_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/fork.png [flags: 14] ok (335x200)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/fork_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Generating land...
Selected template #39 using filter #1
Loading /Themes/Cheese/LandTex.png [flags: 10] ok (256x256)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/LandBackTex.png [flags: 12] ok (256x256)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Border.png [flags: 14] ok (128x32)
Adding theme objects...
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Loading /Graphics/Crosshair.png [flags: 3] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Graves/pokeball.png [flags: 4] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Graves/Ghost.png [flags: 4] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/Hats/Reserved/chef.png [flags: 0] ok (64x512)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/BlueWater.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/BlueWater.png [flags: 7] ok (128x48)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Clouds.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Clouds.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Graphics/Bomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigits.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsGray.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsGreen.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsRed.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/Frame.png [flags: 7] ok (4x64)
Loading /Graphics/Lag.png [flags: 7] ok (130x390)
Loading /Graphics/Arrow.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/BazookaShell.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Targetp.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Bee.png [flags: 7] ok (32x64)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/RopeHook.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Expl50.png [flags: 7] ok (64x384)
Loading /Graphics/MineOff.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/MineOn.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/MineDead.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Case.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/FirstAid.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/dynamite.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Power.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/ClBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/ClParticle.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/Flame.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/horizont.png [flags: 5] ok (512x256)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/horizontL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/horizontR.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Sky.png [flags: 5] ok (256x512)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SkyL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SkyR.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot.png [flags: 7] ok (33x99)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_base.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw_base.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/SlotKeys.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Corners.png [flags: 7] ok (2x8)
Loading /Graphics/Finger.png [flags: 7] ok (64x384)
Loading /Graphics/AirBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Airplane.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/amAirplane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/amGirder.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/amGirder.png [flags: 7] ok (480x480)
Loading /Graphics/hhMask.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Switch.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/Parachute.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Target.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/RopeNode.png [flags: 7] ok (6x6)
Loading /Graphics/thinking.png [flags: 7] ok (32x224)
Loading /Graphics/PowerBar.png [flags: 7] ok (256x32)
Loading /Graphics/WindBar.png [flags: 7] ok (151x17)
Loading /Graphics/WindL.png [flags: 7] ok (80x13)
Loading /Graphics/WindR.png [flags: 7] ok (80x13)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRope.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBazooka.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirAttack.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBaseball.png [flags: 7] ok (64x320)
Loading /Graphics/Hammer.png [flags: 7] ok (34x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_i.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_w.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Teleport.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/HHDeath.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun_w.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle_w.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Idle.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Mortar.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/TurnsLeft.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amKamikaze.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amWhip.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Kowtow.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Sad.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Wave.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Hurrah.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ILoveLemonade.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Shrug.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Juggle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/ExplPart.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/ExplPart2.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/Cake_walk.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Cake_down.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Watermelon.png [flags: 7] ok (32x64)
Loading /Graphics/EvilTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/HellishBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Seduction.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/HHDress.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Censored.png [flags: 7] ok (64x16)
Loading /Graphics/Drill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDrill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBallgun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Balls.png [flags: 7] ok (31x180)
Loading /Graphics/RCPlane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRCPlane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Utility.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Invulnerable.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Vampiric.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGirder.png [flags: 7] ok (512x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (12x9)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (25x9)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechTail.png [flags: 7] ok (25x26)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (49x37)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (23x16)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtTail.png [flags: 7] ok (45x65)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (34x23)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (30x20)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutTail.png [flags: 7] ok (30x37)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSniperRifle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x64)
Loading /Graphics/Bubbles.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amJetpack.png [flags: 7] ok (64x256)
Loading /Graphics/Health.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMolotov.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Molotov.png [flags: 7] ok (32x288)
Loading /Graphics/Smoke.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeWhite.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/Shells.png [flags: 7] ok (8x16)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Dust.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Dust.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/SnowDust.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/Explosives.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/ExplosivesRoll.png [flags: 7] ok (48x96)
Loading /Graphics/amTeleport.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Splash.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Splash.png [flags: 7] ok (160x500)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Droplet.png [flags: 7] ok (16x64)
Loading /Graphics/Birdy.png [flags: 7] ok (150x75)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCake.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amConstruction.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGrenade.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMelon.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMortar.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSkip.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCluster.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDynamite.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHellish.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSeduction.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amVamp.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/BigExplosion.png [flags: 7] ok (385x385)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeRing.png [flags: 7] ok (200x200)
Loading /Graphics/BeeTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Egg.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/TargetBee.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBee.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/Feather.png [flags: 7] ok (15x25)
Loading /Graphics/Piano.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSineGun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amPortalGun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Portal.png [flags: 7] ok (32x192)
Loading /Graphics/cheese.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCheese.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFlamethrower.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Chunk.png [flags: 5] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Note.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/SMineOff.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/SMineOn.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHammer.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amResurrector.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Cross.png [flags: 7] ok (108x138)
Loading /Graphics/AirDrill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/NapalmBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/BulletHit.png [flags: 7] ok (96x96)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Snowball.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Snowball.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/amSnowball.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSnowball.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Snow.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Snow.png [flags: 7] ok (3x3)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDFlake.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlake.png [flags: 7] ok (64x192)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDWater.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDWater.png [flags: 7] ok (128x48)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDClouds.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDClouds.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDSplash.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDSplash.png [flags: 7] ok (160x500)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDDroplet.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDDroplet.png [flags: 7] ok (16x64)
Loading /Graphics/Timebox.png [flags: 7] ok (50x162)
Loading /Graphics/slider.png [flags: 7] ok (3x17)
Loading /Graphics/botlevels.png [flags: 7] ok (22x15)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCleaver.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/cleaver.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/star.png [flags: 7] ok (12x12)
Loading /Graphics/icetexture.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amIceGun.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFrozenHog.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/amRubber.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/amRubber.png [flags: 7] ok (320x320)
Loading /Graphics/boing.png [flags: 7] ok (101x97)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom1.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom1.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom2.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom2.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom3.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom3.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom4.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom4.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom5.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom5.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom6.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom6.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom7.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom7.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom8.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom8.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Graphics/AirMine.png [flags: 7] ok (64x256)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/FlakeL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDFlakeL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlakeL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/CloudsL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/CloudsL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDCloudsL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SDCloudsL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Duck.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDuck.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Flags/cm_bustamove.png [flags: 0] ok (22x15)
Loading /Graphics/Hats/bb_bub.png [flags: 0] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Flags/hedgewars.png [flags: 0] ok (22x15)
Loading /Graphics/Hats/WhySoSerious.png [flags: 0] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/missions.png [flags: 2] ok (32x320)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Can't find place for Gear
Can't find place for Gear
Freeing progress textures... 
Loading /Music/EarthRise.ogg ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Illgetyou.ogg ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Comeonthen.ogg ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Jump1.ogg ok
Loading /Themes/Cheese/splash.ogg Loading /Sounds/splash.ogg ... ok
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet2.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet2.ogg ... ok
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet3.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet3.ogg ... ok
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet1.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet1.ogg ... ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Firstblood.ogg ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default_uk/Flawless.ogg ok
Freeing resources...
An unhandled exception occurred at $00007F7E6D77D16C:

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 1861

'Thanks for the demo, but I used a "lastgame" and was able to get all the output above... Do you need something else?'
So yeah, as noted before, your output above was an incomplete game:
Protocol version mismatch: engine is too new (got 51, expecting 53)
Followed by a texture misfree. I'd noticed we were destroying the GL context prior to that free so was hoping it was related.
Perhaps the save game was not actually being generated due to the error.

So. I wanted a game that actually ran correctly to completion.
Which we now have. Means I can compare a correctly functioning version to this one.

And... You forgot to give me game0.log ☹

/tmp$ DISPLAY=:0 ~/games/bin/hwengine test.53.hwd &> test.log
/tmp$ wc -l test.log Logs/game0.log
295 test.log
700 Logs/game0.log
995 total

Would give me a better idea of where your crash is occuring (which doesn't happen for me BTW).

Two additional questions.
1. If you run hwengine --stats-only does the crash occur?
2. If you build the engine against our physfs does the crash occur? -DPHYSFS_SYSTEM=0

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-05-23
Posts: 45

Ok, I see your confusion... Only the first post was with the wrong game engine version. The other detailed posts was with a LastGame of the correct version.

No crash (exit code 0 I checked) when using --stats-only.


