[Theme] Beach
Sun, 2011-01-02 04:19
I made this theme. I hope you like it. I also included a music file, but its not very "musical".
Here are the files:
Theme (v5) - Beach-v5.zip
Music - BeachMusic.ogg
Here are the screenshots:
Nice so far, could have a little more objects in the landtex, maybe a Hammock as girder and some folding chairs.
please add your xfire accountname here:
You can merge it with my beach theme: http://tilegame.bplaced.net/HWThemeEditor at the bottom of the page.
The link doesn't work but I found your page. Cool Editor by the way, very well done. To be perfect could you make the selection of the areas with the mouse?
This my version 2
-Colors of umbrella closer to ball
-Added starfish (tkx to mrboese) and castle
-Added cigarette
For the next version:
-I need ideas for the flakes
-I need ideas for new sprays
-I'm going to improve the clouds (maybe change a cloud to a kite)
-Thinking about removing starfish and cigarette as they separate a bit from the other objects, maybe change starfish to a spray
Theme - http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/6/26/2490332/HWBeachTheme/Beach-v2.zip
OK. Just download version 1.4, I finished some minutes ago and you can set the rectangles by selecting one in the list and dragging the mouse on the image.
Like mine: A pink starfish and a sponge (a squid, a crab and a squirrel still remains ... - but plankton is too small)
You need a sky and a horizont, too (My horizont is not too good, but my sky is a bit better), because it still looks very empty and unfinished.
The borders and land textures are looking to clear, a little bit like stone (sandstone). I used the sand of desert and changed the color a little bit.
PS: the other land object in by beach version is a sea urchin.
Hi. First of all:
You are a genius!
Second, the link you provided wasn't working, this works:
Third, here is my version 3:
-Added Kite
-Changed Starfish to spry
-Added Algae Objects
-Added Algae Sprays
-Added a small Dune
-Removed Cigarette
-Improved Castle (Corrected some transparencies)
I kinda like the simple sky and land. Artistically I would rather keep it his way, but if needed I would of course adjust it to fit the HW standards.
Theme - http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/6/26/2490332/HWBeachTheme/Beach-v3.zip
PS. My text to confirm that I am a human had the greek letter "pi"!!! WTH? Do your keyboards have this letter???
Hi all!!!
Could somebody give me some feedback? Admins, Devs? Is this good enough for the next release?
Here is Version 4
-Flipped Castle to make light come from the right as in the other objects and corrected dome minor transparency defects
-Tweaked the border to give it a more "organic" touch
-Upgraded the girder (I think it looks really cool now)
Theme - http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/6/26/2490332/HWBeachTheme/Beach-v4.zip
I tested this theme. It's good, but music is too quiet for me. Maybe you should make it a bit louder.
My themes / Theme Editor / Code contributions /
First of all thank you for giving me feedback. I made the music a bit louder.
Here is the link (the first page link is also updated)
Hi there
First of all... nice theme, but there are some things I noticed and that you may wish to change (at least the ones that aren't just my opinion) if you want your theme to be considered for inclusion in future releases:
Well, that's about it ;D
I hope it doesn't seem rude that I wrote that long list of suggestions :P
I appreciate your work, the idea and the effort put in this theme and I hope you also appreciate the time and effort I put in reviewing it
Disclaimer: I'm not one of the team's artists or art directors so I can't guarantee you that your theme will make it into the release if you fix some or all of the points above.
Maybe that was just some T overlapping I/l.
Those captchas are annoying anyway, we turned them off again, for now (except for registration). Let's hope we don't get spammed and can keep it that way xD
sheepluva <- me
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a Hedgewars Developer
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Not at all. I REALLY thank you for having taken the time to do a very thorough analysis and comment instead of saying something like: "do it a bit better". So for that reason I give you my full "Thank You"
I drew most of them. I did NOT drew the starfish and the plane, so following your suggestions I will remove them.
Although I'm not sure you tested the latest version of the theme because the starfish is now a spray object and I corrected the lighting in the castle. On the other hand I have a lot of Images on the zip that I don't use (because they aren't called by the .cfg
I agree with thin line and outline, will change those. I thought about shaders but I honestly didn't knew what type of volume to give to a kite :P
LoL, ok. I'll reduce the ball to 50% and umbrella to 40%. The umbrella was my first object so maybe that's why it looks simplistic. I guess I'll try to do it a bit better.
Cool idea. I'll try to make it work. If I fail I'll just remove it as you suggested.
Yes they are disabled because I couldn't think of anything to use as flakes. Your idea is great! I just have to be careful not to exaggerate so it doesn't look like an air-strike of birds.
I'll change these
Thank you very much for your feedback I'll try to work on this as soon as possible, but I honestly don't have a lot of time now. Maybe on the weekend. If anyone thinks they could do any of these changes easily and well I'd gladly accept it
Lol, Maybe.
