Problems playing in 4k (3840x2160)

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Firts is so hard to see all in 4k all things are ultra tiny and when i goes to down resolution in fullscreen only work 640x480 but this broken my desktop resolution.
Any suggestion.


nemo's picture
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Yeah, regrettably no one has a 4K monitor to design a different layout and set of scalings for. This has come up quite a few times over the years, and the 4K monitor solution (or lack of one) amongst those volunteering to help on the engine has not changed.
If you can work on some patches for yours that would help a lot, otherwise we'd just be doing it blind which isn't very effective.

Or buy someone one ☺

Some composited desktop environments can 2x scale up any window though maybe try playing windowed and look for that option?

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Wuzzy's picture
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The fact that you can only select one resolution is worrying, apart from the 4K problems. This shouldn't be the case.

Yes, Hedgewars doesn't scale well with giant resolutions. One possible solution (for Hedgewars) is to add an option to scale each pixel by a factor X.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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Question about the 640x480 only. If you set a specific window size, then hit F12 - does that work?

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks memo and Wuzzy to reply me,
1 - I cant made a patche for now, I a bit bad with programming but maybe someday i will see you wiki to try this.
2 - I try x2 scale and its a option to play a bit, i will try more.
3 - When i hit F12 after this i had the same problem with my desktop

For now i think that my best option is using scaling x2 tool

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User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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The 640x480 thing is super weird for sure.
I'm not sure what is triggering that.
Maybe an OpenGL bug in your graphics driver.
Could you share more details as to your system, and possible a game log (game log has some graphics info in it)

With 2x scaling obviously 1920x1080 would be ideal and there's no reason we shouldn't be able to ask for a surface of that size unless something is seriously buggy with your OS/card/driver/SDL interaction.

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