Hedgewars engine 0.9.23-r12836 (8610462e3d33) with protocol #53
Init SDL... ok
Init SDL_ttf... ok
Init SDL_image... ok
Loading /Graphics/hwengine.png [flags: 8] ok (32x32)
Number of game controllers: 0
Not using any game controller
Getting game config...
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (10pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)... ok
Loading progress sprite: Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6] ok (324x972)
Init sound...ok
Open audio...ok
Init SDL_mixer... ok
Reading objects info...
Loading /Themes/Cheese/cheese.png [flags: 14] ok (140x130)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/cheese_mask.png [flags: 12] ok (140x130)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/mouseright.png [flags: 14] ok (209x184)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/mouseright_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/mouseleft.png [flags: 14] ok (209x184)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/mouseleft_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/knife.png [flags: 14] ok (300x170)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/knife_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/fork.png [flags: 14] ok (335x200)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/fork_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Generating land...
Selected template #39 using filter #1
Loading /Themes/Cheese/LandTex.png [flags: 10] ok (256x256)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/LandBackTex.png [flags: 12] ok (256x256)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Border.png [flags: 14] ok (128x32)
Adding theme objects...
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Loading /Graphics/Crosshair.png [flags: 3] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Graves/pokeball.png [flags: 4] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Graves/Ghost.png [flags: 4] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/Hats/Reserved/chef.png [flags: 0] ok (64x512)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/BlueWater.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/BlueWater.png [flags: 7] ok (128x48)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Clouds.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Clouds.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Graphics/Bomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigits.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsGray.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsGreen.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsRed.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/Frame.png [flags: 7] ok (4x64)
Loading /Graphics/Lag.png [flags: 7] ok (130x390)
Loading /Graphics/Arrow.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/BazookaShell.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Targetp.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Bee.png [flags: 7] ok (32x64)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/RopeHook.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Expl50.png [flags: 7] ok (64x384)
Loading /Graphics/MineOff.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/MineOn.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/MineDead.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Case.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/FirstAid.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/dynamite.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Power.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/ClBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/ClParticle.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/Flame.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/horizont.png [flags: 5] ok (512x256)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/horizontL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/horizontR.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Sky.png [flags: 5] ok (256x512)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SkyL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SkyR.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot.png [flags: 7] ok (33x99)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_base.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw_base.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/SlotKeys.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Corners.png [flags: 7] ok (2x8)
Loading /Graphics/Finger.png [flags: 7] ok (64x384)
Loading /Graphics/AirBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Airplane.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/amAirplane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/amGirder.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/amGirder.png [flags: 7] ok (480x480)
Loading /Graphics/hhMask.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Switch.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/Parachute.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Target.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/RopeNode.png [flags: 7] ok (6x6)
Loading /Graphics/thinking.png [flags: 7] ok (32x224)
Loading /Graphics/PowerBar.png [flags: 7] ok (256x32)
Loading /Graphics/WindBar.png [flags: 7] ok (151x17)
Loading /Graphics/WindL.png [flags: 7] ok (80x13)
Loading /Graphics/WindR.png [flags: 7] ok (80x13)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRope.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBazooka.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirAttack.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBaseball.png [flags: 7] ok (64x320)
Loading /Graphics/Hammer.png [flags: 7] ok (34x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_i.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_w.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Teleport.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/HHDeath.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun_w.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle_w.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Idle.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Mortar.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/TurnsLeft.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amKamikaze.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amWhip.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Kowtow.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Sad.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Wave.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Hurrah.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ILoveLemonade.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Shrug.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Juggle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/ExplPart.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/ExplPart2.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/Cake_walk.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Cake_down.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Watermelon.png [flags: 7] ok (32x64)
Loading /Graphics/EvilTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/HellishBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Seduction.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/HHDress.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Censored.png [flags: 7] ok (64x16)
Loading /Graphics/Drill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDrill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBallgun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Balls.png [flags: 7] ok (31x180)
Loading /Graphics/RCPlane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRCPlane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Utility.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Invulnerable.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Vampiric.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGirder.png [flags: 7] ok (512x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (12x9)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (25x9)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechTail.png [flags: 7] ok (25x26)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (49x37)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (23x16)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtTail.png [flags: 7] ok (45x65)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (34x23)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (30x20)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutTail.png [flags: 7] ok (30x37)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSniperRifle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x64)
Loading /Graphics/Bubbles.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amJetpack.png [flags: 7] ok (64x256)
Loading /Graphics/Health.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMolotov.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Molotov.png [flags: 7] ok (32x288)
Loading /Graphics/Smoke.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeWhite.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/Shells.png [flags: 7] ok (8x16)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Dust.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Dust.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/SnowDust.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/Explosives.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/ExplosivesRoll.png [flags: 7] ok (48x96)
Loading /Graphics/amTeleport.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Splash.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Splash.png [flags: 7] ok (160x500)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Droplet.png [flags: 7] ok (16x64)
Loading /Graphics/Birdy.png [flags: 7] ok (150x75)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCake.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amConstruction.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGrenade.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMelon.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMortar.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSkip.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCluster.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDynamite.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHellish.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSeduction.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amVamp.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/BigExplosion.png [flags: 7] ok (385x385)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeRing.png [flags: 7] ok (200x200)
Loading /Graphics/BeeTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Egg.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/TargetBee.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBee.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/Feather.png [flags: 7] ok (15x25)
Loading /Graphics/Piano.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSineGun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amPortalGun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Portal.png [flags: 7] ok (32x192)
Loading /Graphics/cheese.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCheese.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFlamethrower.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Chunk.png [flags: 5] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Note.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/SMineOff.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/SMineOn.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHammer.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amResurrector.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Cross.png [flags: 7] ok (108x138)
Loading /Graphics/AirDrill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/NapalmBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/BulletHit.png [flags: 7] ok (96x96)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Snowball.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Snowball.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/amSnowball.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSnowball.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Snow.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Snow.png [flags: 7] ok (3x3)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDFlake.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlake.png [flags: 7] ok (64x192)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDWater.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDWater.png [flags: 7] ok (128x48)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDClouds.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDClouds.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDSplash.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDSplash.png [flags: 7] ok (160x500)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDDroplet.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDDroplet.png [flags: 7] ok (16x64)
Loading /Graphics/Timebox.png [flags: 7] ok (50x162)
Loading /Graphics/slider.png [flags: 7] ok (3x17)
Loading /Graphics/botlevels.png [flags: 7] ok (22x15)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCleaver.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/cleaver.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/star.png [flags: 7] ok (12x12)
Loading /Graphics/icetexture.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amIceGun.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFrozenHog.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/amRubber.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/amRubber.png [flags: 7] ok (320x320)
Loading /Graphics/boing.png [flags: 7] ok (101x97)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom1.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom1.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom2.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom2.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom3.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom3.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom4.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom4.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom5.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom5.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom6.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom6.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom7.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom7.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/custom8.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom8.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Graphics/AirMine.png [flags: 7] ok (64x256)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Themes/Cheese/FlakeL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDFlakeL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlakeL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/CloudsL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/CloudsL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Cheese/SDCloudsL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SDCloudsL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Duck.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDuck.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Flags/cm_bustamove.png [flags: 0] ok (22x15)
Loading /Graphics/Hats/bb_bub.png [flags: 0] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Flags/hedgewars.png [flags: 0] ok (22x15)
Loading /Graphics/Hats/WhySoSerious.png [flags: 0] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/missions.png [flags: 2] ok (32x320)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Can't find place for Gear
Can't find place for Gear
Freeing progress textures... 
Loading /Music/EarthRise.ogg ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Illgetyou.ogg ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Comeonthen.ogg ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Jump1.ogg ok
Loading /Themes/Cheese/splash.ogg Loading /Sounds/splash.ogg ... ok
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet3.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet3.ogg ... ok
Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet1.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet1.ogg ... ok
LoaAttempting to play demo file "test.53.hwd"
ding /Themes/Cheese/Droplet2.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet2.ogg ... ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Firstblood.ogg ok
Loading /Sounds/voices/Default_uk/Flawless.ogg ok
Freeing resources...
An unhandled exception occurred at $00007F8757AF516C:


0: [Con] Hedgewars engine 0.9.23-r12836 (8610462e3d33) with protocol #53
0: Prefix: "/usr/share/hedgewars//Data"
0: UserPrefix: "."
0: 0: /usr/bin/hwengine
0: 1: --arguments
0: 2: LastRound_12836-8610462e3d33.53.hws
0: [Con] Init SDL... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Init SDL_ttf... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Cmd] fullscr 0
0: Preparing to change video parameters...
0: [Con] Init SDL_image... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/hwengine.png [flags: 8] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: Setting up OpenGL (using driver: x11)
0: OpenGL-- Renderer: GeForce GTS 450/PCIe/SSE2
0:   |----- Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
0:   |----- Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 387.22
0:   |----- Texture Size: 16384
0:   \----- Extensions: 
0: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance
0: GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object
0: GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float
0: GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_t
0: [Con] Number of game controllers: 0
0: [Con] Not using any game controller
0: [BINDS] Loading binds from: /Config/settings.ini
0: [BINDS] file not found
0: [Con] Getting game config...
0: LoadFonts();
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (12pt)... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (24pt)... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (10pt)... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (12pt)... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (24pt)... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading progress sprite: 
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6] 
0: [Con] ok (324x972)
0: [Cmd] theme Stage
0: [Cmd] seed {7eb385de-433f-4c67-a295-3ac0d2a790f1}
0: [Cmd] $template_filter 2
0: [Cmd] $feature_size 9
0: [Cmd] addteam 51919ebb8ca75caec17a214b689418c3 16712196 Stalker Tribe
0: [BINDS] Loading binds from: /Config/Teams/Stalker Tribe.hwt
0: [BINDS] file not found
0: [Cmd] grave Badger
0: [Cmd] fort EvilChicken
0: [Cmd] voicepack Default
0: [Cmd] flag cm_galaxy
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Tuwa
0: AddGear: #1 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat IndianChief
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Tallulah
0: AddGear: #2 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat IndianChief
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Kachada
0: AddGear: #3 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat IndianChief
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Kuwanyamtiwa
0: AddGear: #4 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat IndianChief
0: [Cmd] addteam 51919ebb8ca75caec17a214b689418c3 4817089 Health Loss
0: [BINDS] Loading binds from: /Config/Teams/Health Loss.hwt
0: [BINDS] file not found
0: [Cmd] grave Old_Apple
0: [Cmd] fort Cake
0: [Cmd] voicepack Default
0: [Cmd] flag morocco
0: [Cmd] addhh 4 100 Pinkie
0: AddGear: #5 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat hair_pink
0: [Cmd] addhh 4 100 Lethe
0: AddGear: #6 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat hair_pink
0: [Cmd] addhh 4 100 Howard
0: AddGear: #7 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat hair_pink
0: [Cmd] addhh 4 100 Earle
0: AddGear: #8 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat hair_pink
0: [Cmd] ammloadt 9391929422199121032235111001200000000211100101011111000102
0: [Cmd] ammprob 0405040541600655546554464776576666666155510101115411111114
0: [Cmd] ammdelay 0000000000000205500000040007004000000000220000000600020000
0: [Cmd] ammreinf 1311110312111111123114111111111111111211111111111111111111
0: [Cmd] ammstore
0: [Cmd] ammstore
0: Ping? Pong!
0: [Cmd] proto 53
0: [Cmd] landcheck M1904274185
0: CheckLandDigest: M1904274185 digest : 
0: [IPC in] + ticks 748
0: [IPC in] + ticks 1752
0: [IPC in] + ticks 2755
0: [IPC in] + ticks 3759
0: [IPC in] + ticks 4763
0: [IPC in] + ticks 5766
0: [IPC in] N ticks 6408
0: [IPC in] + ticks 7405
0: [IPC in] c ticks 7940
0: [IPC in] + ticks 9412
0: [IPC in] + ticks 10416
0: [IPC in] + ticks 11420
0: [IPC in] + ticks 12423
0: [IPC in] + ticks 13427
0: [IPC in] + ticks 14431
0: [IPC in] + ticks 15434
0: [IPC in] + ticks 16438
0: [IPC in] + ticks 17441
0: [IPC in] + ticks 18445
0: [IPC in] + ticks 19448
0: [IPC in] + ticks 20452
0: [IPC in] w ticks 21054
0: [IPC in] + ticks 22459
0: [IPC in] L ticks 23078
0: [IPC in] l ticks 23463
0: [IPC in] R ticks 23579
0: [IPC in] r ticks 23764
0: [IPC in] U ticks 23948
0: [IPC in] u ticks 24366
0: [IPC in] + ticks 25469
0: [IPC in] A ticks 25922
0: [IPC in] a ticks 27076
0: [IPC in] a ticks 27076
0: [IPC in] + ticks 28480
0: [IPC in] + ticks 29483
0: [IPC in] N ticks 30296
0: [IPC in] + ticks 31291
0: [IPC in] + ticks 32294
0: [IPC in] w ticks 32788
0: [IPC in] A ticks 33204
0: [IPC in] S ticks 33651
0: [IPC in] R ticks 33901
0: [IPC in] + ticks 35305
0: [IPC in] + ticks 36308
0: [IPC in] + ticks 37312
0: [IPC in] r ticks 37942
0: [IPC in] + ticks 39319
0: [IPC in] + ticks 40323
0: [IPC in] + ticks 41326
0: [IPC in] R ticks 41410
0: [IPC in] r ticks 41963
0: [IPC in] w ticks 42534
0: [IPC in] L ticks 42734
0: [IPC in] l ticks 42735
0: [IPC in] 3 ticks 43135
0: [IPC in] U ticks 43567
0: [IPC in] u ticks 44540
0: [IPC in] A ticks 45315
0: [IPC in] + ticks 46344
0: [IPC in] a ticks 46755
0: [IPC in] a ticks 46755
0: [IPC in] + ticks 48352
0: [IPC in] + ticks 49355
0: [IPC in] + ticks 50359
0: [IPC in] + ticks 51362
0: [IPC in] N ticks 52069
0: [IPC in] + ticks 53068
0: [IPC in] R ticks 53586
0: [IPC in] c ticks 53586
0: [IPC in] r ticks 54005
0: [IPC in] R ticks 54423
0: [IPC in] r ticks 54523
0: [IPC in] #128 ticks 55476
0: [IPC in] #128 ticks 56614
0: [IPC in] #128 ticks 57600
0: [IPC in] + ticks 59090
0: [IPC in] + ticks 60094
0: [IPC in] + ticks 61097
0: [IPC in] + ticks 62101
0: [IPC in] + ticks 63104
0: [IPC in] + ticks 64108
0: [IPC in] + ticks 65112
0: [IPC in] # ticks 65535
0: [IPC in] + ticks 996
0: [IPC in] + ticks 2000
0: [IPC in] + ticks 3003
0: [IPC in] + ticks 4007
0: [IPC in] + ticks 5011
0: [IPC in] + ticks 6014
0: [IPC in] + ticks 7018
0: [IPC in] #131 ticks 7353
0: [IPC in] #131 ticks 8106
0: [IPC in] #131 ticks 8507
0: [IPC in] #131 ticks 8909
0: [IPC in] #131 ticks 9494
0: [IPC in] #131 ticks 10045
0: [IPC in] #132 ticks 10682
0: [IPC in] #132 ticks 11117
0: [IPC in] #132 ticks 11451
0: [IPC in] #132 ticks 11869
0: [IPC in] #130 ticks 12756
0: [IPC in] #130 ticks 13006
0: [IPC in] #130 ticks 13425
0: [IPC in] #130 ticks 13693
0: [IPC in] #130 ticks 13910
0: [IPC in] #134 ticks 14629
0: [IPC in] #134 ticks 14946
0: [IPC in] #134 ticks 15248
0: [IPC in] #134 ticks 15683
0: [IPC in] #134 ticks 16101
0: [IPC in] #135 ticks 16536
0: [IPC in] #135 ticks 16904
0: [IPC in] #135 ticks 17172
0: [IPC in] #135 ticks 17389
0: [IPC in] #135 ticks 17623
0: [IPC in] + ticks 19061
0: [IPC in] + ticks 20065
0: [IPC in] + ticks 21069
0: [IPC in] + ticks 22072
0: [IPC in] + ticks 23076
0: [IPC in] A ticks 23444
0: [IPC in] + ticks 25083
0: [IPC in] + ticks 26087
0: [IPC in] + ticks 27091
0: [IPC in] + ticks 28094
0: [IPC in] + ticks 29098
0: [IPC in] + ticks 30101
0: [IPC in] + ticks 31105
0: [IPC in] + ticks 32108
0: [Con] Init sound...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Open audio...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Init SDL_mixer... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Reading objects info...
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/MicR.png [flags: 14] 
0: [Con] ok (150x53)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/MicR_mask.png [flags: 12] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/MicL.png [flags: 14] 
0: [Con] ok (150x53)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/MicL_mask.png [flags: 12] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Bass.png [flags: 14] 
0: [Con] ok (330x380)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Bass_mask.png [flags: 12] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Light.png [flags: 14] 
0: [Con] ok (141x164)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Light_mask.png [flags: 12] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Box.png [flags: 14] 
0: [Con] ok (150x178)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Box_mask.png [flags: 12] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/drum.png [flags: 14] 
0: [Con] ok (240x207)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/drum_mask.png [flags: 12] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/poster1.png [flags: 9] 
0: [Con] ok (76x95)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/poster2.png [flags: 9] 
0: [Con] ok (79x95)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/poster3.png [flags: 9] 
0: [Con] ok (84x99)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/poster4.png [flags: 9] 
0: [Con] ok (76x91)
0: [Con] Generating land...
0: [Con] Selected template #16 using filter #2
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/LandTex.png [flags: 10] 
0: [Con] ok (530x530)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/LandBackTex.png [flags: 12] 
0: [Con] ok (530x530)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Border.png [flags: 14] 
0: [Con] ok (128x32)
0: [Con] Adding spray objects...
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Girder.png [flags: 12] 
0: [Con] ok (300x27)
0: [Con] Generating collision info... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Adding theme objects...
0: [Con] Generating collision info... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info... 
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info... 
0: [Con] ok
0: StoreLoad()
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Crosshair.png [flags: 3] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Graves/Badger.png [flags: 4] 
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Graves/Old_Apple.png [flags: 4] 
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/Reserved/chef.png [flags: 0] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/BlueWater.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] ok (128x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bomb.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigDigits.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsGray.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsGreen.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigDigitsRed.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Frame.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (4x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Lag.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (130x390)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Arrow.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BazookaShell.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Targetp.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bee.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeTrace.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RopeHook.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Expl50.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineOff.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineOn.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineDead.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Case.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/FirstAid.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/dynamite.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Power.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ClBomb.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ClParticle.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Flame.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/horizont.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] ok (1024x768)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/horizontL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/horizontR.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Sky.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] ok (1024x768)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SkyL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] ok (32x768)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SkyR.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (33x99)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_base.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw_base.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/SlotKeys.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Corners.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x8)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Finger.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AirBomb.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Airplane.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amAirplane.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/amGirder.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amGirder.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (480x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/hhMask.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Switch.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Parachute.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Target.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RopeNode.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (6x6)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/thinking.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x224)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/PowerBar.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (256x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindBar.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (151x17)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindL.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (80x13)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindR.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (80x13)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Flake.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRope.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBazooka.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirAttack.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBaseball.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x320)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hammer.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (34x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_i.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_w.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Teleport.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HHDeath.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun_w.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle_w.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Idle.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Mortar.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/TurnsLeft.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amKamikaze.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amWhip.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Kowtow.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Sad.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Wave.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Hurrah.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ILoveLemonade.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (256x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Shrug.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Juggle.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplPart.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplPart2.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cake_walk.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cake_down.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Watermelon.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/EvilTrace.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HellishBomb.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Seduction.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HHDress.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Censored.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Drill.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDrill.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBallgun.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Balls.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (31x180)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RCPlane.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRCPlane.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Utility.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Invulnerable.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Vampiric.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGirder.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (512x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechCorner.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (12x9)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechEdge.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (25x9)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechTail.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (25x26)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtCorner.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (49x37)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtEdge.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (23x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtTail.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (45x65)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutCorner.