[Campaign] Deathmatch

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h3oCharles's picture
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Worms Armageddon/World Party's Deathmatch (almost) entirely recreated in Hedgewars

The campaign consists of 21 battles that get increasingly more difficult, all occurring on randomly generated medium-sized maps with medium complexity, with the default scheme and weapons

some things that i might need help with:
- quitting to count as a loss
- a team weapon...?
- add a stat for how many times sudden death was triggered maybe <-- onSuddenDeath() exists, ik what to do
- general polishing


oh hi

Wuzzy's picture
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This is cool, but definitely cannot be used in mainline Hedgewars. If we want a mode like this, it's probably better to add it as a proper game mode.

However, I'm personally not a huge fan of the rank-based system to be honest, but that's not your fault. Big Grin But still, having some kind of built-in singleplayer deathmatch mode in Hedgewars would be cool. I actually wanted to do a major singleplayer overhaul but I'm just too distraced with other non-Hedgewars related projects right now. :/

The Kill/Death ratio is broken. If you have 0 deaths, it's a division by zero. Frankly, I would just remove the kill/death stats because it doesn't neccessarily reflect skill like in classic FPS games. In some situations, sacrificing your own hedgehog is actually a good idea.

As for quitting to count as a loss, I'm afraid this may not be cleanly possible with the current Lua API, as there is no event function that triggers when the player quits. This is another reason why proper main menu integration is better.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

h3oCharles's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
The Kill/Death ratio is broken. If you have 0 deaths, it's a division by zero.

could've sworn i've already fixed that. already working on an update, hopefully it should be fixed by then

oh hi

h3oCharles's picture
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oh, and...

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
I actually wanted to do a major singleplayer overhaul

consider me and mikade interested, im working on one more scenario, and drafting some game mechanics for a portal-esque puzzle campaign

mikade is starting to dig out some old stuff he has made in the past that piqued my interest

oh hi

sphrix's picture
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portal-esque puzzle campaign

please, make this really work : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGOMHp2pYkI&ab_channel=sphrix

i dont play anymore, since a lot of years now, but would be cool to see !

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

h3oCharles's picture
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v2 update Big Grin
Download v2

- added mission thumbnails
- added mission descriptions
- added 2 enemy teams per request of Shadow The Worm (they are not used in any battles for now) being Team Desert Storm and Team Surreal
- Team Monsters replaced with Team Forecast <-- too many overlaps with existing teams
- Team Fruit replaced with Team Fruits & Dishes
- minor team customization changes
- added the "_qau" suffix to soundbanks (which makes soundbanks pick the chosen language)
- added Sudden Deaths to statistics
- added win rate to statistics
- added Shared Ammo indication in the main event text
- compressed the in-game statistics board
- added a todo list in case anyone other than me wants to expand on this
- minor fixes/changes

forgot to mention license - CC BY 3.0, you can credit me as "TheMadCharles" or "h3oCharles" or "Charles Hydronium"

credit for teams:
- Gangsters, The Devs, Color Squad, Monsters, Fruit, Desert Storm are yoinked from HedgeEditor with slight changes (mainly forts and flags)
- Team Fruit & Dishes is partily Fruit from HedgeEditor, some names from the random names list, and partily ChatGPT helping me find correct adjectives (the team itself is a subtle reference to "BLUES N REDS" from Worms World Party)
- Team Desert Storm is yoinked from HedgeEditor (the hat order), which is a random team template, but i changed all hog names to NATO alphabet
- Team Surreal is heavily inspired from one of the random team templates, with bunch of names from the random names list


i might have an idea on how to decheese quitting battles, but it might require more brain power than i thought this project would need lol


sphrix allegedly wrote:
please, make this really work

might be something worth looking into

edit test

oh hi

h3oCharles's picture
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weird things are happening with post edits, so double post it is

some of the things i still would like to make here (in no particular order):
- more statistics (peak rank, damage, damage per turn, crates collected, self-damage)
- for some reason i dont have a yellow border on my thumbnails (there's nothing in KB explaining this)
- im gonna need a crash course for using the Locale library
- maybe add a way to automatically generate a custom battle spread? considering i have the two additional teams

oh hi

h3oCharles's picture
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So apparently by having a campaigns_en.txt file in a HWP, it overrides the default one, therefore all other campaigns lose descriptions... is there any clean way to do this properly?

oh hi

h3oCharles's picture
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also gonna drop this here just in case I lose it

HW DM v3
- fix show mission and stat lines to use locale lib
- fix mission descriptions (just shoehorn the default campaign names and descs for now)
- odd amount of losses loses rank, actually
- decheese quitting battles
- mask for mission thumbnails (and apply it to the current graphics)
- separate all assets for thumbnail creation (bg, hogs, hats, flags, flag borders)
- more statistics (peak rank, damage, damage per turn, crates collected, self-damage)

custom battle spread
- figure out a way how WA battles can be measured in difficulty
- make a custom battle spread (with given knowledge)

- i give a CSV file
- run a python script
- battle luas (and a lua with an array of diffspread names) get generated
- campaign.ini gets generated
- battle thumbnails get generated
- makeshift mission descriptions file
- all of that turns into a HWP file in the end (or a zip, or a folder that can be zipped)

oh hi

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