Queue error in network play (0.9.7)

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey guys!


There's my debug file. Every single time we try a network game in hedgewars, we end up getting a queue error, and one or all of us quits the game automatically. This is playing with the official server, or private server. I'm using the 64-bit version in Ubuntu 8.10 and my friends are using 32-bit Ubuntu, both from the Debian repositories because it's more up to date.

We haven't been able to finish a network game yet, and it happens consistantly in different maps. The Cheese map freezes every single time one of my friends' turn starts. Or, some games go for a couple minutes, but it happens the same way every time.

Since the 1.0 isn't even released yet, I'm not surprised there are still kinks to work out. Is there anything we can do to reduce errors, or just sit tight and wait? Smile

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You may try to use unmodified weapon sets, unmodified sources, and not to blow up bonus boxes. All known causes of 'queue error' will be fixed in 0.9.8

User offline. Last seen 15 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks, I'll try that! Fantastic game! Smile

User offline. Last seen 12 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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i often get this error too, my version is 0.9.11

one of these errors is:

Last two engine messages:
Riktor: =[
oops, queue error, in buffer: N (20410 > 20406)

I am using Linux, kernel is, has qt4-4.5.1-9 installed, what other information should I collect?

Is this file necessary ? ~/.hedgewars/debug0.txt
I paste its content here:

User offline. Last seen 12 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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I always have problem on windows too when i play over internet, the debug0.txt file is here:

i like this game, but now play with robot only, sigh~

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yanqian, are you playing with chinese locale? Could you please retest using english locale to see if problem still exists?

User offline. Last seen 7 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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I see now that I've made a new thread when there already is one about this issue. (I had missed the search function altogether for some reason. Has it always been there?) If someone could move the post I made ( http://www.hedgewars.org/node/1615 ) to this thread I'd appreciate it.

I can also add that I experienced the same issue with another friend yesterday. His game crashed as soon as the match would begin, when AI was included. He's using the Windows 7 RC x64. So it seems to be related to x64 systems(?) As previously stated, all works well without bots.

Since unC0Rr asks about the locale settings in this thread, I'll add that I'm using English (USA) as my system language and Great Britain as locale. The ones experiencing the crash (joining my games) are — as far as I know — using Swedish locale and language settings.

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