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (34x23)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutEdge.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (30x20)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutTail.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (30x37)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSniperRifle.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bubbles.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amJetpack.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Health.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMolotov.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Molotov.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x288)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Smoke.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeWhite.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Shells.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (8x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Dust.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Dust.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SnowDust.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Explosives.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplosivesRoll.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (48x96)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amTeleport.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Splash.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] ok (160x500)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Droplet.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] ok (16x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Birdy.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (150x75)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCake.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amConstruction.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGrenade.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMelon.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMortar.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSkip.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCluster.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDynamite.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHellish.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMine.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSeduction.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amVamp.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigExplosion.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (385x385)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeRing.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (200x200)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BeeTrace.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Egg.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/TargetBee.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBee.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Feather.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (15x25)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Piano.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSineGun.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amPortalGun.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Portal.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x192)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/cheese.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCheese.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFlamethrower.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Chunk.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Note.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SMineOff.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SMineOn.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSMine.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHammer.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amResurrector.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cross.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (108x138)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AirDrill.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/NapalmBomb.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BulletHit.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (96x96)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Snowball.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Snowball.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/amSnowball.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSnowball.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/Snow.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Snow.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (3x3)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SDFlake.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlake.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x192)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SDWater.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDWater.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SDClouds.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDClouds.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (256x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SDSplash.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDSplash.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (160x500)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SDDroplet.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDDroplet.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (16x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Timebox.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (50x162)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/slider.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (3x17)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/botlevels.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (22x15)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCleaver.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/cleaver.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/star.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (12x12)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/icetexture.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amIceGun.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFrozenHog.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/amRubber.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amRubber.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (320x320)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/boing.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (101x97)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/custom1.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom1.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/custom2.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom2.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/custom3.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom3.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/custom4.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom4.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/custom5.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom5.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/custom6.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom6.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/custom7.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom7.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/custom8.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom8.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AirMine.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirMine.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/FlakeL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SDFlakeL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlakeL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/CloudsL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/CloudsL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Stage/SDCloudsL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SDCloudsL.png [flags: 5] 
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Duck.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDuck.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Flags/cm_galaxy.png [flags: 0] 
0: [Con] ok (22x15)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/IndianChief.png [flags: 0] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => IndianChief
0: Got Hat
0: Hat => IndianChief
0: Got Hat
0: Hat => IndianChief
0: Got Hat
0: Hat => IndianChief
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Flags/cpu.png [flags: 0] 
0: [Con] ok (22x15)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/hair_pink.png [flags: 0] 
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => hair_pink
0: Got Hat
0: Hat => hair_pink
0: Got Hat
0: Hat => hair_pink
0: Got Hat
0: Hat => hair_pink
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/missions.png [flags: 2] 
0: [Con] ok (32x320)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog.png [flags: 7] 
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Cmd] sendlanddigest
0: CheckLandDigest: M1904274185 digest : M1904274185
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (2490,1138)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1436,1197)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1201,1224)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (2114,1197)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (928,953)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1134,1701)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1977,1197)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (2562,1567)
0: AddGear: #9 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtATStartGame
0: AddGear: #10 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtMine
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1228,1376)
0: AddGear: #11 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtMine
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1929,1372)
0: AddGear: #12 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtMine
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1306,1977)
0: AddGear: #13 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtMine
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (2246,1384)
0: AddGear: #14 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtExplosives
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (2289,1312)
0: AddGear: #15 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtExplosives
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1643,1190)
0: AddGear: #16 (2394,945), d(-84..270696494_-742730200,-74..214594688_951161176) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #17 (940,756), d(74..450357258_-236069760,-39..612508289_1551560496) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #18 (566,1262), d(8..397249102_60011392,75..363468427_1015101960) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #19 (1664,1100), d(9..463779337_-1089298480,78..538367718_-1486759744) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #20 (2609,1043), d(-54..372602179_1878018336,-35..375835113_-1986063696) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #21 (1260,1899), d(-14..034264024_444213016,-69..875691782_1235100216) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #22 (2953,1073), d(75..828958008_-73461976,-17..511879198_-209646288) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #23 (3419,1812), d(-23..589960150_-605607504,-5..154679715_-2081049216) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #24 (2045,970), d(55..583753902_-1896763256,89..742968495_-539890920) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #25 (3543,1007), d(64..495513178_-216675440,84..313199054_-294978760) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #26 (1182,1819), d(-65..747622482_1609591600,83..826576825_1643502232) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #27 (1373,1642), d(4..443944770_1479163016,-25..242898318_-325172696) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #28 (1880,2025), d(-12..958155609_-876965488,61..937201820_-885965072) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #29 (1639,820), d(73..833142116_-1360155104,-81..185698539_1368247104) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #30 (2014,1587), d(-31..104590490_391039184,-12..769941553_1619177568) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #31 (1345,1459), d(-39..024332687_-419045920,31..472848065_-226410032) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #32 (2359,1293), d(17..777375143_-95616648,13..783963438_1195703192) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #33 (3196,1114), d(-77..726495150_-546966168,48..330619569_-2005483624) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #34 (1591,1169), d(-12..466344878_-1947190048,-24..206377238_-1199851840) type = gtGenericFaller
0: [Con] Freeing progress textures... 
0: [Con] Loading /Music/Rock.ogg 
0: [Con] ok
1999: Delete: #9 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtATStartGame
2211: AddGear: #35 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtCase
2211: Assigned Gear coordinates (2716,610)
6408: got cmd "N": time 6408
6408: FreeActionsList called
6408: [Cmd] /nextturn
6408: Next turn: time 6408
6408: Wind = 0..787145785_119707
7940: [Cmd] gencmd R
21054: [Cmd] setweap ?
23078: [Cmd] +left
23463: [Cmd] -left
23579: [Cmd] +right
23764: [Cmd] -right
23948: [Cmd] +up
24366: [Cmd] -up
25922: [Cmd] +attack
25922: /+attack: hedgehog's Gear^.State = 2
27076: [Cmd] -attack
27076: [Cmd] -attack
27076: AddGear: #36 (1194,1221), d(0..170596519_-1644716271,-0..605837441_1978192118) type = gtShell
28727: Explosion: at (2249,1141)
28727: Delete: #36 (2249,1141), d(-0..332264902_1001700148,-0..304603429_-2016657471) type = gtShell
30296: got cmd "N": time 30296
30296: FreeActionsList called
30296: [Cmd] /nextturn
30296: Next turn: time 30296
30296: Wind = 0..233656123_959348
32788: [Cmd] setweap ?
33204: [Cmd] +attack
33204: /+attack: hedgehog's Gear^.State = 2
33204: AddGear: #37 (1134,1701), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtSwitcher
33651: [Cmd] switch
33901: [Cmd] +right
33901: Delete: #37 (2562,1567), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtSwitcher
37941: AddGear: #38 (2716,1615), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtAddAmmo
37942: [Cmd] -right
37942: Delete: #35 (2716,1615), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtCase
37942: FreeActionsList called
38076: Delete: #38 (2716,1615), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtAddAmmo
41410: [Cmd] +right
41963: [Cmd] -right
42534: [Cmd] setweap ?
42734: [Cmd] +left
42735: [Cmd] -left
43135: [Cmd] timer 3
43567: [Cmd] +up
44540: [Cmd] -up
45315: [Cmd] +attack
45315: /+attack: hedgehog's Gear^.State = 2
46755: [Cmd] -attack
46755: [Cmd] -attack
46755: AddGear: #39 (2707,1627), d(-0..507921406_322462769,-0..577283309_-181555436) type = gtGrenade
49755: Explosion: at (2481,1004)
49755: Delete: #39 (2481,1004), d(0..449207747_1910920177,1..227190373_267455790) type = gtGrenade
49972: AddGear: #40 (0,0), d(<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />,<img src="/images/smileys/shock.png" title="Shocking" alt="Shocking" />) type = gtCase
49972: Assigned Gear coordinates (1731,1418)
52069: got cmd "N": time 52069
52069: FreeActionsList called
52069: [Cmd] /nextturn
52069: Next turn: time 52069
52069: Wind = 0..061645060_217396
53586: [Cmd] +right
53586: [Cmd] gencmd R
54005: [Cmd] -right
54423: [Cmd] +right
54523: [Cmd] -right
55476: [Cmd] slot 1
56614: [Cmd] slot 1
57600: [Cmd] slot 1
57600: hiTicks increment by remote message
72889: [Cmd] slot 4
73642: [Cmd] slot 4
74043: [Cmd] slot 4
74445: [Cmd] slot 4
75030: [Cmd] slot 4
75581: [Cmd] slot 4
76218: [Cmd] slot 5
76653: [Cmd] slot 5
76987: [Cmd] slot 5
77405: [Cmd] slot 5
78292: [Cmd] slot 3
78542: [Cmd] slot 3
78961: [Cmd] slot 3
79229: [Cmd] slot 3
79446: [Cmd] slot 3
80165: [Cmd] slot 7
80482: [Cmd] slot 7
80784: [Cmd] slot 7
81219: [Cmd] slot 7
81637: [Cmd] slot 7
82072: [Cmd] slot 8
82440: [Cmd] slot 8
82708: [Cmd] slot 8
82925: [Cmd] slot 8
83159: [Cmd] slot 8
88980: [Cmd] +attack
88980: /+attack: hedgehog's Gear^.State = 2
97644: [Cmd] /-left
97644: [Con] Loading /Music/Rock.ogg 
97644: [Con] ok
98805: FreeActionsList called
98805: [Cmd] /nextturn
98805: Next turn: time 98805
98805: Wind = -0..227614168_956753
100099: [Con] Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Boring.ogg 
100099: [Con] ok
101639: [Con] Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Illgetyou.ogg 
101639: [Con] ok
102693: [Cmd] /setweap ?
102893: [Cmd] -right
103293: [Cmd] timer 2
103730: [Cmd] +up
104470: [Cmd] -up
105140: [Cmd] +attack
105140: /+attack: hedgehog's Gear^.State = 2
105140: [Con] Loading /Sounds/throwpowerup.ogg 
105140: [Con] ok
105386: [Cmd] quit
106018: [Cmd] -attack
106018: [Con] Loading /Sounds/throwrelease.ogg 
106018: [Con] ok
106018: AddGear: #41 (1977,1197), d(0..472921586_1062111734,-0..312650827_-2013201140) type = gtGrenade
106021: [Con] Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Takecover.ogg 
106021: [Con] ok
106256: [Cmd] confirm
106256: [Con] Freeing resources...
106256: FreeActionsList called
106256: [Con] FIXME FIXME FIXME. App shutdown without full cleanup of texture list; read game0.log and please report this problem
106256: Texture not freed: width=15 height=17 priority=0
halt at 106256 ticks. TurnTimeLeft = 2762