An intermediate solution is to ask at login an then randomly like each 5 to 15 posts
First of all:
From what I've seen our CMS only supports "not at all", "on register", "every time" and "one time"
Maybe I'll try "one time" later. Since I disabled captcha I had to delete 5 spam posts btw xD
Well, I had the latest version, but also looked at the files and the screenshots. I did notice that you fixed the lightning of the castle after a bit so was about to remove my lightning remark.
Then I saw that the light on the Starfish seemed to come from another direction, so I decided to let my lighting remark survive XD
sheepluva <- me
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a Hedgewars Developer
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Here is what I belive will be the last and final version of this theme
hope it's good enough
I looked at your theme again and got it working in dev/.16
There were two problems:
Here is the list of beach theme commits to the official repository.
What else I'd like to see:
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
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Oh and:
I haven't committed the music yet - because we haven't discussed who made it and what license it is under yet.
it would be nice if you could supply the .svg or whatever sources you have for the pics
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
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Hi sheepluva!
I don't quite understand what is "the official repository".
Could you please explain to me what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to add a new version of the theme like I've been doing? or should I use this "repository" from now on?
About the animated flakes I actually tried it but it looked a bit weird, maybe I'll give it another shot with more frames.
what should I do to make them prettier?
Finally, where do you want me to send my sources?
Hi Miguelac!
Oh sorry, my bad. It means that it is now where the code and data for development of the next version is stored and it will be part of the next release/version of hedgewars (if not removed or hidden until then)
Well, it would make sense if you could work based on the data in the repository (because I changed/fixed some of the stuff:
I noticed you used that theme tool somebody made, right?
For now you could download the 2 modified .png images linked above and work on top of that.
Just not the theme.cfg file since the new format will probably not work with that theme tool and hedgewars 0.9.15.
Well, the water steam like clouds don't really fit into the game at all in my opinion.
And well, the umbrella shading is different, but still odd, because you shaded it like the different colored parts would have each their own shape, rather than the whole umbrella having one round shape.
I'll see if I can find an example on the web to demonstrate what I'd like to see.
just zip them like you did with the theme itself please and share them in the same way if that's ok with you
What operating system are you on (e.g. which windows)?
If you have a linux or maybe even mac available let me know, then we should be able to make this easier a lot.
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
Here are the files. I'm sorry but I don't have any more.
[EDIT] I'm using Windows Vista
Still working on this? I hope so, because someone will have to tidy it up now it's in the repo.
I can't say the land objects are terrific, though the beach ball is pretty good. The Landtex is just yellow noise, needs a lot of work. Similarly, the background is too simple, and the boats really don't look that great. I have to be honest, this looks like the sort of theme that would go into 0.8.0, not 0.9.16.
However... there's something I like about the theme. Can't quite pinpoint it. Maybe the vibrant colours? It has a nice warm, relaxed feel to it. I don't know about the music you've picked, I haven't listened to it. But this track is quite nice and under a good license.
So yeah... keep working on it. Take a look at the themes that are in already, try and emulate those. Because this theme has potential.
Following inclusion in the repo, I attempted to do some basic fixes.
* Pixelated quality of land - tried to mock up w/ a basic dune feel
* Flat and unbelievable transition to distant water that did not shift with wave perspective - after some fiddling, just gave up and used a white gradient
* Flat beach umbrella and ball - tried adding a bit of shadowing
* Removed copyright violation from spray objects
* Spray objects were a bit scribbly looking - tried using some objects from the underwater theme and open clipart
After this, Tiy felt the theme still had stylistic problems.
These included:
* fuzzy clouds not in hedgewars style
* the various objects still lacking depth (either by proper shading or angling the object - see other themes)
* my replacement seaweed had too much detail due to scaling down a small object
* obviously my land texture was still not in hedgewars style
Based on his objection to the core aspects of the theme (land texture/border, objects, clouds) I've disabled Beach from install.
In addition, Chunk.png also had the copyright violation. I removed that file.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Hi all!
I'm really sorry I haven't been able to work on this as I used to. I hope you don't take it the wrong way when I say that your observations, as correct as they are, are a bit out of my league artistically speaking.
On the claymore suggestion for the music, although it's quite different from mine, It seems also very appropriate for the game. I leave this decision for the devs.
About nemo's post, first I'm sorry for the copyright violation on the shell. About the land, this is actually a subject already discussed in this post. I really like an "ultra-simplistic" land texture so this is why I kept it this way, but of course you are the bosses so I'll humbly accept all your suggestions.
Anyway, as claymore so nicely perceived, I was going for a simple and relaxed theme. Since I'm quite limited in terms of art creation I would like to pass the torch to someone who could make this HW worthy.
Seeing my theme come this far is already a great honor and I really hope all the work I had in getting it here and all the work from the reviewers that made this theme better and better (especially sheepluva) won't go to waste.
Thank you for all your support, I'll still work on this whenever I can but it has became really hard since I started working, so I hope someone will take the wheel on this boat and lead it to good shore.
PS: I'm sorry for my English as it's not my native language
Hey, I can't download this theme. D: Help. I got error 466 that i can't access this page.
Use Downloadable content from inside the Hedgewars
Have a melon.
Does it includes version 5 and music?