I'll try rebuilding next.

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Using the bundled physfs results are nearly identical:

$ diff -Nau test.log test3.log 
--- test.log	2017-12-06 18:52:37.703655136 -0600
+++ test3.log	2017-12-06 19:25:42.056995811 -0600
@@ -278,17 +278,16 @@
 Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Comeonthen.ogg ok
 Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Jump1.ogg ok
 Loading /Themes/Cheese/splash.ogg Loading /Sounds/splash.ogg ... ok
-Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet3.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet3.ogg ... ok
 Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet1.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet1.ogg ... ok
+Loading /Themes/Cheese/Droplet3.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet3.ogg ... ok
 LoaAttempting to play demo file "test.53.hwd"
-ding /Themes/Cheese/Droplet2.ogg Loading /Sounds/Droplet2.ogg ... ok
-Loading /Sounds/voices/Default/Firstblood.ogg ok
+ding /Sounds/voices/Default/Firstblood.ogg ok
 Loading /Sounds/voices/Default_uk/Flawless.ogg ok
 Freeing resources...
-An unhandled exception occurred at $00007F8757AF516C:
+An unhandled exception occurred at $00007F764D8A516C:
-  $00007F8757AF516C
+  $00007F764D8A516C

game0.log looks identical but I didn't save a copy to do a diff...


nemo's picture
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The game log you just pasted into the thread does have that odd texture behaviour. Does it crash?
I do wish you were attaching them to an issue at https://issues.hedgewars.org or putting them in a pastebin. The forum is mangling these long pastes as smilies etc which makes diffing against my log difficult.

So at this moment in time I seem to have:
* a complete 0.9.23 protocol 53 game log from you that may or may not crash, and has last minute texture free.
* And a diff of a crash (with some copy/paste inconsistency) that at least confirms physfs is not to blame.

One interesting thing is:
0: OpenGL-- Renderer: GeForce GTS 450/PCIe/SSE2
0: |----- Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
0: |----- Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 387.22

Personally I am using:
0: OpenGL-- Renderer: GeForce GTX 760/PCIe/SSE2
0: |----- Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
0: |----- Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 384.90

We had a report of a crash in 0.9.23 from another linux nvidia closed source driver user (I use it myself due to certain games requiring it, but without crash). In his case, the crash seemed to be in a ~/.nv cache that I had no idea the driver maintained. It's curious because we haven't changed anything in our rendering layer. We switched to SDL2 in this release, but SDL2 simply acquires a GL context.
Anyway, obv for him --stats-only did not crash.
It would be interesting to see what gdb --args hwengine test.53.hwd yields as a backtrace.

HOWEVER. The failure to free all textures completely *could* be causing a crash if you are building 0.9.23-release ... maybe... we do something disturbing in the final cleanup where the fallback texture release was occuring after context release, so I switched that in:
the release for comparison is

You might want to maybe try hg up 0.9.23 (the branch not the release tag) to see if it helps. I'm going to try and figure out why a texture didn't get released. Not too sure what texture would be 15x17, but maybe something windbar related. I'll add more logging on creation of textures on my end.

So. Summary of things I'd like to know:
1) Crash only with binary blob NVIDIA? (y/n)
2) If yes to ① . Does changing to another version (mine? Smile ) help?
3) Did --stats-only crash? I would expect the answer to be no if ① is true.
4) Regardless of answer to ① and ③ could I have a complete backtrace against test.53.hwd? Thanks.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

The game log you just pasted into the thread does have that odd texture behaviour. Does it crash?

Yes, the game does complete successfully but then I get the crash with exit code 217.


I do wish you were attaching them to an issue at https://issues.hedgewars.org or putting them in a pastebin. The forum is mangling these long pastes as smilies etc which makes diffing against my log difficult.

I can see about moving it to the issue tracker...


So at this moment in time I seem to have:
* a complete 0.9.23 protocol 53 game log from you that may or may not crash, and has last minute texture free.
* And a diff of a crash (with some copy/paste inconsistency) that at least confirms physfs is not to blame.

One interesting thing is:
0: OpenGL-- Renderer: GeForce GTS 450/PCIe/SSE2
0: |----- Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
0: |----- Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 387.22

Personally I am using:
0: OpenGL-- Renderer: GeForce GTX 760/PCIe/SSE2
0: |----- Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
0: |----- Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 384.90

We had a report of a crash in 0.9.23 from another linux nvidia closed source driver user (I use it myself due to certain games requiring it, but without crash). In his case, the crash seemed to be in a ~/.nv cache that I had no idea the driver maintained. It's curious because we haven't changed anything in our rendering layer. We switched to SDL2 in this release, but SDL2 simply acquires a GL context.
Anyway, obv for him --stats-only did not crash.
It would be interesting to see what gdb --args hwengine test.53.hwd yields as a backtrace.

Yes, I tried it on my wife's Intel Core i5 w/ Intel graphics with the same result.


HOWEVER. The failure to free all textures completely *could* be causing a crash if you are building 0.9.23-release ... maybe... we do something disturbing in the final cleanup where the fallback texture release was occuring after context release, so I switched that in:
the release for comparison is

You might want to maybe try hg up 0.9.23 (the branch not the release tag) to see if it helps. I'm going to try and figure out why a texture didn't get released. Not too sure what texture would be 15x17, but maybe something windbar related. I'll add more logging on creation of textures on my end.

Ok, i'll see if I can create a patch from those commits (easier for package building that doing a checkout)


So. Summary of things I'd like to know:
1) Crash only with binary blob NVIDIA? (y/n)
2) If yes to ① . Does changing to another version (mine? Smile ) help?
3) Did --stats-only crash? I would expect the answer to be no if ① is true.
4) Regardless of answer to ① and ③ could I have a complete backtrace against test.53.hwd? Thanks.

1) No
2) Will try a build
3) No
4) Will post to pastebin.


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Ok, I don't seem to be getting a good debug build of hwengine... The standard Fedora compiler flags are more C/C++ centric... What do I need to do for hwengine?

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Bah... I set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and theoretically got debuginfo for hwengine but the stack trace still says it's missing symbols...

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7fa7300 (LWP 13966)):
#0  __GI__dl_catch_error (objname=0x28d6c30, errstring=0x28d6c38, mallocedp=0x28d6c28, operate=0x7ffff65d4ff0 , args=0x2946aa0)
    at dl-error-skeleton.c:187
        errcode = 32767
        c = {objname = 0x291f050, errstring = 0x291f670, malloced = 0x28d6c28, errcode = 0x7fffffffd724, env = {{__jmpbuf = {281479271743488, 1, 
                281479271743489, 65537, 281479271743489, 140733193388033, 281479271743489, 3340499160213259264}, __mask_was_saved = 65537, 
              __saved_mask = {__val = {43280784, 0, 140737289327168, 43280792, 45365184, 0, 3340499160213259264, 0, 43280272, 43280272, 
                  140737289327168, 0, 140737488345416, 140737289324280, 140737323254718, 0}}}}}
        old = 0x2b437c0
#1  0x00007ffff65d56a5 in _dlerror_run (operate=operate@entry=0x7ffff65d4ff0 , args=0x2946aa0) at dlerror.c:163
        result = 0x28d6c20
#2  0x00007ffff65d501f in __dlclose (handle=) at dlclose.c:46
No locals.
#3  0x00007ffff4027bee in CleanupVendorNameEntry (pEntry=pEntry@entry=0x2946790, unused=0x0) at libglxmapping.c:321
        vendor = 0x2946790
#4  0x00007ffff402a161 in __glXMappingTeardown (doReset=doReset@entry=0) at libglxmapping.c:1061
        cur__GLXvendorNameHash = 0x2946790
        tmp__GLXvendorNameHash = 0x0
        pEntry = 
        tmp = 
#5  0x00007ffff4022dd7 in __glXFini () at libglx.c:2099
        glas = 
#6  0x00007ffff7de74b3 in _dl_fini () at dl-fini.c:235
        array = 0x7ffff42306f0
        i = 
        l = 0x28d7160
        maps = 0x7fffffffd8a8
        i = 
        l = 
        nmaps = 
        nloaded = 
        ns = 0
        do_audit = 
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_dl_fini"
#7  0x00007ffff6239fc8 in __run_exit_handlers (status=0, listp=0x7ffff65ce5b8 <__exit_funcs>, run_list_atexit=run_list_atexit@entry=true, 
    run_dtors=run_dtors@entry=true) at exit.c:83
        atfct = 
        onfct = 
        cxafct = 
        f = 
#8  0x00007ffff623a01a in __GI_exit (status=) at exit.c:105
No locals.
#9  0x00007ffff621f891 in __libc_start_main (main=0x0, argc=0, argv=0x0, init=, fini=, rtld_fini=, 
    stack_end=0x0) at ../csu/libc-start.c:329
        result = 
        unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {4309931, 0, 4217114, 140737488346352, 4210861, 140737322809482, 140737322809482, 
                140737300163376}, mask_was_saved = -8968}}, priv = {pad = {0x2ffffdd10, 0x404084 , 0x0, 0xb0bfd26695729445}, data = {
              prev = 0x2ffffdd10, cleanup = 0x404084 , canceltype = 0}}}
        not_first_call = 
#10 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.

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Well, lack of symbol table stuff would not be surprising with the nvidia blob - rather surprised you were able to reproduce on the intel machine. But if that one is using FOSS, might work better. As for the engine, yes, building with DEBUG is the way to go, that is:

Pretty sure non-C is default, NOSERVER is just in case you have trouble w/ haskell deps, and no system physfs is to keep that variable out of the mix and to ensure symbols.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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I can try that... Not worried about the server, I doing package builds which take care of the dependencies.

My desktop w/ nvidia is running Fedora 26 x86_64 and my wife's laptop is running Fedora 27 x86_64 without nvidia.

I did see in the build log that it looked like it was compiling the pascal to C first, so that option makes it build in native pascal?

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Oh. wow.
Do not use the C build unless you're willing to put some time into it. It does NOT get enough love. It's 99% there and can in theory play games, and even has more performance but does not get enough attention to reliably use.

I would hope what you were seeing in the log was the C++ frontend tho - 99% of build time is the frontend and then the engine in pascal builds in a second or two.

Also physfs is in C

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Ok, never mind, I was mistaken, I'm not building the C engine, I just thought it was like f2c (fortran to C) that it somehow converted the pascal to C first, but I can see that's not the case.

I do see this in the log but it's probably not relevant or a problem:

[ 42%] Linking Pascal executable ../bin/hwengine
cd /builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.23/hedgewars && /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/hwengine.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
Linking /builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.23/bin/hwengine
/usr/bin/ld: warning: /builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.23/bin/link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?

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That's what that option does if you enable it yes. unc0rr wrote a pas2c converter - it was to generate llvm for emscripten/wasm - unfortuantely no one has stepped up on that front, because in theory Hedgewars has been playable in your web browser since 2011. Including fetching versioned files on-demand online and caching locally. Even AI. ah well.

(we still have a version up that will run if you download a browser from back then Smile )

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Ok, after following up on the Fedora development list, it appears the last line is correct, there are no symbols for address 0 so the output in comment 13 is as good as it gets.

Where do we go from here?


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It was mentioned on the devel list that valgrind may be a better tool for this problem.

Here's the output:



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Ok, here's the output from my wife's laptop which I think is a little more complete because she's using glx from mesa instead of nvidia...



nemo's picture
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So. Are these builds against the 0.9.23-release tag or latest in the 0.9.23 branch?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

So. Are these builds against the 0.9.23-release tag or latest in the 0.9.23 branch?

Both of these are 0.9.23 plus a patch from the link you supplier earlier.

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Didn't see much difference... I did a hg diff from 0.9.23 release to branch and applied it as a patch. The results are pretty much the same.


Can this be related to libglvnd? I don't know what other distros are using it.

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Hm. No idea. Don't suppose you can test without it? And, yeah, it's definitely outside of our code. What doesn't make sense is what we could be doing to trigger it. Our GL code has not changed significantly. Hedgewars switched from SDL1.2 to SDL2 this release, but Hedgewars does its own GL calls, it doesn't use SDL for that.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Well, 0.9.22 works, even with libglvnd... I'm not sure how easy it is to remove or if it's even practical. I'll try tonight after $DAYJOB.

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Well. If you are on linux, and have the patience to do so, bisecting would be super helpful. It could probably be semi-automated.
If you confirm the libglvnd thing tho, can try to setup an env to match.


The advantage of the engine test cases is they are simple Lua driven demo games that can be fired off in ctest without the strict synchronisation checks of a demo file.
So, you could just launch hg bisect, make install, ctest an arbitrary test, and look for crash.
Could mark test pass/fail based on crash even and head off for a coffee ☺
(that's assuming all our commits build ofc...)

Even so, I imagine it would probably be only a dozen builds. And, if you only built the engine (make install in hedgewars/), it builds almost instantly (frontend is Qt and kinda slow).

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Bah... I wish something would go right Smile

All the tests are failing with the same error (example below)

Start testing: Dec 11 15:34 CST
1/6 Testing: drillrockets_boom.lua
1/6 Test: drillrockets_boom.lua
Command: "/home/build/build/hedgewars-0.9.22/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/bin/hwengine" "--prefix" "/home/build/build/hedgewars-0.9.22/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/share/hedgewars/Data" "--nosound" "--nomusic" "--stats-only" "--lua-test" "/home/build/build/hedgewars-0.9.22/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/tests/lua/drillrockets_boom.lua"
Directory: /home/build/build/hedgewars-0.9.22/hedgewars-src-0.9.22
"drillrockets_boom.lua" start time: Dec 11 15:34 CST
Hedgewars engine 0.9.22-r11265 (4c4f22cc3fa4) with protocol #51
Init SDL... ok
Number of game controllers: 0
Not using any game controller
Getting game config...
Lua: drillrockets_boom.lua loaded
Reading objects info...
Loading /Themes/Bamboo/Flower.png [fLua test file specified: /home/build/build/hedgewars-0.9.22/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/tests/lua/drillrockets_boom.lua
lags: 14] failed
Unsupported image format

Test time =   0.04 sec
Test Failed.
"drillrockets_boom.lua" end time: Dec 11 15:34 CST
"drillrockets_boom.lua" time elapsed: 00:00:00

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Ok, I can get all test results to pass on 0.9.22-release:

$ make test
Running tests...
Test project /home/build/build/hedgewars-0.9.22
    Start 1: drillrockets_boom.lua
1/6 Test #1: drillrockets_boom.lua ............   Passed    1.33 sec
    Start 2: drillrockets_drill.lua
2/6 Test #2: drillrockets_drill.lua ...........   Passed    2.16 sec
    Start 3: hellfire_burns.lua
3/6 Test #3: hellfire_burns.lua ...............   Passed    0.54 sec
    Start 4: luaAPI/gravity_get_set.lua
4/6 Test #4: luaAPI/gravity_get_set.lua .......   Passed    0.13 sec
    Start 5: luaAPI/zoom_get_set.lua
5/6 Test #5: luaAPI/zoom_get_set.lua ..........   Passed    0.12 sec
    Start 6: twothousandmines.lua
6/6 Test #6: twothousandmines.lua .............   Passed   12.64 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 6

Total Test time (real) =  16.91 sec

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The 0.9.22 branch (12 commits more) also passed.

For 0.9.23-release one failed:

The following tests FAILED:
          6 - staticmines.lua (Failed)
Errors while running CTest

6/8 Testing: staticmines.lua
6/8 Test: staticmines.lua
Command: "/home/build/build/hedgewars-0.9.23/bin/hwengine" "--prefix" "/home/build/mecurial/hedgewars/trunk/share/hedgewars/Data" "--nosound" "--nomusic" "--stats-only" "--lua-test" "/home/build/mecurial/hedgewars/trunk/tests/lua/staticmines.lua"
Directory: /home/build/build/hedgewars-0.9.23
"staticmines.lua" start time: Dec 12 08:01 CST
Hedgewars engine 0.9.23-r12836 (8610462e3d33) with protocol #53
Init SDL... ok
Number of game controllers: 0
Not using any game controller
Getting game config...
Lua: staticmines.lua loaded
Reading objects info...
Loading /Themes/Desert/sand.png [flags: 14] ok (17x54)
Loading /Themes/Desert/sand_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Desert/sandR.png [flags: 14] ok (17x54)
Loading /Themes/Desert/sandR_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Desert/buzzard.png [flags: 14] ok (367x376)
Loading /Themes/Desert/buzzard_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Desert/cobra.png [flags: 14] ok (274x234)
Loading /Themes/Desert/cobra_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Desert/cactus.png [flags: 14] ok (258x458)
Loading /Themes/Desert/cactus_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Desert/rock1.png [flags: 14] ok (173x135)
Loading /Themes/Desert/rock1_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Desert/rock2.png [flags: 14] ok (24x19)
Loading /Themes/Desert/rock2_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Desert/cowskull.png [flags: 9] ok (142x106)
Generating land...
Loading /Themes/Desert/LandTex.png [flags: 10] ok (636x442)
Loading /Themes/Desert/LandBackTex.png [flags: 12] ok (636x442)
Loading /Themes/Desert/Border.png [flags: 14] ok (128x32)
Adding spray objects...
Loading /Themes/Desert/Girder.png [flags: 12] ok (256x25)
Adding theme objects...
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot.png [flags: 7] ok (33x99)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_base.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw_base.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Corners.png [flags: 7] ok (2x8)
Loading /Themes/Desert/amGirder.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/amGirder.png [flags: 7] ok (480x480)
Loading /Graphics/hhMask.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/TurnsLeft.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (12x9)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (25x9)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechTail.png [flags: 7] ok (25x26)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (49x37)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (23x16)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtTail.png [flags: 7] ok (45x65)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (34x23)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (30x20)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutTail.png [flags: 7] ok (30x37)
Loading /Graphics/TargetBee.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Themes/Desert/Snow.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Snow.png [flags: 7] ok (3x3)
Loading /Graphics/botlevels.png [flags: 7] ok (22x15)
Loading /Graphics/icetexture.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Themes/Desert/amRubber.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/amRubber.png [flags: 7] ok (320x320)
Loading /Themes/Desert/custom1.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom1.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Desert/custom2.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom2.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Desert/custom3.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom3.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Desert/custom4.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom4.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Desert/custom5.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom5.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Desert/custom6.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom6.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Desert/custom7.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom7.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Desert/custom8.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom8.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Freeing progress textures...
Lua: Mine 1 has moved! Expected: (231, 1708). Actual: (231, 1709)
Lua: Mine 2 has moved! Expected: (290, 1708). Actual: (290, 1709)
Lua: Mine 3 has moved! Expected: (342, 1708). Actual: (342, 1709)
Lua: Mine 4 has moved! Expected: (261, 1708). Actual: (261, 1709)
Lua: Mine 5 has moved! Expected: (319, 1708). Actual: (319, 1709)
Lua: Mine 6 has moved! Expected: (403, 1706). Actual: (403, 1707)
Lua: Mine 7 has moved! Expected: (428, 1706). Actual: (428, 1707)
Lua: Mine 8 has moved! Expected: (461, 1706). Actual: (461, 1707)
Lua: Mine 9 has moved! Expected: (498, 1706). Lua test file specified: /home/build/mecurial/hedgewars/trunk/tests/lua/staticmines.lua
Actual: (498, 1707)
Lua: Mine 10 has moved! Expected: (518, 1706). Actual: (518, 1707)
Lua: Test failed. The mines managed to stand still for 562820 ticks.
Lua test finished, result: FAILED

Test time =   1.53 sec

User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
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When trying to run local builds I keep getting issues with hwengine trying to load graphics files (png) and says "Unsupported image format" but hwengine is clearly linked to libpng.

My full RPM package builds don't run into this problem for some reason.

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On a separate note, do you have a handy short version 51 demo?

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Could it be because hwengine is linking both to SDL and SDL2?

$ ldd bin/hwengine
        linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffea84ab000)
        liblua-5.1.so => /lib64/liblua-5.1.so (0x00007fcb88828000)
        libz.so.1 => /lib64/libz.so.1 (0x00007fcb88610000)
        libpng16.so.16 => /lib64/libpng16.so.16 (0x00007fcb883d8000)
        libSDL-1.2.so.0 => /lib64/libSDL-1.2.so.0 (0x00007fcb88138000)
        libphyslayer.so.1.0 => /lib64/libphyslayer.so.1.0 (0x00007fcb87f30000)
        libhwphysfs.so.1 => /home/richard/build/bin/libhwphysfs.so.1 (0x00007fcb87d08000)
        libSDL_net-1.2.so.0 => /lib64/libSDL_net-1.2.so.0 (0x00007fcb87b00000)
        libSDL_image-1.2.so.0 => /lib64/libSDL_image-1.2.so.0 (0x00007fcb878e0000)
        libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 => /lib64/libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 (0x00007fcb87690000)
        libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0 => /lib64/libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0 (0x00007fcb87488000)
        libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007fcb87268000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00007fcb87060000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007fcb86c88000)
        libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007fcb86970000)
        libSDL2-2.0.so.0 => /lib64/libSDL2-2.0.so.0 (0x00007fcb86668000)
        libjpeg.so.62 => /lib64/libjpeg.so.62 (0x00007fcb863f8000)
        libtiff.so.5 => /lib64/libtiff.so.5 (0x00007fcb86180000)
        libfreetype.so.6 => /lib64/libfreetype.so.6 (0x00007fcb85ed0000)
        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fcb88a58000)
        librt.so.1 => /lib64/librt.so.1 (0x00007fcb85cc8000)
        libjbig.so.2.1 => /lib64/libjbig.so.2.1 (0x00007fcb85ab8000)
        libbz2.so.1 => /lib64/libbz2.so.1 (0x00007fcb858a8000)

The nice thing about building package is that it's done in a chroot with just the dependencies it needs instead of having access to every devel package installed on my system, but it makes the bisecting much more difficult.

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nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Unsupported image format is due to physfs bug probably. That package has given us a lot of problems in past.
The one lua test not passing is not a problem. I'm not sure why a test that always fails was checked in. Need to ask the committer about that. It messed up the Debian builds for a while since they run all tests. Anyway, just need to run one test to check the graphics thing, not all of them.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Unsupported image format is due to physfs bug probably. That package has given us a lot of problems in past.
The one lua test not passing is not a problem. I'm not sure why a test that always fails was checked in. Need to ask the committer about that. It messed up the Debian builds for a while since they run all tests. Anyway, just need to run one test to check the graphics thing, not all of them.

Did you have any luck with removing libglvnd? You said you were going to test that..

I'll try building 4c4f22cc3fa4 and see if it errors over here. That was build against our physfs and in a clean profile right.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Could this be relevant?



nemo's picture
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Maybe! I mean... We don't do the render ops, but we do destroy of course.
That said, it's still only happening on your system... did you have any luck w/ testing without that libglvnd?

Also, yeah, SDL2 was definitely the major change this release and has been all kinds of fun in terms of regressions. If you suspect that's the problem, instead of bisecting, could simply try building 0.9.22 with SDL2 enabled, and seeing what crashes (or doesn't).

I don't know how I would go about testing this particular bug tho. There's no activity, the bug is still open, there's no detail on what triggers it..

Does his test program crash for you?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Well, the original report came from a user who tested my update in Fedora, and I've reproduced it with two computers using nvidia binary drivers and one with intel graphics.

Yeah, I'm thinking it's SDL2 related but it appears both Fedora 26 and 27 are using the current stable release (2.0.7).

What's still weird is that when I build 0.9.22 on my system (with both SDL and SDL2 development packages installed) that hwengine somehow get's a link to the SDL2 library but it's not anywhere in link.res but it's getting picked up somehow.

Haven't tried removing the libglvnd packages (there's several of them and I don't know if it will break my system), but I'm attempting to setup a chroot and use Xnest to see if I can simulate it.

I may just have to cheat and force in symlinks to get it to skip libglvnd...

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So, in 0.9.22 hedgewars/CMakeLists.txt the engine would run:

Could short-circuit that to force 2 and see what happens maybe.

And just to be clear, when I was referring to lack of activity, I meant:

The bug you linked me to - no idea where I'd go from there on that apart from usual debug technique we've been trying so far of isolating variables.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
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Yeah, I updated hedgewars/CMakeLists.txt based on 0.9.33 and got to compiling and then I ran into:

/builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/hedgewars/CMakeFiles/hwengine.dir/uStore.o: In function `USTORE_$$_CHFULLSCR$SHORTSTRING':
uStore.pas:(.text.n_ustore_$$_chfullscr$shortstring+0x130): undefined reference to `SDL_WM_SetIcon'
An error occurred while linking /builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/bin/hwengine
make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.22'
make[2]: *** [hedgewars/CMakeFiles/hwengine.dir/build.make:160: bin/hwengine] Error 1


/builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/QTfrontend/ui/widget/about.cpp: In constructor 'About::About(QWidget*)':
/builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/QTfrontend/ui/widget/about.cpp:104:34: error: 'SDL_Linked_Version' was not declared in this scope
const SDL_version *sdl_ver = SDL_Linked_Version();
/builddir/build/BUILD/hedgewars-src-0.9.22/QTfrontend/ui/widget/about.cpp:104:34: note: suggested alternative: 'Mix_Linked_Version'
const SDL_version *sdl_ver = SDL_Linked_Version();
make[2]: *** [QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/build.make:1917: QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/ui/widget/about.cpp.o] Error 1

Lyberta's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

could simply try building 0.9.22 with SDL2 enabled

It doesn't build. I already tried that.

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Outside of you setting up a test Fedora system, is there anything else I can do on the gdb / stack trace / valgrind front?

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I opened an issue with libglvnd just to see what they thought...


nemo's picture
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hrm. that seticon thing seems familiar. I think someone else ran into that to. just bitrot in the little-used (at the time) SDL2 code. That line can be removed tho. It's not important.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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I added some console output to see if it could tell me anything interesting but I'm not sure if it's doing any good....

Freeing resources...
Closing SDL...
Freeing textures...
Textures freed...
IO freed...
Land freed...
Painted Land freed...

It's saying textures are freed but the error seems to indicate it's missing one, right?

Lyberta's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

hrm. that seticon thing seems familiar. I think someone else ran into that to. just bitrot in the little-used (at the time) SDL2 code. That line can be removed tho. It's not important.

But then you get other errors related to symbols that were removed in SDL2. I tried that. 0.9.22 uses enough SDL1 only stuff to make it very hard to build with SDL2.

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The texture free is definitely very weird since I don't experience that myself... I put that list in a while ago when we were doing the iphone port, just to catch cleanup fails, and we haven't had any in a long time.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 4 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
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Looks like a bug in fpc 3.0.2 but I don't know why it only seems to be cropping up in Fedora...



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Windows 10

0.9.23 - The game engine died unexpectedly! (exit code 217)


0: [Con] Hedgewars engine 0.9.23-r12836 (8610462e3d33) with protocol #53
0: Prefix: "D:/Games/Hedgewars/Data"
0: UserPrefix: "C:/Users/Gnome/Documents/Hedgewars"
0: 0: D:\Games\Hedgewars\hwengine.exe
0: 1: --internal
0: 2: --port
0: 3: 11677
0: 4: --prefix
0: 5: D:/Games/Hedgewars/Data
0: 6: --user-prefix
0: 7: C:/Users/Gnome/Documents/Hedgewars
0: 8: --locale
0: 9: ru.txt
0: 10: --frame-interval
0: 11: 8
0: 12: --volume
0: 13: 128
0: 14: --fullscreen-width
0: 15: 1680
0: 16: --fullscreen-height
0: 17: 1050
0: 18: --width
0: 19: 800
0: 20: --height
0: 21: 600
0: 22: --raw-quality
0: 23: 3070
0: 24: --stereo
0: 25: 0
0: 26: --nick
0: 27: 0JPQvtGB0YLRjDc1MDM=
0: [Con] Init SDL...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Init SDL_ttf...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Cmd] fullscr 0
0: Preparing to change video parameters...
0: [Con] Init SDL_image...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/hwengine.png [flags: 8]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: Setting up OpenGL (using driver: windows)
0: OpenGL-- Renderer: GeForce GTX 570/PCIe/SSE2
0: |----- Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
0: |----- Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 391.01
0: |----- Texture Size: 16384
0: |----- Number of auxiliary buffers: 4
0: \----- Extensions:
0: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance
0: GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object
0: GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float
0: GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_t
0: [Con] Number of game controllers: 2
0: [Con] Using game controller:
0: [Con] * Number of axes: 6
0: [Con] * Number of hats: 1
0: [Con] * Number of buttons: 11

Please help!

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